Урок-путешествие по английскому языку в 7-м классе по теме : "Lets go to London"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • образовательная: расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетентности, формирование лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний учащихся;
  • развивающая: развитие интеллектуальных, познавательных способностей, повышение мотивации и интереса учащихся к изучаемому языку в процессе игры, драматизации на уроке;
  • воспитательная: формирование у школьников уважительного отношения к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка.

 Оснащение урока: презентация (Приложение 1), книга регистрации в гостинице, микрофон, пилотка стюардессы, фуражка пилота.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Warm up.

T: Dear colleagues. I’m glad to see you on this unusual day for me. Glad to see you – nice women, handsome men, interesting teachers, young teachers, serious teachers. Today you’re my guests at my lesson. You’ll see my pupils, rest and meet old and new friends.

Don’t be too serious. Let’s think about future Christmas and New Year, about past and future. Don’t think about my and pupil’s mistakes. Forget about tasks and marks. Be happy, don’t worry!

 Good-morning, dear children, I’m glad to see you at the lesson today. I hope you are all right and ready to work hard. So many guests have come to our lesson and I believe that you’ll do your best and our friends will be pleased and satisfied with your answers.

2. Вступительное слово учителя, объявление плана урока, обсуждение цитаты.

T: OK. Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. It’ll be a trip to London. (На экране появляется вид Лондона). We’re going to talk about travelling, sights of London, visiting public places. (На экране появляется эпиграф урока: ‘World is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page’).

T: St. Augustine once said: ’The world is a book and those who don’t travel, read only one page’.

How do you understand this quotation, these wise words? (These abbreviations will help you in expressing your opinions).

IQAW (I quite agree with…)
IT(I think…)
TMM (To my mind…)
AFAIU (As far as I understand…)
ISTM(It seems to me..)

P1: I quite agree with this statement, because the world is big and when you travel you learn a lot of interesting and amazing things.

P2: I think when you meet people from other countries you have a chance to talk with them about cities and countries where they live.

P3: As far as I understand, if we travel we learn much about the world and understand the world and people better.

P4: And it seems to me, we can improve our English, if we visit an English speaking country.

P5: To my mind travelling is an exciting thing.

P6: He who hasn’t travelled doesn’t really know the world.

P7: The world is a book and London is its wonderful page.

T: What ways of travelling do you know? What is your favourite method of travelling?

P1: We can travel by boat, by car, by coach, by train or by plain.

P2: The quickest way is by plain, so we’ll choose this kind of transport.

3. Драматизация ситуации на борту самолета. Приветствие стюардессы и пилота.

T: Let’s dream a little. Imagine that you aren’t students now, you are tourists. I’m your group leader and you’re on board the plane. The pilot is going to take off and the stewardess is ready to speak.

(На экране борт самолета, высвечивается табло ‘Fasten Seatbelt’, внутри самолета).

Stewardess: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing to take off. Once we’re in the air, we’ll be serving a light snack and some drinks. Thank you.

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen! This is the pilot speaking. I’d like to welcome you aboard British Airways Flight 62, non–stop to Heathrow Airport in London. We’re flying at an altitude of 10,000 metres. Our flight time today will be two hours and 45 minutes. We’ll arrive at London at about 10 p. m. If there’s anything we can do to make your flight with us more comfortable, please let us know. Enjoy the flight, please.

(Выключается табло ‘Fasten Seatbelt”).

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen! May I have your attention, please! The pilot has turned off the ‘Fasten Seatbelt’ sign. But when you’re in your seats, please, keep your seatbelts fastened at all times. Thank you.

4. Распознавание сервисных знаков, определение их значений.

(Изображение сервисных знаков).

T: Dear tourists, the airline company “British Airways’ wonders if you understand the signs which you may see in the most international airports. Look at the screen and tell me what each sign means.

P: 1).Telephone. 2). Lift. 3). Facility for the disabled. 4). Information. 5). Cafe. 6). No smoking. Etc.

(Учащиеся называют номер рисунка и то, что он означает).

T: I see that you understand them very well. And I believe that you’ll never be lost at any international airport. Thank you.

5. Развитие монологической речи.

T: Dear tourists, last year Pavel Zubkov visited Great Britain alone, he had some problems with English, so he had some adventures, and he wants to tell us about them.

