Обучение чтению в 1-м классе. Урок по теме "Describing people. I have…"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


В современном образовании предмет английский язык занимает одну из ведущих ролей, так как он напрямую связан со всеми сферами жизни человека. Требования к уровню владения языком очень велики в современном обществе. Часто педагог встречает большие сложности, связанные с обучением языку на заданном уровне. Эти сложности особенно велики при обучении языку в начальной школе. Одной из первых перед педагогом встают проблема обучения чтению на английском языке на начальном этапе. На своих уроках я последовательно работаю по следующей схеме: звук-буква-сочетание букв – слово – фраза – предложение – текст. Принцип чтения на английском языке отличается от чтения на русском языке (вместо послогового чтения мы обучаем методом чтения целых слов). Основной задачей педагога является сделать так, чтобы слово воспринималось как единая неделимая единица. Предлагаю сценарий урока по обучению чтению в 1 классе.

Language: I have……. and….. My name is……. I am ….(age).
New words:
hair, eyes, blonde
Revision: colours .



  • обучение чтению заданных слов и фраз;
  • освоение новой лексики;
  • повторение букв и звуков английского языка;
  • активизация ранее изученной лексики;
  • обучение аудированию;
  • обучение письму по заданному образцу;


  • развитие внимания в говорении и слушании учителя и одноклассников;
  • развитие памяти в чтении;


  • воспитание рефлексии;
  • воспитание толерантности друг к другу.

Ход урока

1. Phonetic exercises (сказка про Mr Tongue) – 2 minutes

Teacher: Mr Tongue lives in his little house. In the morning he opens the windows and the wind blows [w], his dog gets up [r]. Then Mr Tongue goes for a walk. He meets the elephant. The elephant has running nose. He says [ŋ]. After that he meets the hedgehog that goes [f-v] and a woodpecker [t-d].Finally he sees a bee. The bee has a long tongue, so it goes [?-θ].

The children pronounce all the sounds after the teacher.

Teacher: now you remember all the sounds. It’s high time to refresh the letters of the English alphabet.

2. Revision of letters and sounds:

1) Naming the letters (the teacher shows the cards with letters, the children name the letter and the sounds). – 3 minutes

Teacher: I’ll show you the letters. You have to name the letter and sound the letter.

Pupils name the sounds.

2) Game with a ball [3] (the teacher throws the ball and names the sounds, the children catch the ball and name the letters or words with the sounds) – 3 minutes

3) Work with magnetic alphabet (the teacher stick the pictures on the board and the magnetic letters, the children come to the board, choose the right letter and stick on the picture; pupils should choose the first letter of the word shown on the picture) – 4 minutes

Pupils gain points for these tasks.

3. Work with letter combinations.

Teacher: Now you remember all the letters and all the sounds of the English alphabet. You know that some letters make friends with each other and they change the sounds. Let’s watch funny video about these letters. You have to watch, say and remember them properly.[2]

1) Watching video – double phonics (children watch the video and repeat the sounds and the words) – 5 minutes

Teacher: Now you are ready to read the words.

4. Work with words (введение новых слов) [1]:

blonde, hair, eyes, kite

1) The teacher reads the words then the children read the words all together next the children read and spell the words one by one. – 3 minutes

2) The children play the game “What is missing?” with new words.

Teacher sticks the words on the board and asks the children to remember the word. The children close their eyes. The teacher takes one word and hides it. The children have to guess the word.

3) Make the words from the mixed letters (intellectual task). – 3 minutes

Teacher: Now you are going to make writing intellectual tasks with new words.

Level B

Find and circle the word in each line. Write the word next to the line.

Level C

Solve anagrams. Write the words on the lines.


Level B

Match the beginning and the end of the words.


Levels A, B

Fill in the missing letters

bl….nde h…ir ….ye k…te

5. Reading and matching

Teacher: Now you are ready to read the text in your Pupil’s book. But first let’s refresh the familiar words and phrases. Say them after me.

I am six.
black hair
brown hair
blonde hair
I have blonde hair.
green eyes
brown eyes
blue eyes
I have green eyes.

Pupil’s book №1 p.38 (Unit 7 Lesson 3)

Teacher: I’ll give you 3 minutes to match the words and the pictures. Then we’ll check this exercise.

Pupils make the exercise. Then they work in pairs and check their neighbors. Finally they discuss the results with the teacher.

6. Speaking. Use the posters from “Way ahead”. – 5 minutes.

Teacher shows the picture of Sue and describes her: I am Sue. I have black hair and brown eyes. This is the example. Now children describe the pictures.

After that children describe themselves in pairs.

Pupil’s book № 2 p.38 (Unit 7 Lesson 3)

7. Listening.

Teacher: Now we can read and use the structure “I have…” in speaking. Next we are going to listen to this structure and write it in our workbook.

Pupil’s book № 3 p.38 (Unit 7 Lesson 3)

8. Writing

Teacher: You can read the words, you can describe yourself and your friends, and you can understand English words. Now let’s learn to write new English words.

Workbook №1, 2 p.46

Учитель подводит итоги урока. На доске учитель фиксировал все результаты учеников за различные виды деятельности. Учащиеся анализируют свою работу и приклеивают смайлики на доску (грустные и веселые).


  1. Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis УМК “Way Ahead” 1
  2. Double Phonics Chant – http://youtu.be/Co_TaUv2aY4
  3. www.englishforkids.ru