Урок-спектакль по теме "Рождество" (2-й год обучения)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • обобщение изученного материала по теме “Рождество”;
  • актуализация лексических и фонетических навыков; поддержание интереса к изучению культурных традиций стран изучаемого языка, активизация у учащихся творческих способностей при подготовке и проведении урока;
  • формирование интереса к изучению английского языка, как средство для знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, dear boys and girls! Glad to see you!

Today we’ve got a magic lesson. Are you ready to start our party?

Today we shall have the English party and have a talk about Christmas in English speaking countries.

(Song “Come to the party”)

Come to the party, come to the party,
Come to the party come right now,
Think of something you want to do
And you can do it right now.

You can have a dance on your own,
You can have a dance with a friend,
You can have a dance with everybody,
And you can do it right now.

Come to the party, come to the party,
Come to the party come right now,
Think of something you want to do
And you can do it right now.

You can eat cake on your own,
You can eat cake with a friend,
You can eat cake with everybody,
And you can do it right now.

2. Знакомство с празднованием Рождества.

(Показ фильма или презентации) Приложение

When is Christmas celebrated?

How do you think where the name “Christmas” comes from?

How do people in England celebrate Christmas?

3. Развитие диалогической и монологической речи.

Misha: It’s late. Why don’t you go to bed, kids?

Kids (two pupils of the third form make Christmas cards at the table and talk): Don’t you know that it’s Christmas Eve tonight? We are waiting for the present from Santa Claus.

Misha: Santa Claus? … comes on the 25th of December. In Britain and America Santa Claus brings presents on Christmas Eve!

Kids: What does Santa Claus look like?

(Ученики 6-го класса описывают Санта Клауса)

Santa Claus is short and fat. He wears a short coat and boat.

He hasn’t got a magic staff. He has red nose and white beard.

He has big sack with presents. He is old and kind.

Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. Santa Claus flies in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. They say Santa Claus has a wife, but nobody saw her. Santa climbs down the chimney. He usually put his presents into Christmas stockings.

Misha: Hey! Do you want to get presents from Santa Claus too?

Kids: It’s great!

Santa Claus: Hm! I’m Santa Claus! All good children can find something in my magic hat! 1,2,3 (поднимает шляпу и появляется елка, которую дарит детям)

Present for best friends!

Kids: Thanks a lot!

4. Украшение елки.

Decorate your Christmas tree.

T.: What a beautiful Christmas tree you’ve got!

Let’s decorate our Christmas tree!

What decorations would you like to see on our Christmas tree?

P. I want to decorate it with ornaments and lights.

P. My favourite decorations are …

P. I think It’ll be nice to decorate it with …

T. Good of you! It’s a very nice Christmas tree!

Аудирование. Amazing Facts.

T. And now let’s listen to different amazing facts. Somebody of our guests don’t understand English. Will you translate into Russian?

  1. Christmas day lasts 172.800 seconds. Santa Claus has to visit 832 homes each second.
  2. Animals in Britain and American zoos get Christmas presents. The lion in the picture opens his present – meat and bones!
  3. A girl called Merry Christmas lives in America. And her surname is Day!
  4. There are no fir tree in Latin America, so what do you think they decorate?
    The Christmas cactus of course! In India, they decorate banana trees at Christmas time.
  5. Christmas trees come from Germany. The first Christmas trees were decorated with apples.
  6. Seven out of ten pets in Britain get Christmas presents from their owners.
  7. Some crackers are very big. The largest Christmas cracker was 46 metres long! It was made by an Australian football player, Ray Price, to surprise his friends.
  8. It’s very, very cold at Christmas time in Iceland. It’s the land of ice and snow. But still children have a great time! They have 13 different Santa Clauses!
  9. Traditional Christmas colors are red and green. The more green and red decorations you have in your house - the best.

T. Thank you for your wonderful stories!

6. Кроссворд. A tricky Puzzle.

Do this puzzle and read our greetings! Will you begin?

7. Написание поздравительных открыток. Writing of greeting cards.

At this very special time of the year
We’ve joined our hands to say,
“We wish you all the magic of a
Small World Holiday!”

Wishing you a Christmas that is
bright with promise,
glad with hope and blessed with
peace and joy!

Friends are close to our hearts,
Memories are more dear,
And wishes mean so very much
When Christmas is here!

May your home be filled with
happiness and laughter this
Christmas season!

 It’s time to trim the Christmas Tree
And hang the mistletoe,
It’s time to wish much happiness
To people nice to know!

This wish for you at Christmas time
Comes just to keep in touch
And to let you know though we’re apart
You’re thought of very much!

 T. Your homework was to prepare greeting cards. Let’s write Christmas wishes on your cards and give them each other.

(a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”)

8. Заключительный этап урока.

T. I would like to finish our party with a beautiful song. Will you sing together with us!

Jingle, bells!

Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh,
O’er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring,
Making our spirits bright,
What fun it is to ride and sing,
A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh! What fun
It is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh!

T. Your work today was excellent, your marks are …

Your home task will be to write a letter to Santa Claus.

See you soon.

  1. This holiday is celebrated in December , 25.
  2. Santa Claus lives at the North Pole .
  3. On Christmas everybody puts presents under the Christmas tree.
  4. Santa’s home is the North Pole.
  5. People celebrate the New Year‘s Eve on the 31st of December.
  6. Santa has a big sack full of presents.
  7. In the morning a lot of people go to church and sing a carol.
  8. All children like to get a present .
  9. Santa Claus use reindeer for travelling.
  10. Santa flies in a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
  11. Before Christmas many children write letters to Santa Claus.
  12. He climbs down the chimney and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree.
  13. Santa Claus visits and brings presents in bright paper and ribbons when children are sleeping.
  14. People wish each other Merry Christmas.

  1. This holiday is celebrated in _________ , 25.
  2. Santa Claus lives at the North ___________.
  3. On Christmas everybody puts presents under the Christmas _____.
  4. Santa’s home is the ______ Pole.
  5. People celebrate the New ____‘s Eve on the 31st of December.
  6. Santa has a big ____ with presents.
  7. In the morning a lot of people go to ______ and sing a carol.
  8. All children like to get a ________ .
  9. Santa Claus use ________ for travelling.
  10. Santa flies in a ________ pulled by reindeer.
  11. Before Christmas many children write ______ to Santa Claus.
  12. He climbs down the _______ and leaves the presents under the Christmas tree.
  13. ___Claus visits and brings presents in bright paper and ribbons when children are sleeping.
  14. People ____ each other Merry Christmas.