
Разделы: Иностранные языки


  1. to practice reading/ listening  for the main idea;
  2. to speak about actors;
  3. to express opinions;
  4. to revise Passive Voice.


  1. Presentation.

Good morning. I’m glad to see  you. How did you spend yesterday evening? Did you watch TV? Did they show any film? What is your opinion? (Pupils’ answers)

  1. Phonetic warming-up

 Let’s listen to some words and repeat after the speaker. (аудиозапись)

horror film
action film
romantic comedy
love story

I want you to use these words in your speech during the lesson .

Let’s do the task: match the pictures with the film genres. [3]

So, we see that there are different genres of films, people like various genres. What  are your favorite genres of films?  (pupils’ answers)

  1. Main Part

А. Speaking (2 pupils)

All of you have some favorite actors or actresses. Tell us about this person without naming him or her. Your classmates have to write the name on the sheets of paper and to hand to me. (Если учащиеся догадались, кто эта знаменитость, они пишут фамилию на листе, отдают его учителю. Когда дано несколько правильных ответов, учитель останавливает игру и называет фамилию ученика, который первым дал правильный ответ.)

В. Grammar

Match the names of the films in English and in Russian. Name the director and when was the film shot. Follow an example:

The Film “Star Wars” was directed by John Lucas. It was released in 1977. [1]

C. Reading.  Read the text and answer the questions: What was the author’s purpose in writing? What is the author’s attitude to the program? [2]

Richard Peplinski
Chicago, IL, USA

  1. The series La Femme Nikita is one of the few that I attempt to regularly tune into each week. Some friends talked me into giving this show a try and I have never regretted.
  2. It is about a woman falsely accused of a murder and sentenced to life in prison. Then people who belong to a counter-terrorism group take her away and make her work for them. The lead character Nikita (Peta Wilson) is beautiful – tall, blonde, blue-eyed, well-built. She can also offer range of acting ability and facial expressions.
  3. I’m not a die-hard fan analyzing every sentence, glance, or breath of every character in every episode, but I certainly enjoy the show. A person who says this show has poor acting or poor character and plot development is most likely disappointed by any TV series and not being fair to the genre. This show says more with a moment of silence than most shows say in an hour of dialogue. It is impossible for a show that has run as long as this one to dot every “i” and cross every “t”, and of course there will be holes. But by and large the show remains true to itself and the top of its genre. The acting and action are appropriate, the plot works well enough to create suspense and the character development is the best that I’ve witnessed from any long-term series.
  4. If you want to see a good drama/ action show, watch La Femme Nikita. The next season begins January 9th.

Read the text once again. In the boxes write the number of the paragraph in the text according to the function it has.

D. Speaking

Tell about a film which you have seen lately. Use the following plan: [1]

Title: _________________

Screenplay: ____________

Photography: ___________

Produced by: ___________

Director: ______________

Music: ________________

Main actor: ____________

Main characters: ________

Message of the film: _____

4. Reflection

What new information have you learnt today?

What names have you remembered?

What did you like most of all?

I want you to do a small test. Draw a line to connect the title of the film with the name of the filmmaker or the actor/actress playing the leading role: [4]

Список литературы

  1. Бурлак А. И. и др. Знакомство с Америкой. Пособие по английскому языку. – М: Астрель, АСТ, 2000
  2. Гроза О.А. и др. Английский язык ново тысячелетия. Учебник английского языка для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2003
  3. Смирнов А.В. Рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку к учебнику В.П. Кузовлева и др. “English 10-11”. 11 класс.- М: Экзамен, 2004
  4. Томахин Г.Д. США. Лингвострановедческий словарь. – М: Астрель, АСТ, 2001