«Who Wants to be the Champion?» «From the History of FASHION» (для учащихся 8-х классов)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 8

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Презентация к уроку

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Цели: проверить, повторить, закрепить и углубить знания учащихся по теме «Одежда», создать условия, способствующие пробуждению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, любознательности, развитие памяти, познавательных и речевых умений.


  • Формировать умение интегрировать знания по разным дисциплинам;
  • Развивать слуховое и зрительное восприятия, коммуникативную речь учащихся;
  • Воспитывать интерес к предмету;
  • Формировать личностные качества учащихся: чувство товарищества, ответственности, взаимовыручки, умение работать в коллективе.

Планируемые результаты (предметные):

  • Ученик научится:
    • участвовать в элементарном диалоге-расспросе (кто?, что?, где?, когда? и отвечать на них);
    • понимать на слух речь учителя, одноклассников при непосредственном общении и вербально / не вербально реагировать на услышанное;
    • воспринимать на слух и понимать содержание вопросов, построены на знакомом языковом материале с опорой на зрительную наглядность;
    • корректно произносить предложения-ответы с точки-зрения их ритмико-интонационных особенностей.
  • Ученик получит возможность научиться:
    • предлагать сделать что-либо вместе, и соглашаться / не соглашаться на предложение партнёра;
    • воспринимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников и полностью понимать содержащуюся в ней информацию;
    • догадываться о значении незнакомых слов, не обращать внимания на незнакомые слова, не мешающие пониманию основного содержания вопроса;
    • соблюдать интонацию в речи.

Метапредметные результаты.

  • Личностные: учатся уважительно относиться к другой культуре, проявляют познавательный интерес к учебной деятельности, к изучению иностранного языка.
  • Регулятивные: планируют свои действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации.
  • Познавательные: выделяют необходимую информацию, осознанно строят речевое высказывание в устной форме, находят ответы на вопросы в иллюстрациях.
  • Коммуникативные: оформляют свои мысли в устной форме; слушают и понимают речь других; работают в группе в соответствии с правилами поведения и этикета, приходят к общему мнению в результате совместной работы группы, контролируют действия партнёров.

Состав участников: участие в мероприятии принимают учащиеся 8-х классов.

Образовательные ресурсы:

  • компьютерное оборудование,
  • мультимедийное оборудование, интерактивная доска,
  • магнитная доска,
  • вопросы в конвертах,
  • игровой стол
  • фотографии, картинки, относящиеся к теме урока

План мероприятия:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Представление участников.
  3. Интерактивная игра "Who wants to be the Сhampion?" «From the History of FASHION».
  4. Рефлексия.

Тип урока: обобщающий урок.

Данный урок предлагается для учащихся 8-х классов после изучения темы "Делаем покупки". Мероприятие рассчитано на 60 минут.

Ход урока


  1. What is fashion? (Fashion is a general term for a popular style - especially in clothing, footwear, accessories; make up, body piercing or furniture).
  2. Fashion industry is a product of the modern age. Are there any associations in your mind when you hear this term? (Sewing machine, handmade things, tailors, dressmakers, street style, leather, fur, fabric clothes, department stores, production of fashion goods and rare materials, sales, advertising, promotion).
  3. What is street style? (Street Fashion is exactly what it means. It is fashion that has developed from the streets and not from runway shows or designers. It really has its grassroots in the youth culture of the recent decades. Street fashion, unlike other fashions, does not cover just one style of dressing, but it covers a whole range of styles).
    All these styles are unique and were created by the youth who favored this style of dressing.
  4. Who is a fashion victim? (Fashion victimis a term that is used to identify a person who is unable to identify commonly recognized boundaries of style).
  5. Explain what is to be fashionable? (Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. - (Coco Chanel).

Teacher: Children, today we shall talk about fashion. To have fashion, you must first have clothing. When did fashion begin?

P1: Difficult to say… Since humans started covering up with leaves.

P2: A little from history. Nobody knows exactly who the first to invent clothes was. Many- many years ago people took off the skin from the animals. At first they only ate their meat, but then they began to use their skin as clothes.

P3: You forget to say that a man began to cultivate this skin to make it softer.

P4: Who knows when the first needle was invented?

P5: They say that 15000 years ago our ancestors invented the needle and began to sew the skins together. This was the first image of our clothes. [3]

Teacher: All this is very interesting. What other interesting facts from the history of fashion do you know? (Слайды №№ 2-4, 6). Учащиеся делятся на две команды, и каждая команда озвучивает заранее подготовленную информацию.

