Tourist - expeditional club "Pioneer - Ayan"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. Collecting material about flora and fauna of the park «Putoransky» and its territory.
  2. Scientific observations, description of the local landscape
  3. Develop sport skills and categories in skiing tourism

Programme of the club:

  • traveling around your native region; preparation of the tourist equipment;
  • lessons at «surviving school at extreme conditions in the Far North»;
  • visiting museums, ecological exhibitions; watching ecological video;
  • studying travel reports; writing scientific works;
  • collecting material to class talks.

Tourist – expeditional club


Sergei Nikolayevich Lineitsev, a famous Russian ecologist said: «Unknown, undiscovered countries are much nearer, than we think in our childhood. Countries, that aren’t explored and studied, mysterious and strange for all of us. Though «each of us could discover this unfamiliar world for himself, going not so far from the place of living», - these words have become a basis of the whole work Tourist – expeditional club «Pioneer-Ayan».

In fact, in spite of severe climate and extreme conditions, we live in surprisingly beautiful, inimitable place in its way. Taimyr is unique in many ways. From the very first meeting, especially with the region of plateau Putorany, it strikes human’s imagination by its size, fascinate with its unusual beauty: high mountains and hills, narrow canyons, fathomless long lakes, resembling fiords. Here at every rock step you hear relaxing sounds of waterfalls. Rich flora and fauna rejoice your eyes.

Living in towns and cities, people lose links with nature. Vandal treatment to it makes our ecology and habitat worse from year to year. But each of us has got love to nature given to us by genes from the ancestors, as we are also the part of this nature.

Trips, expeditions, tours, excursions help us in some way to restore this lost touch. Where, if not in a long lasting excursion, you can get the idea of the flora and fauna of your native place, of the ecological situation of the place you travel to, you can get in touch with wild life, realize its importance and understand necessity to keep this wonderful but fragile corner of the world.

It’s known that learning the world begins with the learning of your motherland, your native place, that’s why we’ve chosen local lore as one of the directions in our work and in this case it is also the way to educate patriotism of the children learning in our tourist club «Pioneer-Ayan».

Tourist – expeditional club «Pioneer-Ayan» has existed for 14 years already. Since 2004 it was officially registered as «Autonomous Non-commercial organization «Tourist – expeditional club «Pioneer-Ayan».

The club was first founded in 1996 at school № 42» aiming to work with с deviant pupils. Beginning with 2001 the club stuff is at school № 20. One of the most important goals of the club work is not only difficult children’s useful occupation at free time but also joining them to the research work.

Programme of the club:

  • traveling around your native region; preparation of the tourist equipment;
  • lessons at «surviving school at extreme conditions in the Far North»;
  • visiting museums, ecological exhibitions; watching ecological video;
  • studying travel reports; writing scientific works;
  • collecting material to class talks;
  • Etc.

During 14 years boys and girls from the club took part in excursions from the 1st to the 4th level of category of complicity. Many routes to the region of в plateau Putorany (lakes: Lama Ayan, Glubokoe, Sobachie, Melkoye, Gudke, Pelyazhie; rivers: Mikchangda, Big Honna-Makit, Bucharma, Hoisy, Hihikal, Horonen, Kuranah and many others).

Since 2002 we’ve made 7 local ecological expeditions to the national park «Putoransky» and its buffer zone. The experience of such expeditions gave both positive results in educating pupils and students and teaching them and their leaders scientific – research work. For example, results of the expeditions to the lake Ayan in April – May of 2004, to the lake Lama in May, 2007, along the river Mikchangda in April – May of 2010 are:

  1. Detailed report of the members of the expeditions arouse great interest among schoolchildren and their teachers. In the reports there were included scientific observations, description of the local landscape, quotations about everyday life from the travelers’ diaries.
  2. Technical descriptions of the routes, giving chance to other tourists to follow them.
  3. Collection of material about flora and fauna of the park «Putoransky» and its territory, which became the basis to writing scientific research works to many pupils of secondary schools and the leader of the expedition Khvostova Tatyana Petrovna won a lot of prizes and certificates for her work.
  4. Stocking of school museum funds with new exhibits: samples of lichens, collected on the territory of «Putoransky» reservation, photos and scientific materials.
  5. Improvement of sport class of the members.
  6. Involving into scientific – research work, discovering children’s talents.

Knowledge and skills, which we acquired during last expeditions, would be useful for future work in our club and following expeditions.

For example, in April-May this year the next expedition is planned, during which we are going to study nowadays ecological situation in our region:

  • ecological situation of lakes and rivers.

We are going to:

  • define ecological situation through water analyses, visual observation, measurements of radiation in the territory;
  • define water reserve of rivers and lakes of the route;
  • define the number of animals according the scale;
  • define regional connection with the history of Norilsk through studying buildings and settlements on the route (eg.: deserted settlement Imangda Rudnaya: history, condition);
  • monitor «influence of extreme conditions on psycho and relationship among members of the expedition» (questionnaires and tests during the expedition);
  • prepare materials for writing scientific works on Biology, Geography,Nature Study, Psychology, Ecology, Tourism and take part at contests and competitions.);
  • develop sport skills and categories in skiing tourism.