Использование Интернет-ресурса "Trend UK" на уроках английского языка по теме: "New way of going out"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Урок по теме “New way of going out” проводится в 8 классе в рамках темы “Mass media” (учебник М.З.Биболетовой) как пример использования Интернет для получения информации.

Цель: Научить извлекать основную информацию из текста

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования
  • подготовить к письменному выражению своего мнения к прочитанному
  • познакомить с социокультурной информацией: новый способ проводить время в Британии

Виды речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, аудирование, письмо

Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная

Оборудование: магнитофон, раздаточный материал - тексты статьи из журнала “Trend UK”

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент, целеполагание
  2. Дотекстовые упражнения
  3. Работа с текстом
  4. Послетекстовые упражнения
  5. Итоги урока, домашнее задание, оценки

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент, мотивация, объявление темы и цели урока.

Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we are going to speak about the unusual way of spending our weekends. Let‘s remember how can we have a rest at weekends.

Pupil 1: Usually we go to the disco.

Pupil 2: We can play computer games or watch TV.

Pupil 3: I like sleeping on weekends.

Teacher: Yes, it‘s very popular among teenagers. But there is one more way of spending time on weekends.

2. Дотекстовые упражнения

Teacher: Today we’ll read the article from the British electronic magazine “Trend UK” and will know how the British do it.

Exercise 1

Take your texts and read the headline of it. What does it mean?

Don’t you think that “Staying in” and “Going out” are antonyms? What do you think is this story about?

(Предположения учащихся)

Exercise 2

Find the international words in the text (письменно, 5 минут)

bar, pub, club, manager, weekend, alternative, music, centre, recipe, a consultant psychologist, stress, systems, plasma, television, satellite television, DVD players, popularity, company

How many words have you found?

(индивидуальная работа, взаимопроверка)

Exercise 3

Let’s read the new words you need to understand this text. (Семантизация лексики различными способами)

a posh meal a wild night entertain socialize hassle
carry out described IT manager alternative survey
drunken source sanctuary insurance

Exercise 4

Look through the text and say what this text is about.

Чтение текста с извлечением основной информации

Exercise 1

Listen to the article and say how many people discuss the problem.

Staying in is the new going out!

Are you a SHEF?

It’s Saturday night – what is a group of friends to do? They could go out to a bar or pub, they could enjoy a posh meal or they could go to a club. That’s what may have happened a few years ago. However, new research carried out by Ernest and Julio Gallo wines has shown that three times as many Britons would rather stay in and cook a meal for friends than have a wild night out. These people are being described by marketing firms as the Stay Home and Entertain Friends (SHEF) brigade.

Mark is an IT manager from Manchester and could be described as a SHEF. “I like to socialize with my friends, but going out every weekend can be really expensive. We’ve found an alternative: head to the local pub for one or two drinks, then go back to one of our homes for food, drink and some music. Much less hassle and more fun than going into the city centre and struggling to get a taxi at 2am!”

The in- crowd

The survey also found that as many men and women associated romance with home-cooked, candlelit with their partners, claiming that this was a perfect recipe for a great Saturday night. Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at Cardiff University, says “men and women are becoming free to take up postures free of sexual stereotyping… getting to each other (over a meal) is a far healthier way than shouting over noisy, drunken crowds’.

According to another study by insurance company More Than, people are also turning to their homes as a source of entertainment and a sanctuary from the stress of modern living. The new “staying in” culture is diving increased spending on home improvement and entertainment systems within the home. Many people in the UK have set up home cinemas with plasma screen televisions, satellite television and DVD players.

Maybe, soon the popularity of this trend will decline and going out will become the new staying in!

(TREND UK Модная Британия www.british council. ru )

Exercise 2

Say what person we call “SHEF” (высказывания учащихся)

Exercise 3

Read the text again and make up a plan of it.

Exercise 4

Find and read aloud the sentence about what the British and their friends can do at home.

(индивидуально, контроль - 1-2 ученика читают выписанное предложение)

Exercise 5

Guess what translation of the word combination is more suitable.

Going out

  1. выходить
  2. погаснуть
  3. гулять

3. Послетекстовый этап

Exercise 1

Now answer my questions. Use expressions from the text.

(Устно, индивидуально)

  1. Do you like this way to have a rest with your friends?
  2. How often do you invite your friends to your place?
  3. Your parents don’t mind your Saturday parties, do they?
  4. What entertainments can you offer to your friends except computer games?

Exercise 2

Write 2 sentences PRO and 2 sentences CONTRA the new way of spending time

Итоги урока

Teacher: Today we have known how many Britons prefer to rest at

weekends. It is the way that makes people closer to each other and it is good for everybody, isn’t it? You may take this idea and try to spend long winter evenings together with your friends.

6. Домашнее задание

At home write the short summary of the article.

7. Итоги. Оценки.

Использованная литература.

1. Материалы дистанционного курса повышения квалификации учителей иностранного языка по теме “Развитие и контроль коммуникативных умений: традиции и перспективы”, авторы Е.Н.Соловова, В.Г. Апальков 2005-2006

2. www.british council. ru TREND UK Модная Британия