Использование элементов и технологии развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки, МХК и ИЗО

Современная школа ставит перед учителем более широкие задачи. Усиливается значимость принципов индивидуализации и дифференциации обучения, большое значение приобретает использование современных технологий обучения иностранному языку (в том числе технология развития критического мышления). Технология развития критического мышления через чтение и письмо выделяется среди инновационных педагогических идей удачным сочетанием проблемности и продуктивности обучения с технологичностью урока, эффективными методами и приемами.

Тема: Помощь людям.

Цель: совершенствовать коммуникативные умения и навыки по теме «Помощь людям».


  • Обучающие – формировать лексические и грамматические навыки чтения и говорения;
  • Развивающие – развивать способность к догадке, гибкость и логичность ума, коммуникабельность, способность осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные действия, развивать критическое мышление через чтение и письмо;
  • Воспитывающие – воспитывать толерантное отношение к мнению других людей; учить заботиться о людях, нуждающихся в помощи.

Речевой материал: количественные числительные.

Учебные пособия: портрет основателя Красного Креста, книга для чтения.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент
  2. Фонетическая зарядка
  3. Контроль домашнего задания
  4. Основная часть
  5. Итог урока


I. Организационный момент. Приветствие

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see all of you again. How did you spend yesterday evening? I hope you read an interesting story about Henry Dunant.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Teacher: Now I want you to repeat some proper names and words after me:

Henry Dunant                                        Solferino
Geneva                                                  the International Committee
the Red Cross                                        International Conference
the British Red Cross Society                 a Swiss businessman
Switzerland                                            the Eastern War
the Balkans                                            Turkey
Muslim                                                  Red Crescent
Red Crystal

III. Cкрытый контроль домашнего задания

Teacher: Let’s read some numerals: [1]

250,000,000;      22;         22,000;      1870;           1859;          1,700.

Teacher: I want you to match the numerals with the questions. You have also to answer them. (Числительные записаны на карточках, вопросы записаны на доске)

  • When did the Battle of Solferino take place? (in 1859)
  • In what year was the British Red Cross organized? (in 1870)
  • How many countries joined the Red Cross in 1866? (22)
  • How many volunteers help the Red Cross all over the world? (250,000,000)
  • How many Youth Groups are there in the UK? (1,700)
  • How many members are there in the British Red Cross Youth Groups? (22,000)

Teacher: We know some proverbs from the previous lesson. Let’s remember them:

  • We live in deeds, not years.
  • Shake the tree when the fruit is ripe.
  • A good deed is never lost.
  • The tree is known by its fruit.

Teacher: Which proverb can describe the actions of Henry Dunant? (учащиеся называют свои варианты)

IV. Основная часть

Teacher: I suggest you to fill in the table. In the first column you have to write what you know about Henry Dunant.



helped his parents
went tot Italy
wrote a book
met with 4 other men
decided to help the wounded
organized a worldwide network of    aid societies

(Первая колонка таблицы заполняется на основе прочитанного дома текста, вторая – после прочтения дополнительной информации о создателе Красного Креста на уроке. Два ученика заполняют таблицу на доске)

Teacher: You are going to read the text [2]. It also tells about Henry Dunant and his actions. Your task is – to read, answer the questions and fill in the second part of the table. After each paragraph there are questions. You are to answer them.

The Red Cross

The history of the organization

The International red Cross fights war and starvation around the world. Bit how did it start?
The idea of the Red Cross began on 24 June, 1859. At that time the French and Austrian armies were fighting in Solferino – a town in the north of Italy. After 16 hours of fighting, 4,000 soldiers lay dead or dying on the battlefield. Henry Dunant, a Swiss businessman who was visiting Solferino at that time was horrified by the suffering of these soldiers. He decided to help and immediately organized aid for the wounded – assisted by the people from nearby villages.
Who started the Red Cross? Which armies fought in the battle of Solferino?
After returning to Switzerland, Dunant organized a worldwide network of aid societies with the help of his international business contacts, and so the international Committee fro relief to the Wounded was set up.
What did the Swiss businessman do after the battle? How did he organize his aid network?
In 1863, the Swiss flag – a white cross on a red background – was adopted (with the colours reversed) as the symbol of the organization – a red cross on a white background. As a result people started to call the organization the Red Cross.
When did the red cross become the symbol of the organization?
In the Eastern War of 1876, which took place in the Balkans, Turkey decided to use a red crescent on a white background in the place of a red cross, in order not to offend Muslim soldiers. Today there are Red Cross and Red Crescent organizations in 165 countries around the world. (The red crescent is the symbol of the organization in twenty-five Muslim countries).
When was the red crescent symbol first started? In how many countries is the organization represented by the Red Crescent?
In 2005, a new emblem was adopted by an amendment of the Geneva Conventions known as Protocol III. The new emblem was designed to be easily recognizable and, to make it more universally acceptable throughout different cultures, devoid of religious connotation. (It is known as the Red Crystal).
Why was a new emblem represented? What is it?

Teacher: Let’s sum up all you know about the Organization. Will you answer some questions: (вопросы записаны на доске)

– How old is the Red Cross?
– What does it do?
– Why is the crescent used?
– Who started to use it?
– Who started the organization?

Teacher: I’d like you to know who needs the Red Cross now. Let’s read a small article [2].

(Учащиеся читают информацию, отвечают на поставленный вопрос, подводят итог всему сказанному).

Who needs the Red Cross?

Ask most people to list the number of current trouble spots in the world and you will get an underestimate. Every year millions of people experience the horrors of war, famine, earthquakes or floods. They are forced to leave their homes and to face insecurity of living as refugees.
So what exactly does the Red Cross do to help?

  • It provides camps and food centers for people who are displaced and undernourished because of wars or natural disasters.
  • It locates and reunites refugee children with their families.
  • It keeps the world informed about what is happening in various conflicts.
  • It stays impartial – never taking sides of becoming involved in the politics of war.

What is your opinion of the Red Cross organization?

V. Итог урока

Teacher: What new information have you learnt today? What names have you remembered?

Your marks are…


  1. Английский язык. Книга для чтения к учебнику для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – М.: Просвещение, 2006, с. 30-33.
  2. The Red Cross. The history of the organization // School English. – 2008. – №2, с. 21