Урок английского языка по теме "What makes people famous?". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Тип урока: обучающий

Цель урока: учить применять навыки выделения главной мысли для создания устного высказывания.


  • Учить находить тему каждого абзаца текста
  • Учить подбирать ключевые слова к теме и по ним выделять главную мысль
  • Учить умению подбирать информацию и факты подтверждающие главную мысль абзаца
  • Учить построению ментальной карты по тексту
  • Отрабатывать навык самостоятельной работы с текстом для последующего создания устного высказывания (краткого пересказа)
Этап Задачи Содержание Деятельность учителя и ученика Ожидаемый результат
1. Постановка целей и задач урока
















2. Актуализация ранее усвоенного материала



























3. Обучение выделению ключевых слов и составление ментальных карт по тексту









































4. Нахождение причинно-следственных связей




































5. Подведение итогов урока

Подготовить учащихся к усвоению нового материала - биография А.Нобеля















Проверить ранее усвоенный материал, подготовить к усвоению нового текста-биографии


























Научить выделять ключевые слова в тексте и составлять карты памяти









































Совершенствовать работу по нахождению причинно-следственных связей

T: Today we are going continue our talk about people who changed the world. That is the topic of unit 13.we will try to find out how people become famous. Before we read the article "From Dynamite To Peace "look at the pictures and give one or two words to describe each of them

Dove of peace

Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize hall , Stockholm


T;What do all these picture have in common?

S-- (they are connected with the name of Alfred Nobel)

(picture of Nobel)

T:So,we are going to read about this outstanding person.






T:We have already discussed biographies of some famous travelers, singers, sportsmen, writers. What main periods of persons life can we point out?

S: - childhood

- youth

- adulthood

T:When we ask someone about his childhood what do we want to know?


- where he was born

- when he was born

- who and what his parents were

T:When we ask someone about his childhood what do we want to know?


-where he was born

- when he was born

-who and what his parents were

T:What do we wonder speaking about someone's youth?

-where( he studied)

-how(he studied)

-what(were his interests and hobbies)

-who(were his friends)

-T:When we describe someone's adulthood ,what are we interested in?

-what (was his career)

-what(were his important experiences)

-what (were his greatest achievements)

-who(influenced his character and life)

-where(he died)


T:On the screen you can see a box of words


Read two first paragraphs about Alfred Nobel's childhood and choose the key words to answer the chat questions

- when

- where

- who/what



T:What about the rest of the words? Do we need them to describe Alfred's childhood?

They are details. Choose details and fill in the chat

(October,21, successful, bridges, buildings)


T: You will read the rest parts of the text about Nobel's youth and adulthood .Using the tables find the key words and details and fill in the tables.

T: You will read the rest parts of the text about Nobel's youth and adulthood .Using the tables find the key words and details and fill in the tables.

Please split into 2 groups



(How)good at chemistry/physics

knew English,German,Russian

(what)hobbies and interests-literature

(who friends)Italian scientist-inventor of nitroglicerine


(what)Career --- Scientist / Inventor / businessman ----successful

(who)influenced ---- Bertha ---a member of peace movement


(what)other interests --(Concerned ) social issues and world peace

---literature---plays and poems

(why)famous ---dynamite

---the Nobel Prize

T:So, what made Nobel famous ?----(the invention of dynamite)

Why do we remember him?---(he established the Nobel Prize)

(слайд) famous----the invention of dynamite

---the establishing of Nobel Prize

T:- Do you think the establishing of the Nobel Prize was a good deed? (it surely was)

-As for the dynamite, do you find this invention beneficial to the mankind?

-Is dynamite good or evil?

Dynamite good



-How are these Nobel's greatest achievements connected?

To find it out let's match causes and effects and make a chat to show the links.

Match causes and effects using "because"

dynamite was useful invention

Nobel became rich

Dynamite was a dangerous invention

Nobel established the Nobel Prize

Nobel established the prize in Peace

Nobel established the prize in literature

a)he was rich

b)he had been interested in literature since his youth

c)his friend Bertha inspired his concern about peace and social issues

d)he was an outstanding scientist and inventor

e)he used dynamite in building bridges and making tunnels

f)it can be used in wars to kill people and destroy buildings

T: Now use the cards to make a chart showing the links

-Invention of dynamite

-Used in building bridges

and making tunnels

-Used to aid wars ,

kill people ,

destroy buildings

-became rich and successful

-was an outstanding scientist and inventor

-was interested in literature

-showed concern about

peace and social issues

-established the Nobel Prize

T: Now, look at the chart and try to summarize and express the main idea of the text in maximum 30 words


Nobel used his invention of dynamite in building and became rich. He was also interested in literature and peace work ,so he left his money to establish the Nobel Prize and award outstanding people in science, literature and peace work.


2.Alfred Nobel became rich because of the dynamite ,but due to his interest in peace science and literature he used his money to establish the Nobel Prize.)

T: Why do people study biographies of famous people?

S:because their life experience can teach us some important things

T:What lesson can we learn from Nobel's life?

S:Inventions like dynamite can be good or evil. It depends on how people use them

Учитель готовит учащихся к восприятию нового материала на базе знакомой лексики, показывает картинки на доске и выясняет у учеников общее понятие

Ученики смотрят на слайды .дают названия картинкам и выделяют общее - имя А.Нобеля











В беседе с учащимися учитель выясняет этапы изучения биографий(на базе предыдущих уроков)


Работа со слайдами


Составление ментальной карты






















Ученики называют и записывают слова








Ученики делятся на мини-группы для составления ментальных карт




















Ученики представляют STORY MAP(mental card)












Ученики работают в группах,выявляя причины и следствия (работа с карточками)




























Учитель -группа



Каждая группа представляет составленный рассказ по ментальной карте с опорой на причинно-следственные связи

Учащиеся вспоминают лексику и пытаются найти общие черты в словах (картинках) - Альфред Нобель















Ученики вспоминают этапы биографии знаменитых людей



























Ученики должны найти в тексте слова, отвечающие на вопросы задания (детали)






Учащиеся должны в группах составить ментальные карты по ключевым словам
























Ученики должны сделать вывод о двоякости изобретения динамита:добро и зло







Ученики должны установить причинно-следственные связи
































Используя полученные предложения и ментальные карты ученики представляют составленные рассказы