P6 (команда 1)

P8 (команда 2)

P1 (команда 1)

I read that some 10000 years ago the people of Egypt made the first tissues. It was cotton wool and flax. Later in China silk was invented

For 4500 years nobody knew how the Chinese were making silk. In the 5-th century from China to Byzantium two monks returned. They brought in their crooks the silk worms. So, due to them silk appeared in Europe.

In the 12-th century crusaders returned to Europe bringing with them unusual and luxury clothes from the East. They gave rise to the general use of the purse

P7 (команда 1)

P8 (команда 2)

P9 (команда 2)

In the 13-th century appeared dresses with tight sleeves. The tight fit was achieved with lacing or buttons.

By men linen shirts were worn next to the skin. Over the shirt was worn a doublet. From around the mid-15th century very tight-fitting doublets, belted or tailored to be tight at the waist, were fashionable. Pants were parti-coloured

In this period of time the best and the most fashionable fabric was velvet

P11 (команда 1)

P4 (команда 2):
P10 (команда 1):
P12 (команда 2)

P10 (команда 1):
P11 (команда 2):
Coco Chanel introduced

In the 17-th century solid-colour satins were in favour.

Popular in the 20-th century and now: Nylon. My mother said when she was young nylon dresses and shirts for men also made of nylon were very popular.

Leather. Now we wear leather trousers, leather jackets, leather shirts, etc.

Jeans. It's popular among young people.

The skirt tweed suit, the little black dress, chain-handled handbags.
Women loved Chanel little black dress which has remained popular ever since.
And Jersey. She created comfortable, modern fashion which is still popular.

Жюри обменивается мнениями и выбирает самую, на их взгляд, интересную информацию. Командам начисляются баллы.

Teacher: There are a lot of fashion houses, their creations are really wonderful! (Слайд №7).

Teacher: There are good sayings helping you to shape your image "Stay simple", "Stay positive". (Слайды №8 и 9).

Don't copy too much of other people. "Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it". (Azgraybebly Josland).

Командные соревнования продолжаются.

Teacher: Task 1. Some people like discussing things they wear and problems connected with their outfit. How many words and expressions can you find to make pairs? (Слайд №10).

to fit, to wear, to suit, to match, to dress, to go with, to put on, to have clothes on, to be the right size

Учащиеся записывают ответы в тетрадь. Приглашается представитель от каждой команды с выполненными заданиями. Жюри анализирует ответы.

Key: to fit - to be the right size; to dress - to put on; to match - to go with; to wear - to have clothes on; to fit - to suit

Teacher. Task 2. Учитель раздает учащимся карточки с незаконченными предложениями:

Look at your cards. Choose the correct word from the previous exercise to fill in the blanks:

  1. Do you think this skirt is the right size? - Yes, it … perfectly.
  2. This is a new dress for you. Why don't you try it on to see if it … you? - I think it's … and very up-to-date.
  3. I think you'll find the right dress to … me. I'm a standard size.- But the most difficult thing is to buy a necklace… with it.
  4. Why don't you wear that hat? - Do you think that this colour … me? - Yes, it looks really very good on you.
  5. Would you put on something else? It doesn't … you at all. It's too tight. - I think you are right. I'd better change this suit for another one.
  6. Why is he wearing this red scarf? It doesn't ... him at all. - Yes. Nobody wears things like this.
  7. I can't wear my green shoes with the black skirt, they don't … - you are right. You have good taste.

Приглашается представитель от каждой команды с выполненными заданиями. Жюри анализирует ответы.

Key: (fits); (fits, the right size); (fit, to go with); (matches); (fit); (suit); (match). (Слайд №11).

Teacher Task 3 (раздаются карточки): Look at the cards on your desks.

Complete the information about the world famous jeans (Слайд №12) using the right forms of the verbs given before the text (to be, to design, to make, to wear, to produce). (Слайд №13):

Levi jeans … by the people all over the world, they … fashionable and strong and you can … them for a long time. The first Levi jeans… in San Francisco in the 19-th century, they … for workmen who needed cheap and strong trousers. The jeans … of a special kind of strong cotton Levi jeans… usually blue. But the company also… them in black, white and several other colours, there … many different designs. Nowadays Levi … multinational company and their jeans… in factories all over the world.

