Сценарий презентации проекта в 10-м классе по теме: "Здоровье и экология человека"

Разделы: Спорт в школе и здоровье детей, Экология


  • Научить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью и к здоровью окружающих.


  • Совершенствовать умения использовать в речи фоновые знания, информацию, полученную на других предметах гуманитарного цикла;
  • Развивать способности логически излагать свои мысли в процессе общения;
  • Совершенствовать навыки ведения обсуждения в рамках темы с использованием технологии сотрудничества;
  • Развивать творческие способности учащихся.


  • Пословицы: "Good Health Is Above Wealth";
  • "Early To Bed And Early To Rise Makes A Man Healthy, Wealthy And Wise";
  • "He Who Has Health Has Hope And He Who Has Hope Has Everything";
  • "Eat At Pleasure, Drink With Measure".
  • Выставка детских рисунков; плакаты по теме; схемы; книга-раскладушка “Health Cooking”, выставка-реклама поливитаминов.

Технические средства: видеомагнитофон, магнитофон, видеоролики.


Музыкальный фон: Звучит музыка из саундтрека к фильму "The X-Files".

Появляется ученик, играющий роль Фокса Малдера (F.M.)

F.M.: Hello! I'm Fox Mulder. I am a special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations. My work is to investigate the unusual situations and phenomena.

Появляется Дана Скалли (D.Sc.), обращается к Ф. Малдеру.

D.Sc.: Hi, Mulder! I'm sorry, I'm late. What's the news?

FM.: Hi, Scully! We have got the new task. I think it's rather interesting.

D.Sc.: Really? Will you tell me about it in detail, please?

F.M.: First of all, let's watch and listen to some information.

(Показ видеосюжета: интервью с доктором Хакасской Республиканской поликлиники . Антонович. В.А. “Статистика заболеваемости по городу Абакану”).

F.M.: What do you think about it, Scully? I'm sure this is the work of aliens.

D.Sc.: Oh, Mulder, I believe the facts only. There is nothing unusual in this situation. Health is the most important wealth in our life. I agree that the situation with incidence in Abakan attracts our attention. Well, have you got any plans?

F.M.: You know the group of our agents is working in Abakan at this moment. May be they are able to help us.

F.M.: Hello, Abakan! Will you give us some information, please?

Agent 1: Hello! Is that you, Mulder? Of course I can tell you about the incidence in Abakan, (сообщение-показ на схеме).

Dear ladies and gentlemen! The statistic is horrible. Practically there is no healthy child nowadays. Almost 80% of children suffer from different diseases. We've taken the information from the railway station policlinic of the town of Abakan. Look here! (Показывает таблицу) You can see that many children have diseases of central nervous system, diseases of blood (such as anemia), diseases of digestive system, especially gastritis, diseases of breathing system (such as pneumonia, quinsy, asthma), diseases of eyes, ears, etc. According to the facts of the health organizations of Khakasia, our children also suffer from tuberculosis, rheumatism, diabetes, scoliosis, hepatitis and diseases of thyroid gland. Besides, because of psychological and social problems, such illnesses as alcoholism and drug addiction have appeared nowadays. The situation is very serious.

F.M.: What is the reason of such high incidence, I wonder?

D.Sc.: It's usually connected with the environmental problems. Let's watch the next video.

(Показ 2-го видеосюжета: интервью с руководителем экологического кружка ЦД'Г на фоне видов города.)

F.M.: And what can our agents add? Have you got any additional information?

Agent 2: As the results of the investigation we have found out that the ecological situation in the republic of Khakasia becomes strained. The influence of the factors of the environment on the health of the people increases regularly. And one of these factors is air pollution. The level of air pollution is rather high. The concentration of such harmful substances as ash of coal, sulphur dioxide, carbon oxide has been found in the atmosphere of Khakasia. Mainly the industrial enterprises of non-ferrous metal industry, coal industry, housing and communal services pollute the atmosphere, in comparison with 1998 the level of air pollution has increased in two times. The harmful substances of the industrial enterprises, communal waste change the structure of air and it leads to the appearance of the ozone holes in the atmosphere. Nowadays each of us knows about the damage of the ultraviolet rays on the health of the people. The direct ultraviolet rays are the reason of such horrible disease as the cancer of skin.

Agent 3: And I'd like to tell about dangerous driving in Khakasia and in Abakan. Driving is also one of the sources of pollution. The amount of cars on the territory of Khakasia has increased. Town traffic throws out into the atmosphere 68% of all harmful substances. We breath the air polluted by the waste of the town traffic. The local television programme "Nota Bene" informs that some people are used to wash their cars in the rivers and in the lakes. They don't think about the damage of their actions. The noise of town traffic influences the health of the people whose houses are situated near the main roads. As the result, the population of Khakasia suffers from different diseases. Such diseases as bronchitis, asthma, bad headaches, stresses are the result of the harmful influence of driving. The students of School №10 have discussed the problem of the town, traffic and its influence on the health of the population.