P: I’ m not very good at telling stories but I could tell you about a little adventure that happened, when I came to England for the first time last year. Etc.

(Мальчик рассказывает о том, как он отбился от туристической группы и как обращался за помощью к полицейскому).

T: Thank you for your story, Paul. Our flight is nearing its end and the plane is going to land.

Stewardess: Ladies and gentlemen! Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing for landing. When we are in the airport in London your tourist group will be met by a guide.

Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen. This is the pilot speaking. We’re about to touch down in London, at the international airport of Heathrow; it’s 10 a.m. The temperature outside is 20 degrees C. Thank you for flying British Airways. Bye! (аплодисменты пилоту).

6. На таможне.

(Нa экране таможня и паспортный контроль.)

T: At last we’re in London. Now we should pass passport control and customs.

(At the passports control.)

-Good morning, can I see your passport?
-Yes, please, here you are?
-Have you got your visa, please?
-Not, yet, but I’d like to buy it. How much is it?
-How long are you going to stay in London?
-For two weeks.
-OK. It will be £50.
-Here you are, please.
-Thank you. Have a good journey.

(At the customs.)

-Good morning, where are you from?
-Russia. I’m from Moscow.
-Are you travelling alone?
-No, I’m travelling with a tourist group.
-What’s the purpose of your visit?
-I want to see London, and I’d like to improve my English?
-Where are you going to stay?
-In London, in the hotel.
-Have you got anything to declare?
-No, I don’t.
-Open your case, please.
-Here you are.
-Have a good time in London.
-Thank you.

7.Встреча с гидом, сопровождающим группу туристов в Лондоне.

T: All right we've passed passport control and customs. Let me introduce you our guide.

Guide: How do you do. Welcome to our country. Let me introduce myself. My name is Helen. I’m your guide. You may call me Helen. I hope we’ll be friends. And what shall I call you.

P1: Hello, please call me … (Учащиеся представляются гиду).

G: I’m glad you’ve come. I hope you’ve had a nice flight.

We welcome you in London. It’s one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old. It’s most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London. You’ll see all these places and much more of London from our double-decker.

(На экране появляется изображение двухэтажного автобуса).

T: Who knows when the first double-decker was built and how it looked like? Let’s ask our driver about it.

Driver: The first bus service in London was started in 1829. The first double-decker was built in 1851, but the upper deck didn’t have a roof until 1930. And the passengers were given raincoats to put on if it started to rain.

8. Выполнение упражнения на соотнесение названий достопримечательностей с их значением в истории.

G: Now we’re coming to the centre of London. The heart of London is the City. It’s the oldest part of London. You can visit some interesting places in the City or near it.

T: Dear students, our guide wonders if you know about some famous landmarks of London and wants to test you. You should match proper names with their definitions otherwise we won’t be able to go sightseeing about London with our guide.

London is the official residence of the Queen
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the seat of the British Parliament
Palace of Westminster is the greatest church in Britain
Buckingham Palace is the heart of London
The City is the geographical centre in London
Trafalgar square is the capital of the country
Tower Bridge is the castle, which served as a citadel, a palace, a prison, a mint, a treasury, an observatory in the history of London
The Tower of London is the church where many great people were buried
Westminster Abbey is a bridge which rises in about one and a half minutesand gives the nice view of London

9. Рассказ учащихся о достопримечательностях Лондона.

G: You have done a good job. And I think you know much more about the famous sights of London? Would you like to tell me about them?

 P1: I’d like to tell you some facts about the Tower of London. It was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror. He ordered the building of the great stone tower later called the White Tower. The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum and houses the Crown Jewels. It’s still guarded by the famous Beefeaters, who wear a traditional sixteenth-century uniform.

G: Look out of the window. We’re passing this place now.Would anyone like to tell me more?

P2: Not far from the Tower of London is Tower Bridge. It was built across the Thames in 1894. It can be used by road traffic and by ships going up the river Thames.

G: Now we’re in front of a beautiful church, St’ Paul’s Cathedral. What can you tell me about great churches of London?

P3: St. Paul’s Cathedral is the greatest monument and Church of England. It’s a beautiful building with many columns and towers. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built the Cathedral in the 17th century. It took Sir Christopher Wren 35 years.

