Открытый урок "How do we get ready for the party?" (на базе учебника Клементьева Т.Б. , Шеннон Дж. "Happy English"). 7–9-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:


– дать представление о том, как правильно себя вести, если вас пригласили в гости в американский дом;

– познакомить с видами официальных приемов и особенностями их проведения;

– применить ранее полученные знания (поздравление, приглашение) в новой ситуации;

– углубить знания о правилах поведения за столом.


– развитие логического мышления;

– развитие речевой деятельности;

– развитие творческих возможностей;

– развитие памяти, внимания.


– воспитание интереса к знаниям;

– воспитание культуры общения и поведения;

– воспитание эстетических взглядов и вкусов;

– воспитание коллективизма;

– воспитание творческой активности.

Оснащение урока:

– аудиомагнитафон с записью песни (“Let’celebrate”);

– магнитная доска с магнитами;

– картинки со столовыми приборами и посудой для работы на магнитной доске;

– “подарки” и 2 телефона для обыгрывания диалогов;

– открытки для приглашений и поздравлений на всех учащихся;

– “дерево удачи” (ветка дерева в цветочном горшке с конфетами на ветках, в конфетах шуточные пожелания и предсказания на английском языке).

Языковой материал:

– текст учебника “When invited to an American home…” и упражнения стр. 284-285;

– упражнение 1 стр. 30 из рабочей тетради;

– правила поведения за столом из книги для чтения к учебнику стр. 153 – 157 для каждого учащегося;

– текст песни на английском языке для каждого учащегося;

– картинка “Лото” из сборника упражнений Клементьева Т.Б. 5-6 класс;

– текст “Parties” из книги “Сокровищница бизнесмена” Графова Л.Л., Шахбагова Д.А. – М.; РИМЭКС, 1992

– на доске предлоги места, как опора, для объяснения действий по сервировке стола и схема “Виды вечеринок”

I. Приветствие. Начало урока.

Good morning. The theme of our lesson is “How do we get ready for the party?” Today will speak about parties, table manners and you’ll write birthday invitations and birthday cards. I prepared a surprise to you, but it’ll be at the end of our lesson.

II. Проверка домашнего задания.

Now let’s start our work. Your home task was to read and translate the text on page 284 and do exercises after it. Open your books on page 284. Please repeat the words after me.

Now, please, find these expressions in the text:

– хозяин и хозяйка,

– от человека к человеку,

– это считается грубым,

– открытка с благодарностью,

– убрать посуду со стола.

Read the sentences from page 285 and tell as if they are true or false. Correct the wrong sentences using the information from the text  Open your exercise-books on page 30. Let’s check your translation from

Russian into English.

III. Работа с новым материалом.

There are different types of parties. Look at the blackboard. They are Cocktail Party, Open House, The Buffet Supper (а-ля фуршет), Dinner Party, The Luncheon.

You have sheets of paper with the text on your tables. You’ll read about these

parties and answer my questions. So listen to your classmates very attentively.

P1: The Cocktail party

The usual hours are from five to seven, or six to eight. The usual number of people is large enough so everybody stands, or small enough so everybody sits. The usual drinks are cocktails, sherry and soft drinks or fruit juice. The usual foods are canapes or a cold buffet.

T: What time does the Cocktail Party usually start?

P2: Open House

This is usually a cocktail party, often on Sundays or holidays. But the usual hours are earlier, and the party is longer – three or four hours rather than two hours. Punch is often the drink. Instead of canapes, the food often consists of small "party" sandwiches, little cakes, mints, etc.

T: What is often drink at the “Open House” party?

 P3: The Buffet Supper

The usual hours for serving are seven or eight p.m., for an all-evening party, or midnight, for an after-the-theatre party. Guests should be invited an hour or two beforehand, for a cocktail period. Cocktails are never served after dinner.