They have learned their opinions and have collected signs "соns" and "pro" traffic near their school. This list shows you that the most of the students are against traffic near their school.

Agent 4: According to the result of my investigation acid rain takes the important role in the air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Acid rain comes from sulphur in coal and oil. Poisonous gases come from the factories. When sulphur and oil bum, they make sulphur dioxide (Sq.). This mixes with water vapor in the air and becomes sulphuric acid (IbSCX). The water vapour becomes clouds. Poisonous rain falls on plants, animals, rivers, lakes, buildings, towns and destroys it. Acid rain can travel thousands of miles, so pollution in one country can become acid rain in another country. If we eat poisoned food and drink poisoned water, we can fall ill. So acid rain influences the human body.

Agent 5: The ecologists of Khakasia consider that it's necessary to have the special ecological program to keep nature clean.

Mass media tell that ecologists have worked out the unique program of the environmental protection. The most important questions of this program are:

1) the problem of keeping natural resources;

2) the problem of utilization and recycling of industrial and communal waste.

The program proposes to use the experience and support of the international specialists and allows to enlist the foreign investments into the environmental protection of Khakasia.

F.M.: Yes, these facts have made great impression on me. The environment influences the health of people.

D.Sc.: On the one hand it's right, but on the other hand the Bible tells about 7 deadly sins. Times go on but people haven't changed. Modern people have got bad and good health habits as in past times. No doubt that bad health habits are the important reason of the high sick rate. What information can our agents give us?

Agent 6 (Сообщение о гиподинамии, показ схемы о кол-ве времени, проводимого у ТВ):

Television most definitely plays a very important part in people's lives. But is this a good thing or a bad one? Haven't we become lazier because оf television? Don't we move less than we used to? How much time do we usually spend watching TV? Look at this scheme, please. It shows how much time people spend in front of the box. And you see little kids stay up as long as the adults to watch things that aren't good for children at all. People who make up TV programs sometimes forget there are children in the viewers' families. We have the problem of violence on television. Children are particularly vulnerable; pictures to them are terrifying and compelling in a way that words are not. And TV has become resource of aggression and violence among young people. They have become more nervous. Sometimes after watching a horrible film children can't sleep well. Besides you know television has bad influence on your eyesight so as computers have. Do you think it's not dangerous?

Agent 7 (Сообщение о наркомании):

- Another serious problem is using illegal drugs like cocaine, heroine and ecstasy. Drugs cause the loosing of interest to the reality. They do harm and suffering to the whole family and the people around us. Drugs are the main reason of the high death rate among teenagers. They cause slow reactions, brain disease, and loss of memory. The main thing is that drug addiction is unbeatable disease. The period of remission is different for people. The beginning drug addicts take drug on trial and the process of getting used to drugs is two times as quick with girls than with boys. Since 1998 the amount of drug addicts aged under sixteen years old was about 3%; in 1999 – about - 5%; in 2000 - it was about 10%. Taking drugs leads to psychological unbalanced state. Drags kill thousands every year. According to the official information for the last two years 47 people died in Khakasia. The middle age of victims is 18 years old. Teenagers don't realize the risk of taking drags. Those who take drags have the real chance to catch AIDS and die of it.

Agent 8 (Сообщение о курении):

- Many people pollute themselves. Some do it with legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco. People say that the cigarette is a means of making contact with a fellowmen easier. When people give each other a cigarette they create a common interest. It's false. It is said mat smoking a cigarette stimulates the activity of the brain. It's false. Nicotine is one of the most powerful poisons to a man. The fatal quantity is 50 milligrams. Smoking influences the blood pressure and the working of the heart. The quantity of tar in the smoke is harmful to the respiratory organs. Cancer of kidneys is found 5 times as often with smokers than with non-smokers. Smokers cause damage to non-smokers. Smoking is harmful to cardiac patients. Smoking in closed rooms is a kind of pollution and is not only dangerous to smokers, but also to non-smokers.

Agent 9 (Сообщение о диете):

For many people bad health begins with a bad diet. Food is fuel. Our minds and bodies depend on it for the energy to be healthy and strong. Not just any food will do and a bad diet can be positively unhealthy. Of course snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, drinking and using drugs. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles. Naturally different foods contain different amounts and combinations. Very sweet goods don't give you any vitamins, minerals, fibre, fat or protein. Although sweets, cakes, cola drinks and chocolate are delicious, they're not very healthy and they cause obesity and they're also bad for your teeth. Some kinds of meat, dairy products, crisps, cakes, biscuits contain fat. Fat contains a lot of calories, cholesterol. Too much fat can cause your body serious problems. Too much salt causes high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Agent 10 (Сообщение о стрессе):

Modern life is full of pressure and problems. Some people can control this. They sleep well, enjoy life and don't worry very much. Others are the opposite. They sleep badly, don't enjoy life and worry all the time. People like this are suffering from stress. Stress is a kind of illness itself and it can lead to many others.

