"Открытие Америки" (по УМК для 5-го класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Авторы учебника И.Н. Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок-коррекция знаний, умений и навыков по данной теме.

Цели: систематизировать и обобщить знания, умения и навыки и осуществить рефлексивную деятельность.

  • Практическая цель: развитие навыков коммуникативной деятельности.
  • Развивающая цель: способствовать развитию логического мышления, памяти, внимания; стимулировать самостоятельность учащихся, а также активность, любознательность, старательность; развивать личность учащихся через знакомство с историей, традициями СИЯ. Учить адаптироваться в стандартных и нестандартных условиях, контактировать с товарищами и учителями.
  • Воспитательная цель: воспитание ценностного отношения к культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка.

Учебно-наглядные пособия: карта, различные картинки, магнитофон, видео.

Дополнительные наглядные пособия: книги для расширения кругозора учащихся.


I. Организационный момент и речевая зарядка (Warm-up)

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you.

Cl: Good morning. We are glad to see you too.

(“Warmers” – these are short activities (5 min max) at the beginning of the lesson. They serve two purposes: as an introduction to the topic of the lesson and a lead-in to the first activity.)

Let’s watch a short film. Think and say what city it is and where it is situated.

Учитель включает видео (1-2 мин. Фрагмент фильма о США)

And now look at these pictures.

What and who are we going to speak about?

We know that Christopher Columbus traveled a lot, didn’t he?

Think and say why people spend a lot of time or even the whole life travelling.

(Students’ own answers)

II. Отработка в устной речи географических названий и имен собственных


a) Look at the blackboard. Listen to me and repeat after me.

Christopher Columbus the USA
Italy – Italian South America
Spain – Spanish North America
the New World Cuba
Plymouth “Mayflower”

b) Listen to me and complete my sentences:

  1. Christopher Columbus was a great seaman, …
  2. He was born in Italy but …
  3. Christopher Columbus reached America in …
  4. On the first voyage he had only …
  5. The second great voyage began
  6. He reached Cuba but he didn’t’ know …


c) Well, we’ve learnt a lot about this brave discoverer. Now you will work in groups of three and do the tasks on the cards.(Students do the activity in their groups while you monitor)

Card 1. You know everything about the place and the country where Columbus was born and lived; his profession and interests.

Card 2. You have read a lot about Columbus’ first voyage to the west; about the land he discovered, the name of the land.

Card 3. You are interested in Columbus’ second voyage in 1493 when he reached Cuba.

III. Развитие навыка аудирования (с извлечением информации и проверкой понимания)


Speaking about the discovery of America we know nothing about the people who lived there.

Columbus called them Indians because he thought he had reached India.

a) Useful vocabulary:

Read these words and guess what they mean:

shiny beads papayas
hammocks avocados

b) Listen to the text and say what new things Columbus and his people saw on the continent. (Play the tape twice)


The Indians have never seen men with swords. Why have they come? What will they do? Columbus gives the Indians shiny beads and tiny bells. The Indians give Columbus soft, cool cloth and colorful birds. People in Europe do not have cotton or parrots. The Indians are wearing gold rings.

Columbus sails further west to look for gold. He visits other islands. He meets more Indians. Most are friendly and helpful. They live in grass houses. They sleep in rope beds called hammocks. They travel in long boats called canoes. Columbus sees many new things.

Soon Columbus is ready to sail back to Spain with many new kinds of food-corn, sweet potatoes, tobacco, peanuts, papayas and avocados.

For the rest of his life, Columbus never knows how truly great his discovery is. It is called America!

c) People in Spain and even in Europe had never seen Indians and had never eaten corn, potatoes before Columbus’ travel. But nowadays all these things are ordinary things.

Have you ever slept in hammocks?

Have you ever traveled in long boats called canoes?

IV. Активизация изученного лексического материала (Prepositions)

T: Two hundred years passed… England became interested in the New World too. Look through the sentences and fill in the right preposition.

( Students do the task individually and then compare answers with their partners)

Fill in the prepositions:

  1. The first English settlements appeared … America … the beginning … the 17th century.
  2. … the 6th of September … a group of people left England for the New World.
  3. They sailed … Plymouth … board of the ship “Mayflower”.
  4. … a three months voyage these people landed in the North-East … America.
  5. They set up a colony and called that part … the country “New England”.

V. Развитие навыка изучающего чтения


T: And what about Native Americans? What do you know about them? Where did they live? Did they ride horses? ( Students’ own answers)

Read about the Plains Indians and complete the table .

Transport dogs
Children’s games

“The Plains Indians”

The Plains Indians didn’t live in one place. When they traveled, dogs carried and pulled their things. They didn’t use horses. When Spanish people arrived in America, some of their horses escaped. The Indians learned to ride the horses and used them when they hunted buffaloes.

The Indians cooked the buffalo meat. They used the skins for clothes and shoes. They used tipis, tents made of buffalo skins, and they painted them with pictures.

Indians loved their children. Mothers carried babies on their backs. Children didn’t go to school! They learned everything from their parents. They played with dolls and had fighting competitions. They played in rivers in the summer and in the snow in the winter.

Life for the Indians changed when Europeans arrived. Standing Bear, an Indian chief, said, “The plains were not wild for us. Then people arrived from the East and the “Wild West” started”.

VI. Развитие навыка диалогической речи Speaking

T: We have a lot of guests today. And one of them is a native Indian whose name is Standing Bear. Good morning, Standing Bear. We would like to ask you some questions about your transport, food, weapons and school. We know it was many years ago, that is why we should use PAST SIMPLE TENSE.


1) Where did they live? Did they live in tipis?

2) What did the Indians cook?

3) Indians loved their children very much, didn’t they?

4) Where did mothers carry babies?

5) Did children go to school?

6) How did they play?

7) Did life change when the Europeans arrived?

T: Thank you very much. We were very glad to meet you.

VII. Рефлексия

T: Christopher Columbus discovered this land many years ago. What did he want to know? Was he a brave person?

Can we say that his voyage changed people’s life not only in Europe but in the whole world?

Would you like to read books and watch films on TV about the great discoveries?

If you want to know more and more you may read these books

Организационный момент

Видео – звучит песня

Look at this poem. I want you to learn this poem by heart. (p. 317,ex. 11.) Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.