Урок-дискуссия "We must bring apology to ecology"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока:

  1. обучающая – обобщение и систематизация знаний по теме “Экология”, изучение и активизация лексики, грамматических структур в страдательном залоге;
  2. развивающая – развитие умения воспринимать и понимать тексты на английском языке, выделять проблемы и находить пути их решения, отстаивать свое мнение и защищать свою точку зрения по данной теме, используя так называемые “полезные выражения”.
  3. воспитательная - привитие бережного отношения к природе, животным, окружающей среде, осознания сопричастности к происходящему вокруг нас, и осуждения вандализма и жестокости по отношению к живой природе.

Оборудование урока: проекты, плакаты, подготовленные учащимися, презентация, магнитофон, запись текста.

Ход урока

1. Организация урока.

T: Warm-up. Good-morning my dear friends - boys and girls, and my colleagues! I’m glad to see you here at our lesson, because we are going to discuss some urgent problems today – problems of ecology and environment.

The 22nd of April is announced Earth Day in our country and we devote our lesson to this event. So the topic or the lesson is “Why must we bring apology to ecology?” Today we will try to raise the problems of pollution in its many forms: air pollution, water pollution, pollution of soil etc. We will speak about destruction of wildlife and countryside, and shortage of natural recourses, about noise from different vehicles.

During the lesson I want you to think about the problem “Nobody will help us and our planet, if we don’t help ourselves”. So it is time to start.

Suppose you get out of your house on an early April day and see… “Oh, what is it? It’s a yellow dandelion. It looks at you from the ground as if to say “Protect me, save me please!” We all love this flower in early spring. A lot of Russian poets, writers and jewelers devoted their verses and works to it.

2. Речевая зарядка.

Р1: Now remember how beautiful our nature is and answer the questions, please! Do you like nature? Is it dangerous to run under the acid rain? Have you ever walked barefoot on the young green grass? Each of you prefers to breathe in fresh air, don’t you? Do you like to watch clouds? Do you like to listen to the sea noise of surf in the evening silence? Do you like to watch sparkling stars in the sky at night? Do you admire the beauty of forests and fields?

3. Беседа с учащимися о красоте природы.

T: Well, our land is full of beautiful flowers, plans and trees which grow and blossom in the meadows, on the bank of rivers and lakes, in the forests and gardens. But nowadays many flowers and insects have become rare and vanish, because of radiation and transport, nuclear and industrial wastes, the man’s interference in nature. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by all means. Well, this problem is discussed on TV, radio and the press.

Do you know what has served a man the source of his life since ancient times?

P2: Nature of course.

T: How did people live thousands of years ago?

P3: I think they lived in harmony with environment. But it seemed to people that natural riches are unlimited and endless.

T: How do you understand “to live in harmony with environment”?

P3: I think it is clean rivers, blue sky, green grass, nice flowers.

P4: Clean air and water, shining sun, sparkling stars, fresh fruit from trees, green trees and bushes, insects, birds and flowers, healthy nation, clear future.

4. Выделение проблем, существующих в мире.

T: But we all know that development of civilization, man’s interference in nature began to increase and now our planet is in danger. What problems do we face?


  • air pollution;
  • water pollution;
  • global warming;
  • trash;
  • cruelty to animals.


  • nuclear pollution;
  • destruction of ozone layer;
  • poison in food;
  • wars;
  • bomb tests;
  • deforestation.

5. Лексическая работа (Толкование слов).

T: Now look at the blackboard and let’s recollect words and expressions of the topic “Ecology”.

a). Match the words with their meaning and link them please.

Sulfates, acid rain, pesticides, deforestation, to dump, air pollution, recycling, trash, water pollution, poisonous for insects, litter, to throw down, chemical, cutting down trees, dirty water, dirty air, sulfate mixed with clouds, reusing of materials, metals, paper, bottles.

b). Do people worry about this problems? Of course they do, because it is an international problem.

P: Many people are worried about these problems and they try to do something for solving them. There are many organizations which do much to preserve the environment. What international organizations do you know?

P: “Greenpeace” is an international organization of people which tries to find ways of keeping clean air, water, it takes care of animals and birds. It organizes meetings and demonstrations to save rare animals and to preserve nature from ecological disasters.

P: People are worried about saving nature, so they write letters to the government and different organizations; block the roads, for example, as the Penans do.

6. Развитие навыков аудирования учащихся.

