Конспект урока по теме "Человек и его способности", 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цель урока:

  1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме.
  2. Развитие навыков общения, творческих способностей учащихся.
  3. Воспитание любви к прекрасному.

1. Оргмомент. Приветствие. Целевая установка.

The subject of today’s lesson is “Man and His Abilities”. Do you like art? Are you ready to start our talk? Then, good luck to you. We shall have some steps at the lesson.

2. The first step is “Listen and Enjoy”.

(Аудиозапись: Poem “If” by R.Kipling).


Do you like this poem? Why?

Is it beautiful? Does beauty influence the people?

What feelings does it arouse?

(excitement, admiration, love, kindness, inspiration,understanding, pleasure, good mood, joy, grief, etc...).

3. Step 2. “Listen and Speak”

Teacher: (обсуждение).

So, poetry appeals to the heart and mind of the people, to their feelings and emotions. What else appeals to the heart of the people? (Art).

- What kinds of art do you know?

(music, ballet, theatre, cinema, painting, literature, architecture, etc...).

- What kind of art appeals to you? Why?

- What appeals to you most?

- What does art teach you and how can it change you?

- What is the role of art in your life? Does it help you in developing your talents and abilities?

- What abilities does it develop?

- Some people don’t understand the art. What must we do to understand and enjoy it?

- “Art is long, life is short”. Comment on the quotation.

4. Step 3. “Train”. (тест на компьютере).

Teacher: (тест).

Let’s see how much you know about the art.

1). To be or not to be!

That is the question. (Author)

2) Mstislav Rastropovich (Vocation)

3) M.Shemyakin (Kind of art)

4) M. Plisetskaya (Kind of art)

5) “Carmen” (Composer)

6) The photo of a famous singer (Name)

7) “Gone with the Wind” (The main character)

8) S. Clemens (The real name)

9) “The Marriage-a-la-Mode” (Painter)

10) The photo of a Russian writer (a Nobel Prizewinner)

5. Step 4. “Learn Cooperative Story-Telling”. (работа в группах).


Let’s speak about arts. First divide into groups according to your interests and relations.

Choose the kind of art and talk over the subject of your interest. (учащиеся также выбирают предложенный им иллюстративный материал: книги, буклеты, художественные календари, портреты актеров, иллюстрации картин художников, аудио и видео записи, диски с фрагментами фильмов, музыки, песен и т.д.).

На доске фразы для ведения коллективного рассказа:

  • I’d like to tell you about
  • Sorry, I’d like to add something
  • Excuse me, I must say that ...
  • Sorry for interrupting you ...

Группы рассказывают о видах искусства, обсуждают услышанное, дополняют друг друга.

6. Step 5. “Develop your Abilities” (Use the computer)

(a competitive dictation).


So, art helps to develop your talents and abilities. What abilities do you know?

(creative, artistic, mental)

And all of them develop your imagination and cultural level. By the power of imagination we may create a wonderful world.Will you please test your abilities? I’ll read the word and you will draw it. (ученики изображают слово символом или рисунком).

(Theatre. Music. Ballet. Architecture. Painting. Love. Joy. English.)

Now, please say what you meant drawing this or that symbol?

In conclusion you can see who has creative abilities or who should develop them.

7. Step 6. “Read and Say” (работа с дополнительным материалом в парах).

Read the material of these papers in pairs and present the new material in the form of “Do you know that?”

Ученики работают в парах.


- Leonardo da Vinchi was an amazing man. He invented a parachute, an airplain, created new bridges and many other things. He was an expert anatomist and played musical instruments. He succeeded brilliantly as a painter. His gift for catching a likeness was unrivalled and his colouring was masterful. Each of his portraits is distinct and individual ... Etc...

- Benjamin Franklin was a great American journalist, philosopher, statesman, scientist, inventor. His inventions are bifocal glasses and the rocking-chair. The Presidents of the USA Eisenhawer and Winston Churchill were painters too. The President of the USA Bill Clinton played saxaphone. Walfgang Mozart, the Austrian composer played many musical instruments. He wrote his first composition at the age of four; at the age of seven he wrote his first symphony. Later he wrote one symphony a year ... Etc...

Взаимоконтроль прочитанного, сообщения учащихся.


Enumerate the names of the famous people you’ve learned about. Name the writers, the painters, the musicians.What do they have in common?

So, those heople had many abilities and used them in their life. Such men are called – many-sided. Can you name any many-sided people you know? What is special about them?

8. Step 7. “Read, Think and Choose. Give arguments.”


1.What helps you to develop your abilities? Look through the list of hobbies and say what your hobbies are and what they give you.

Listening to music, radio.

Watching TV, video.

Chatting with friends.

Drawing, painting.


Going to the cinema (theatre, concert, disco).


Travelling. Dancing.

Reading books.


Pet keeping.

(knowledge, experience, entertainment, inspiration, pleasure, joy, etc...)

Can you develop your abilities through your hobby? In what way? Give an example.

2. Listen to the letter of an American and answer the questions:

Monday, September 30th, 2007

Dear Felix,

Hello from America! My name is David. I will tell you a little bit about myself.....

I have been very lucky that my career and my love of music go together. I have been playing the piano for almost 18 years and the guitar for almost 10. I graduated from Wilkes University in 2001, and I have also attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts. I teach lessons to about 30 students, and play on studio recording sessions. I will also play for private parties or in small clubs, but I don’t play in bands any more. I do my own writings and recording in a variety of styles. My studio began as being just for me to make high quality recordings of my own music, but people heard about it, and it turned into a business. It used to be fun, but became work, and when it happened, it was time to move on.

Besides playing, writing, practicing, and teaching music, I love listening to it. I like all styles, including Rock, Pop, Classical, and especially Jazz. I also enjoy cooking and baking, travelling, and spending lots of time outside. I have a Dachshund named Jack who I love very much.

I realize that I am very fortunate being healthy, and doing well, so I try to help those less fortunate than myself. I do volunteer work with mentally retarded and disabled children, and also with disabled adults. One of my best friends is disabled and in a wheelchair because of an illness, and I have learned much from being around him.

Surely, I’m a person who doesn’t want to waste a minute of his life, to enjoy and experience everything I can, and try my hardest at all I do.....


Answer the questions and share your opinions about the letter.

Enumerate all John’s hobbies.

Can you say that he is a many-sided person? Why?

He says that he is lucky. Why? Develop your ideas.

9. Step 8. “Do the Role Play”


We are at the Hobby Club.

Parts: the speaker, the participants, the head of the family, the children, the guests.

Ведущий ведет встречу (вступительное слово, представление участников встречи).

Участники: выступление художницы (ученица заканчивает школу искусств), которая рассказывает о своей персональной выставке (оформила на уроке).

Семья: глава семьи представляет себя и членов своей семьи. Рассказывает о хобби детей и своих хобби.

Дети: рассказывают о музыке, которой увлекаются, о танцах, домашних питомцах (т.е. о своих действительных увлечениях).

Гости: задают вопросы, делятся впечатлениями, высказывают свое отношение к услышанному и увиденному. Тем, кто затрудняется, можно пользоваться инициативными карточками. Например: “Ask Ann why she hasn’t organized her personal exhibition of drawings at school yet?”

10. Step 9. “We Sum Up”


Speak shortly what you have learnt at the lesson.

Make a conclusion using the table in your computer to be more correct.

11. Подведение итогов урока.

Оцениваются знания, умения и навыки каждого ученика.

Обращается внимание на их способности и таланты.

Домашнее задание:

“Man and his abilities” – creative work