The food is generally laid out and the guests are invited to help themselves at a prescribed hour (as distinguished from the cocktail-party where the food is constantly available). The menu usually includes: a minimum of one hot dish, one cold dish, one salad, one bread, one beverage, fruit and/or cheese and/or dessert. Nothing served should require a knife. Guests help themselves, eating off their knees or the floor or trays or small tables set up for the purpose. They sit with whomever they choose. The host watches for refill and second helping or does sometimes serve himself. Coffee and dessert are brought to the guests where they sit. Then the guests are served brandy or long drinks.

T: What can you find in the menu for the Buffet Supper?

P4: Dinner party

The dinner hour is usually seven or eight, with guest invited to come in time for cocktails at six or seven. You should not seat men together or women together if you can avoid it, and you should separate husbands and wives.

As soon as the women are seated, you and the other men sit. The first course should already be at the places. For the following courses, the plate is passed to the person you designate – first to the woman on your right, then counterclockwise around the table.

When the guests have been served, the wine is poured – a little in your glass first, then fill the glass of the woman on your right, and proceed counterclockwise around the table, filling your own glass last.

When everyone has had enough, the table is cleared and the dessert is brought in. Cookies or mints may be passed from hand to hand.

After dessert, coffee, in small cups, may be served at the table or in the living room, as you like. In either places liqueurs then follow – usually a choice of two or three. Later long drinks may be offered on a self-service basis.

T: How should you seat your guests at the table during the Dinner Party?

P5: The Luncheon

The hour is usually one o'clock. The menu is lighter. If soup is served it is in cups rather than the dinner soup plates. Coffee is served in large cups and there are usually no liqueurs.

T: What time does the Luncheon usually start?

We also make parties. Usually it is a birthday parties. What should we do to prepare for it? How do we get ready for the party? At first you should invite your guests. You may do it on the phone. These dialogues in Russian will help you do it. Choose the dialogue and use these phones.

Диалог 1

– Здравствуй, .... Это .... Я праздную мой день рождения завтра дома.

Приглашаю тебя придти.

– С большим удовольствием, ....

– Хорошо. Праздник начнется в 2 часа. Я рад(а), что ты сможешь придти.

– Спасибо за приглашение, ....

– До свидания, ....

– До свидания, ....

Диалог 2


– Здравствуйте. Могу я поговорить с ..., пожалуйста?

– Слушаю. Кто это?

-Это ... .

– О, здравствуй ....

– Как у тебя дела?

– У меня все хорошо. А у тебя?

– Очень хорошо. В субботу у меня дома праздник по случаю моего дня рождения. Приглашаю тебя.

– Дай подумать. Да, в субботу это хорошо.

If you make a party you should write an invitation card to your friend. If you are invited to the birthday party you should write some nice words on your birthday card. These sheets are for invitations and these are for birthday cards. Please do this task – invite or congratulate your friend.

(Режим работы: P1 (invite)> P2; P2 (congratulate) > P1; …)

Please invite your friends. (учащиеся читают свои приглашения) Now it’s time to lay the table. These expressions on the blackboard will help us. Repeat them after me.



put smth.

to the right of

to the left of

in front of

next to

to the right side of



Now look at this picture and lay the table yourself.

(Ученик у доски работает с магнитной доской, “накрывает на стол”, комментируя свои действия.)

Everything is ready for our party. It’s time to meet our guests. I have some presents: a picture, a book, a toy, red roses. Choose the present and act out the dialogue how you congratulate your friend.

(Ученик, который получил приглашение, должен поздравить и вручить подарок. Схема диалога: приветствие, поздравление, вручение подарка, благодарность)

Примерный диалог

— Hello!

— Hello, … .

— Happy birthday! I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.

Here's your present.

— Red roses! Thank you very much.

  • You're welcome.

During the dinner there might be difficult situations. What should you do? I’ll ask you questions, please find the right answers on the sheets of paper and read them.

(У учащихся только ответы на вопросы. Вопросы задаются не в порядке предлагаемых ответов.)