T: 1. Let’s listen to the text “The Penans” (tape script).

T: 2. Answer the questions of exercises 1,2,3,4 on page 44 of your textbooks.

Беседа в режимах T-P1,P2,P3, P1-P2-P3.

  • Who would you support?
  • What would you do if you were a Penan? Why?

T: Now listen to the text and tell what problems these people care about.

Учащиеся слушают текст (упр. 1, стр. 45) в записи на магнитофоне, заполняют таблицу и высказываются по проблемам окружающей среды.

T: Summarize the information in your chat and add your own opinion, using expressions of ex. 2d, p. 45.

P1: Paula is worried about poverty. Some people have a lot of money while others are very poor, and that’ not fare. Rich people should give money to help the poor. And rich countries should help poor countries too. I agree with this, because all people should be equal and have the same rights for happiness.

P2: John is worried about cruelty to animals. We keep them in zoos and on farms. He doesn’t eat meat, because he thinks it is wrong to kill animals. We should leave them alone. I agree with this, because the animals also have the right for life.

P3. Sally is worried about pollution, because we are gradually destroying the planet. We are polluting the sea too. She thinks we should all use less energy. If we used cars less, we would not have much pollution in cities. I agree with this statement because cars are also the greatest polluters of air.

7. Развитие навыков анализа и сравнения.

T: Speaking about the problem of cruelty to animals we should say that the population of some species of animals are disappearing too. What do you know about it?

P1: Tigers are in danger. If nothing is done they will not survive. Most of the world’s tigers are found in India. They are protected in national parks. However, every year hundreds of them are killed by poachers. The tigers are hunted for their bones. They are used in traditional Chinese medicine. When the tigers are killed, their bones are sent to China. There they are sold for thousands of dollars.

P2: There are about 4,500 black rhinos left in Africa, but they are disappearing fast. The rhinos are hunted for their horns. Horns are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. In 1970 90% of black rhinos in East Africa were killed. Rhinos are protected in most African countries. National parks are created. By many rhinos are killed every year by poachers.

8. Совершенствование навыков устной речи с использованием изученных лексических единиц по теме. Защита проектов.

T: What other problems are you worried about?

P1: I am worried about the problem o f global warming. It is coursed by wastes from factories and plants, different ecological accidents which do not prevent normal circulation of air, so the climate has changed a lot. We should put filters on the chimneys of factories and make them work cleaner.

P1, P2, P3 tell about destruction of ozone layer , nuclear pollution, greenhouse effect, deforestation, wars, acid rains, trash, etc.

Дети рассказывают о волнующих их экологических проблемах с использованием домашних сочинений, нарисованных плакатов, листовок.

9. T: “It may sound odd to you, but man also needs protection and care as much as animals do. (Учитель показывает плакат с этими словами).

T: Class: How can we comment these words?

P: People’s habitats – their homes, towns and cities must be kept ecologically clean. In places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe in polluted air they suffer from serious diseases and die at early age. And their children are born weak. No medicine prescribed by doctors can help them. This problem is becoming more and more serious each day.

P: Modern way of life when people have little activeness, use cars instead of walking, watch TV and work on computers for many hours. So they are gradually turning into legless creatures.

T: What should we do to prevent environmental catastrophe? (Дети дают варианты ответов)

  1. People must make cars and plants run cleaner.
  2. People must put filters on the chimneys of factories and plants.
  3. People must recycle used materials.
  4. People must clean lakes and rivers from rubbish.
  5. People must plant more trees and feed birds in winter.
  6. People must stop nuclear tests.
  7. People must protect crops without pesticides.
  8. People must save energy.
  9. People must do all possible things to keep our planet clean.
  10. People must start planting flowers, trees and bushes.
  11. People must keep clean our classrooms, schools, yards clean.
  12. People must throw rubbish everywhere and we should stop others doing it.
  13. People must …….

10. Итоги урока, оценки.

T: At the end of our lesson I want to remind you the wise words of a great English writer John Galsworthy who said: “If you don’ think about your future you will not have it”.

11. Домашнее задание.

T: Make up a dialogue on the topic “What can I personally do to keep our planet for future generations?”



1. New Hotline – Tom Hatchinson, изд.‘Oxford University Press’, 2004

2. Устные темы по английскому языку - А.В. Новиков, изд. “Лист Нью”, Москва, 2001

3. Нарру English – Т. Б. Клементьева, изд. “Дрофа”, Москва, 2003