Открытый урок в 6-м классе "Поговорим о времени"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

  • Тренировка навыков чтения.
  • Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков.
  • Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
  • Ознакомление с предлогами времени.
  • Развитие навыков аудирования.

Учебные пособия:

  • Циферблат с подвижными стрелками.
  • Плакат с изображением часов. Плакат с расписанием дня Пифа. (Плакат с распорядком дня).


  • Лингафонный кабинет (магнитофон);
  • Кассета с записями (расписание уроков).


1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning boys and girls.

- Nice to meet you today

- Ann, How are you?

- Fine thank you.

- And who is on duty today?

- I am duty today.

- Can you tell me what day is it today?

- Today is the 26th of January.

2.Фонетическая зарядка.

Today we start to study a new unit with an interesting name "What's the time?"

Let's start now. I think you are ready.

Look at the blackboard.

Listen and repeat. (P.70; ex.6A)

  • early - рано, ранний
  • minute - минута
  • quarter - четверть
  • half - половина
  • past - после
  • late - поздно, поздний
  • show - показывать
  • hour - час

Look at the blackboard, please.

Read and say it quickly.


"What time do you like best?"
My friend says to me.
I know the answer right away,
"When it's time for tea".

3. Тренировка навыков чтения.

And now, children, open your books on the page 70, please.

We will do exercise 6 B

Sash, read the task, please : next:


It's five o'clock a.m.
It's five o'clock in
the morning.
It's early.

It's eleven o'clock p.m.
It's eleven o'clock in
the evening.
It's late.

It's one minute to twelve.
It's one to twelve.

It's five minutes to three.
It's five to free.

It's a quarter to four.

It's half past two.
The clock shows half past two.

It's one minute past twelve.
It's one past twelve.

It's five minute past three.
It's five past three.

It's a quarter past four.

It's half past six.
The clock shows half past six.

Now read the task, please.


These are clocks and these are watches. A clock has a face and two hands: a long hand and short hand. The short hand shows hours. It's the hour hand. The long hand shows minutes. It's the minute hand. Sometimes clocks have three hands and they can show seconds.

Clocks are usually big. They are on the wall, on the desk or on the shelf. Some clocks are very big: Big Ben in London or the Kremlin in Moscow. Watches are small but they have faces and hands too and they can show hours, minutes and sometime seconds.

Clocks and watches show time. A day has 24 hours. An hour has 60 minutes, a minute has 60 seconds. What's the time now?

4. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков.

- Children, look at the blackboard.

I want to remember how to speak about the time.

Let's read the rule.


What time is it? - It's nine o'clock

When do you go to bed? - At ten o'clock.

5. Активизация навыков диалогической речи.

Дети читают правило учитель задает вопросы:

- When do you go to school, Masha?

(I go to school at eight o'clock)

- When do you go to bed?

(I go to bed at nine o'clock).

- What time is it?

(It's ten o'clock). и т.д.

And now, children, look at my clock. What time is it showing?

6. Ознакомление с предлогами времени.

Объяснение грамматического материала Prepositions (Предлоги)

Prepositions of Time (Предлоги времени).

Предлогами называются служебные слова, которые показывают отношение (временное или пространственное) существительного или местоимения к другим словам в предложении.

На вопрос What time is it? ответ It is two o'clock.

(Сейчас) два часа.


It is two (o'cloсk) sharp.

(Сейчас) ровно два (часа).

Когда говорят о часах с минутами, в английском языке обычно употребляется два предлога: past [pa:st] и to [tu].

Если минутная стрелка находится в правой половине циферблата (от 12 до 6), употребляется past.


It is five minutes past twelve.

(Сейчас) пять минут первого

(букв. пять минут после двенадцати),

It is fifteen minutes past six.

(Сейчас) пятнадцать минут седьмого

(букв. пятнадцать минут после шести),

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It is a quarter [kwo:t] past six.

(Сейчас) четверть седьмого.

It is half past twelve.

(Сейчас) половина первого.

It is half past three.

(Сейчас) половина четвертого.

It is half past six.

(Сейчас) половина седьмого.

It is half past nine.

(Сейчас) половина девятого.

Когда минутная стрелка находится в левой половине циферблата (от 6 до 12), употребляется to.


It is five minutes to seven.

(Сейчас) без пяти минут семь.

It is a quarter to seven.

(Сейчас) без четверти семь.

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Обратите внимание: a quarter - c артиклем, half - без артикля.

When? (Когда?)

  1. ten (minutes) past - десять минут :
    a quarter past - четверть :
    half past - половина :
  2. five (minutes) to - без пяти минут :
    twenty (minutes) to - без двадцати минут :
  3. at 9 a.m. - в 9 часов утра
    at noon - в полдень
    at 7 p.m. - в 7 часов вечера
  4. on Friday - в пятницу
    on 8th May (on the fifth of May) - 8-го мая
    in 2008 - в 2008 году
    in May - в мае
    in the morning - утром


  • by 3 o'clock - к 3 часам
  • for 2 days - в течение двух дней
  • in a day - через день
  • after school - после школы
  • since yesterday - со вчерашнего дня.

6. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Listen and complete the timetable. Check if you were right.

Take your head-phones.

Дети слушают аудио запись, затем выполняют письменно.

Answer key.

1. Music is at 10.20 on Monday and 2.20on Wednesday. French is at 11.25 on Tuesday an at 1.30 at Thursday

2. Geography is at 2.20 on Monday and at11.25 at Wednesday. Art is at 1.30 on Tuesday and 2.20 on Thursday

3. ITisat 9.30 on Thursday and Friday. History is 9.30 on Monday and at 2.20 on Tuesday.

Look at the blackboard. You can see the schedule of Piaf.

So, let's practice orally what you are going to write.

Study the instructions. Find out how you will divide Piaf's time.

7. Подведение итогов урока.

Thank you for the lesson.

Ann, Will you collect the exercise - books, please as they finish?

I'll mark them and give them back next time.

Good bye, girls. Good bye, boys.

Список литературы.

1. Учебник английского языка 6-го класса. Авторы: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Издательство: "ДРОФА" Москва 2007 г.

2. Учебник английского языка 5-го класса. Авторы: Н.Н. Деревянко, С.В. Жаворонкова. Издательство: Обнинск - Титул, 2006 г.