F.M.: The situation has been clarified.

Agent 11: Will you permit us to tell about the ways of taking care of health at school № 10? As the result of our investigation we have found out that children begin to learn good health habits at the age of seven. Let's watch and listen to some information about it.

(Показ видеосюжета: “Урок здоровых привычек” в 1 классе Т.Г. Золотых)

Agent 11: The aim of these lessons is to give pupils the information about tobacco and alcohol, to teach them to avoid these bad habits, to teach how to communicate with people, how to make the right choice.

(Исполнение учащимися песни "I don't want")

D.Sc.: Oh, it's great! I think that learning of good health habits at school can play the positive role in their future life. I hope these kids will grow healthy and strong people. But it's very important and necessary to know medicines, which prevent diseases. Have you investigated this problem?

Agent 12: Sure. We have found out that in Khakasia books, newspapers, radio and television spread information about food, nutrition, health, diet and medicines. Advertisement of medicines and vitamins plays a great role in the life of the people. The students have discussed the influence of advertisement; kinds of advertisement and now they can show you their variants of advertisement.

(Реклама лечебных средств)

F.M.: That sounds good. But do people understand the importance of healthy diet? Can they choose and cook the right, healthy dishes? I'm sure that bad diet is one of the factors of bad health.

Agent 13: According to the information the pupils of our school are sure that food is one of the sources of vitamins, minerals and protein. Children prefer to drink juices. Cherry juice is rich in vitamins С and B. People drink cherry juice when they want to regulate blood pressure. Apple juice is rich in vitamin С and iron. It's necessary to drink apple juice for healthy muscles and for some reactions in the brain. Orange and grapefruit juices contain vitamins A and C. They help to prevent from colds, increase the resistance to infections and take out cholesterol. I have learned this information at our school club "Hostess". Teachers and pupils take an active part in the work of the club "Hostess". The members of the club learn the basis of healthy eating and recipes of healthy cooking. Now some pupils are going to share the secrets of healthy cooking with you.

(Ученики предлагают рецепты здоровых блюд)

D.Sc.: Oh, this information will be very useful for everybody. I hope that eating such healthy dishes is an ordinary thing for Russian people. And what is the situation with physical activity of teenagers? As far as I know bad physical activity can be the reason of diseases.

Agent 14 (Сообщение о спорт. занятости уч-ся в школе. Показ видеосюжета о занятости подростков спортом и соревновании “Папа, мама, я - спортивная семья”):

- Let's watch the video, please. We have found out that sport is the important part of most teenagers' life. I can't say that everybody is a sport lover but to have a healthy mind you must have a healthy body. Sport makes you strong, fast and patient. It helps to work off your extra energy. Besides sport builds character and teaches about life. It teaches you to be disciplined, in our school there is a good traditional sport competition "Father, Mother and me are the Sporty Family". The pupils and parents take an active part in this competition. It creates a good, kind, healthy atmosphere between parents and children. Parents show good results and children are very proud of them. According to our information the most popular sport is basketball. And our school basketball team takes an active part in town sport competitions and shows good results. 40% of teenagers go in for basketball. 20% of students go in for tennis. 15% of teenagers prefer swimming. Teenagers follow the latest world sport news. For millions of people around the world regular exercise is now part of their daily lives. Some jog, cycle or swim, while others prefer to work out in gyms, do aerobics or play team sports. They're a part of the worldwide fitness revolution, which has taken place over the last twenty years. Now, the students of our school fitness club are going to show you apart of their regular training.

(Выступление фитнесс-группы)

F.M.: Well, Scully, I think the situation is rather serious but the Russians can solve the problem themselves. The truth is simple (обращается к схеме). Many dangerous factors influence the health of the people. They are environmental influence, physical inactivity, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, and smoking. They are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.

D.Sc.: I'd like to add a few words. To solve the health problem then Russians should remember such important factors as: a healthy diet, keeping environment clean, physical activity, eating low fat food. In conclusion we say: "The human being is a master of his own health".

F.M.: Well, Dana, our investigation is over and it's time to make up the final report.

D.Sc.: In conclusion I'd like to say that Health and Beauty are closely connected. The members of Sport Dance Club are going to show you their brilliant dance.Enjoy this beautiful performance and good luck!

(Выступление танцевального дуэта).