1) What should you do if someone asks you a question while you have food in you mouth?

Answer: Remember never to talk when a mouth is full of food. (Hold pointer finger up to mouth to signal to that person that you have food in your mouth and to please wait a minute; finish chewing food, swallow, and then answer).

2) When should you begin to eat your meal?

Answer: After all the plates are served, unless the host or hostess ask you to start eating.

3) When you finish eating, what should you do with the silverware?

Answer: Place your knife, fork and spoon across the dinner plate. It lets others know you have finished eating. Do not push the plate forward when you finish eating.

4) What should you do with the spoon after stirring coffee?

Answer: Place the spoon across the edge of the saucer or on a napkin.

5) What should you do if you spill food on your clothes?

Answer: Go to a sink. Get clean cloth. Wet it with COLD water. Lemon will help you to get rid of the spots. Gently rub the area with the wet cloth. If the stain does not go away, you may need to change clothes. Then put stain remover on the dirty area and wash the cloths as usual in the washing machine.

The longer food remain on clothes, the harder it will be to remove the stain.

6) Mother has cooked your favourite cake. You're the first to serve yourself. What should you do?

Answer: leave the biggest for someone else because others like the dish also.

7) What should you do if you are eating alone?

Answer: Avoid bad eating habits —like standing when eating—just because there's no one there to see you. Plan a wholesome menu instead of stand-up snacks, and eat slowly, seated. A pretty setting, a colourful napkin or a gift mug promotes happy memories and a pleasant state of mind when having a meal alone.

Do you have good table manners? Let’s check it. Look at the sheets of paper.

Listen to me and say the same in English.

(Учитель произносит правило по-русски, а учащиеся должны найти и прочитать его по-английски)

1) Be punctual, or the meal may be spoilt.

2) Wait for the host or hostess to tell you where to sit.

3) In America, they invite others at the table to "Enjoy." In France, they say, "Bon

Appetit." Germans say, "Guten Appetit", and Italians, "Buon Appetite". The

British say nothing.

4) Take your napkin and put it on your lap. Keep it there during the meal and use it to wipe your hands or mouth whenever necessary.

5) Offer others before you help yourself.

6) Sit up straight and keep your elbows off the table.

7) Ask the people around you kindly to pass things that are out of your reach; then, thank them.

8) After you have cut off one piece of food, lay your knife down on the edge to the inside. Cut only one piece of food at a time.

9) If you sneeze or cough while you are at the table, turn your head away from the food and cover your mouth.

10) Try not to stuff your mouth full of food. Also, avoid talking when you have something in your mouth.

11) If you need to take something out of your mouth, like a bone, or a seed: Carefully place it on your spoon. After you have put the bone, or seed onto your spoon; empty it onto your plate.

12) It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on the saucer.

13) While you are eating, put the knife and fork you are using on the edge of your plate. Try not to lay them down on the table at anytime.

14) After each course, the knife and fork should be laid side by side in the middle of the plate handles to the right. This shows that you have finished and the plate can be removed. If you leave the knife and fork apart, it will show that you have not finished eating.

15) Hands should be kept in your lap when you are not eating.

16) Before you leave the table, remember to thank the person who was kind enough to prepare your food.

17) If you are visiting a family, offer to help, for example clearing the table and washing up the dishes after a meal.

There is no birthday party without songs. Let’s sing a song too. Repeat after me:

Let's celebrate

Tomorrow is my birthday,
So let us celebrate,
Let us decorate the flat,
And let's phone our mates.
Let them bring me presents,
Let them sing a song,
And let us play computer games all day long.
Let's go out for dinner,
Let us watch TV,
Let us phone my Granny,
And let her come to me.
Let us have a big cake,
Let us say "Hooray!"
Let it be my birthday every day!

Sing this song with the tape. Sing the song yourselves.

And now my surprise. It’s a fortune tree. Choose any sweet and read the wish inside it.

IV. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.