Приглашается представитель от каждой команды с выполненными заданиями. Жюри анализирует ответы.

Key (Слайд №14): are worn; are; wear; were produced/made/designed; were made /produced/designed;

Are made; are designed; are; is; are produced/made.

Teacher: Answer my questions:

Do you like to wear jeans? What is your favourite design? How long have you had them? Where were they made? (Слайд №15).

Teacher Task 4 (см слайд №16). And now another task. Can you guess the word by the description? The first 2 letters or a syllable is given.

Hair… The way you like to have your hair.

A bra… A piece of jewellery.

Sa... The summer footwear.

Make… What we decorate our face with.

A car… A short woolen jacket with buttons.

A su…. A thing for women's everyday wear

Приглашается представитель от каждой команды с выполненными заданиями. Жюри анализирует ответы.

Key: hairstyle; a bracelet; sandals; make-up; a cardigan; a suit.

Teacher Task 5 (раздаются карточки): Form compound nouns from the underlined words (Слайд № 17).

  • shoes for playing tennis;
  • a suit for going in for track and field;
  • a light jacket for summer;
  • a suit for swimming;
  • a coat for rain;
  • a small bag in a woman's hand

Приглашается представитель от каждой команды с выполненными заданиями. Жюри анализирует ответы.

Key: a handbag; a tracksuit; a summer jacket; a swimsuit; a raincoat; tennis shoes.

Жюри подсчитывает результаты и объявляет победителя.

P8: We have prepared some information about the history of Business Suit which is an official style in any Russian school as well. Look at our schoolchildren! (Слайд № 18).

P7: In 1870th the clothes of men's fashion from Great Britain came to women's wardrobes. It was a suit, practical and firm (a jacket and trousers, a jacket and a skirt or a waistcoat and trousers or a skirt).

P8: These clothes are comfortable and it's easy to move in them. They show discipline, strictness and freedom of their owners. The lines are calm, the colour and print are of great importance. Business clothes mustn't be boring.

P9: Of course, they must be clean, light and practical.

Teacher: And it's nice that school uniform as well as business suit is usually created to be comfortable, modern, fashionable, practical and wearable giving us a classy look in office and at school. (Слайд №19).

Teacher: Well done! Now listen to some information from the history of fashion. We have talked with you about the history of jeans. And can you say what was fashionable in different periods of the XX-th century? (Слайд №20).

Учащиеся делятся на две команды, и каждая команда озвучивает заранее подготовленную информацию.

Примерные ответы учащихся (материал подготовлен заранее):




In the Roaring Twenties dresses and hair became shorter - people saw women's knees for the first time. For men trousers with very wide legs became fashionable. They were called Oxford bags.

In late 1940-1960 in Russia appeared the youth subculture "styliagi" (E. "dandy, fop") as imitation of the American way of life (bright colours in clothes, slang, interest to the music and dances from abroad).

In the 1950s for men this was the age of the teddy boy (R. "пижон") who wore long jackets in very bright colours - pink, orange or yellow - and very tight trousers. For women jumpers and blouses with wide skirts and short socks were fashionable. Both men and women wore shoes with long pointed toes. The women's shoes had high stiletto heels.




The 1960s saw a revolution in clothes. Everything changed. This was the time of the mini-skirt and long boots. Men had long hair - the famous Beatles haircut.

In the late 1960s and early 70s the "flower power" style was in. Women were loose maxi-skirts. Men wore jeans and brightly coloured shirts or T-shirts. Clothes were very bright. Very long hair was fashionable for men and women, and beards became more common.

The 80s brought teenagers with punk hair styles in red, blue, purple and green and brightly coloured make-up.

Teacher. Thank you for this useful information.

Жюри обменивается мнениями и выбирает самую, на их взгляд, интересную информацию. Командам начисляются баллы.

Teacher: Let's exchange opinions. What is fashionable in the 21-st century?

P2: I think first of all comfortable and practical clothes. (Слайд №21).

P3: The 21-st century people are fast!

P4: The 21-st century people are fast as the century's demand. They are always in a hurry to cope with the situations, they are adaptive and they, because of this, adopt the newest trends with lightning fast decision where the previous century people were, on the contrary, quite slow to grab a new fashion.

P5: From my point of view, with the advent of technology and social media, the 21st century people are always hungry for new trends and to adopt those trends.

