Урок английского языка в 8-м классе по теме "Travelling"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Образовательнst:
    • развитие умений и навыков использования языкового материала;
    • формирование речевых умений в монологической и диалогической речи;
    • тренировка употребления модального глагола would в речи;
    • контроль сформированности умений в аудировании с целью извлечения полной информации.
  • Развивающая: развивать умения применения полученных знаний в конкретной обстановке.
  • Воспитательная: прививать интерес к культуре, традициям страны изучаемого языка, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе (группе)

Оснащение урока:

  • карта Великобритании,
  • наглядные пособия,
  • карточки с заданиями по аудированию,
  • аудиозапись.

Ход урока

Step 1. Организационный момент.

Hello, boys and girls. Take your seats. Let’s begin our lesson. Today we will speak about travelling. We will discuss: why would you like to go to Great Britain?

Step 2. Warm-up activities.

Answer the questions:

T: - What ways of travelling do you know?

Предполагаемые ответы: Р1, Р2, Р3, … - I can travel by car (by train, by air, … , on foot).

T: - Can you travel from St. Petersburg to London by train? – No, we can’t.

T: - Can you travel from Calais to Dover on foot? – No, we can’t.

T: - How can we go from Calais to Dover? – We can go from Calais to Dover by sea.

Step3. Speaking.

T: - Look here. Показываю карточки со знаками метро по очереди. (Рисунок 1)

Рисунок 1

What does this symbol mean? - This symbol means the underground.

T: - OK. What is another name for the underground in the USA and in the UK?

P1: - The tube.

P2: - The subway.

T: - … in Russia?

P3: - The metro.

T: - Do we have this symbol in Russia?

P4: - No, we don’t.

T: - And what symbol do we have in Russia? Who can draw it on the blackboard? (Рисунок 2)

Рисунок 2

- Who wants to tell us some words about the London underground?

P5 - (Монолог одного из учащихся.)

T: - And what do you know about this symbol? (Рисунок 3)

Рисунок 3

What does it mean? Who can answer?

P1: - This symbol means the request stop.

T: - Who can tell us some words about this symbol?

P2: - (монолог одного из учащихся).

T: - Do we have this symbol in Russia?

P4: - No, we don’t.

T: - What do these symbols mean? (Рисунок 4, Рисунок 5).

Рисунок 4

Рисунок 5

P5: - These symbols mean British Railways and British Airways.

T: - Who can tell us some words about British Airways?

P6: - (Монолог учащегося).

Step 4. Work with the map.

T: - Look at the map. Let’s discuss: Why would you like to go to Great Britain?

P1: - I would like to go to Great Britain because I want to visit London, Edinburg …. .

T: - OK. Now go to the blackboard and find the capital of Scotland. What is Edinburg?

P2: - The capital of Scotland.

T: - Why would you like to go to Edinburg?

P2: - Edinburg is famous for its royal palace.

P3: - International Arts Festivals are held there.

T: - What way would you like to go to Edinburg?

P4: - By British Airways.

T: - OK. Now find the capital of England. What is London famous for?

P5: - London is famous for its historical places.

T: - What are the biggest and busiest airports in Great Britain?

P6: - Heathrow and Gatwick.

T: - Who can tell us about the capital of Wales? Find it on the map. What is Cardiff famous for?

P7: - There is kingdom of castles.

P8: - There is wonderful countryside.

T: - What way would you like to go to Cardiff?

P9: - I would like to go to Cardiff by air (by British Airways, by sea, by tunnel).

Step 5. Listening Comprehension (запись IV.2). Текст записи cм. Кузовлев В.П. и др.“English – 8” Student’s Book, M. Просвещение, 2006 стр.242)

T: - Now we will listen to the cassette. Your task will be to fill in gaps. (Приложение 1).

Look at the blackboard. Let’s read and understand the words:

(Доска: play tennis, tube, Heathrow, a coach tour, Britain, holiday, castles, hostel, swam.)

Are you ready to listen to the text? I’ll start the tape. As you listen, fill in the missing words.

Let’s listen to the tape once more.

Now look at the blackboard and check your work.

Who has no mistakes?

Who has only one mistake? ….

Excellent! I would like to know how well do you understand the text. Answer the questions. Find answers from the text.

Did you travel alone or with a group of students?

What airport did we fly to?

Where did we live?

What were your activities there?

What cities did they visit?

Did they have the best holiday in Great Britain?

Step 6. Dialogues.

T: - Let’s play the game. Two pupils will be travel agents and others are visitors.

Who wants to be travel agents? – P1 and P2. Go to the blackboard, please.

T: - You would like to go to Britain. You come to the travel agency ask your questions.

P3 – P1: - Hello.

- Hello. Can I help you?

- Yes, please. I’d like to go to Britain this summer. Where can I get some information about holidays in Britain?

- I’ll give you some travel leaflets.

- Thank you.

P4 – P2: - And I would like to travel to London. What would you advise me to visit in


- There are a lot of historical places in London: Westminster Abby, Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament and others.

P5 – P1: - But I’m very interested in kingdom of castles. What is the best way to get to know them?

- The best way to get to know the kingdom of castles is Cardiff.

P6 – P2: - Can you tell me what travel documents do I need? How much money can I take?

- All that information you will find in this leaflet. Here you are.

- Great. Thank you.

T: - Thank you. It’s enough for you. You have been very good in playing your dialogues.

Step 7. Заключительная часть (домашнее задание, подведение итогов, выставление оценок).

There is a proverb “When a man is tired of London – he is tired of life”. I think it isn’t about us. I see you know much about the UK and travelling. Thanks a lot.

“The world is a book, and those who don’t travel, read only one page”.

Take and open your school daybook and write down your home task.

Your home task is on the subject “Travelling” too. It’s ex.23 p.33 in your Activity Book.

Now take your A.B. Open your Activity Books at page 33. In this exercise you will see some information about travelling. Make 4 sentences about it.

You have been active at the lesson. Thank you. Your marks: … .

The lesson is over. Good-bye.