P4: I want to tell you about Westminster Abby.

G: We are in Trafalgar Square now. What do you know about it?

P5: Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End. It was named in honour of the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, in which Admiral Nelson died. Nelson’s Column is a beautiful sight.

G: What do you know about the seat of the British Parliament?

P6: The official name of the building is the Palace of Westminster or the Houses of Parliament. At the north end of the building there’s the famous clock tower, Big Ben. In fact Big Ben is really the name of the bell in the tower not the clock.

G: Where does the British Prime Minister live?

P7: Number 10 Downing Street has been the home of the British Prime Minister since 1735.

G: Where is the residence of the British Queen?

P8: The home residence of the Queen of Great Britain is Buckingham Palace, which includes 600 rooms.

G: I see that you know a lot about landmarks of London. Thanks a lot.

10. Обустройство в гостинице.

T: At last we’re here in front of the West Hotel. They’ve already reserved our rooms. And I want P1 to check our reservation at the reception.

Receptionist: Morning.

Tourist: Morning. We’ve got a reservation for our tourist group from Russia. My name is Kate.

R: Just a minute, please. Yes you’ve got a reservation for 12 persons. It’s for a fortnight. 5 double rooms and two single rooms. Correct?

T: Not quite. We’d like 6 double rooms.

R: I’m sorry. 6 double rooms. Number six, seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven.

T: Where are the rooms?

R: On the second floor. Please sign the register.

T: Here is the register. How much are the rooms please?

R: 98 pounds please.

T: Here you are. We’d like a telephone too.

R: Every room has a telephone. I must tell you each telephone has got SOS emergency calls. You needn’t insert money, calls are free. If you have an extreme situation you should dial 999, ask the operator for fire brigade, police or an ambulance.

T: Have the rooms got bathrooms?

R: Each room has got a bathroom.

T: Have the rooms got showers?

R: Each bathroom has got a shower.

T: Good. Thank you.

R: Are you going to your rooms now?

T: Yes, we are.

R: Here are the keys.

11. Рефлексия. (So that to know how much you have learnt abut London I’ll give you a quiz).

London Quiz

1. What river does London stand on?

A) The Thames B) The Severn C) The Clyde

2. What’s the name of a man the monument to whom stands on Trafalgar Square?

A) Chaplin B) Nelson C) Cromwell

3. Who is the first woman Prime Minister of Britain?

A) Thatcher B) Livingstone C) Scott

4. What’s the name of the Princess of Wales who died in a car crash in Paris?

A) Debby B) Dolly C) Diana

5. Who tried to blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605?

A) Arthur B) Fawkes C) Drake

6. What’s the name of the London underground?

А) Metro B) Tube C) Subway

7. What London street is famous for shops?

A) Oxford Street B) Fleet Street

8. The traditional English Drink is

A) Coffee B) Cocoa C) Tea

9. The oldest university in Britain is in

A) London B) Oxford C) Edinburgh

10. What’s the name of the Queen who ruled the country for the longest period of British History?

A) Mary B) Victoria C) Elisabeth

11. Who build the first bridge across the Thames?

A) The Egyptians B) The Greeks C) The Romans

12. What’s another name for the ‘City of London’?

A) The Square Mile B) the Square Kilometre C) the Centre

13. What is Big Ben?

A) A clock tower B) A clock face C) A bell

14. Who designed St. Paul’s Cathedral?

A) Christopher Wren B) Benjamin Hall C) Indigo Jones

15. When did the Great Fire of London break out?

A) In 1066 B) In 1666 c) In 1766

16 What’s the name of Shakespeare’s famous theatre?

A) The World B) The Globe C) The Universe

17. Which is the largest and oldest museum in Britain?

A) The British Museum B) the National Gallery C) Madame Tussaud’s

18. What are the famous guards of the Tower of London Called?

A) Bobbies B) pearlies C) beefeaters

12. Подведение итогов урока. Домашнее задание.

T: The first day of traveling is nearing its end, and so is our lesson. I hope that you’ve had a good virtual trip, and learned a lot of interesting things. Now you know how to behave and talk in different situations.

I believe that in future you’ll have a real trip not virtual, and it will be a good chance to see everything with your own eyes and practice English.

Well your homework is to write a report about the impressions of the first day in London.