P6: It goes without saying, that many women nowadays wear jeans and T-shirts for more comfort. What is more, even sarees are now seen to wear different new looks. The new millennium fashion is the remix of the 60's, 70's and the 80's mixed together to make the 2000's a major fashion statement. Fashion, a small word, with so many different characteristics. As a result, we now wear whatever and whenever we want. This is fashion in today's world. (Слайд №22).

P7: The 21st century outfits fit the temperament of the 21st century people. The outfits are brief, most of the time simple and modern. (Слайд №23).

Teacher: There are several statements written on these cards. Let's discuss them. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasons why.

Необходимо в качестве раздаточного материала подготовить карточки с высказываниями знаменитых людей о моде. Учащиеся читают предложенные высказывания и обмениваются мнениями.

Fashion passes, style remains. (Coco Chanel).

Don't wear something just because it is in fashion. Wear it because it suits you. (Ritu Ghatourey).

The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you. (Coco Chanel).

Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it.(Azgraybebly Josland).

Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury. (Coco Chanel).

Only great minds can afford a simple style. (Stendhal).

A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion. (Coco Chanel).

Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions. (Coco Chanel).

Beauty is power, a smile is its sword.(Charles Reader).

Teacher: Very interesting expressions. I want you to remember them. What do you they teach you? (Слайд №25).

Учащиеся обмениваются мнениями.

P1: Not to be the slaves of clothes, but to choose things which suit you perfectly.

Выполнение тестового задания "Are You a Fashion Victim?" [5]: Choose answers to the following questions:

  1. You are invited to a party. What would you wear? a) Something new and fashionable. b) A traditional suit or dress. c) Does it matter?
  2. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror before going out? a) More than fifteen minutes.
    b) Less than fifteen minutes. c) About five minutes.
  3. What do you usually wear? a) Casual clothes, for example a T-shirt and jeans. b) Whatever's in fashion? c) What I feel like wearing.
  4. Why do you like your clothes? a) Because I feel comfortable in them. b) Because they say something about the sort of person I am.
    c) I can't say I like my clothes.
  5. You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress/suit you want. It's beautiful - but you haven't got much money. What would you do? a) I'd forget about it. b) I wouldn't buy it, but I would dream about it. c) I'd borrow money and buy it.
  6. How often do you buy fashion magazines? a) Very often. b) From time to time. c) Never.
  7. The colour in fashion this year doesn't suit you. What do you do?
    a) I wear it anyway - it's in fashion! b) I don't wear it. c) I don't care about what's in fashion.
  8. How would you describe your style of dress? a) Fashionable. b) Not fashionable but 'me'. c) Style? What do you mean?

Check Your Score:




























Your score means:

  • 8-15 points: You aren't fashion-conscious at all. You think that there are more important things in life than fashion. But don't you think the world would be a dull place if there were no fashion? It adds spice to life.
    16-24 points: Clothes aren't the most important thing in your life. However, you know what suits you and you have a personal style. But you are a little bit conservative. Why not try a different style for a change?
    25-32 points: You are a fashion victim! You go for the latest styles and spend a lot of money on clothes. But there are more important things in life than clothes - try speaking to people and you'll be surprised to find that they are nice, even if they are wearing old shoes.[5]

Teacher. Thank you. And now-Recommendations (Слайд №26). Let's read and discuss. Учащиеся читают предложенные высказывания и обмениваются мнениями.

Teacher: I would like to finish our lesson with the following advice. I've read it in one of the fashion magazines.

You Want to Be Fashionable [9], So…:

  • have a good posture. This will help you look good, and you might feel more confident.
  • don't try to copy your friends, create your own style. Аdd a hat, scarf, coat, or an iconic accessory.
  • don't overdo your makeup, hair, clothes!
  • be stylish inside too. Be elegant, charming, charismatic, or mysterious.
  • try to mix and match your own cloths to be fashionable. You will save a lot of your money with this trick.
  • mix and match basic things, everything must fit your body, and be high quality.
  • be yourself.
  • wear reasonable clothes for occasions. Wear fancy dresses to an infor{mal gathering will make you look overdressed and out of place, not fashionable.[7](Слайд №28).

Члены жюри подсчитывают баллы и обмениваются мнениями. По результатам финала и определяется команда-победитель игры.

Ведущий, жюри и болельщики выбирают лучшего участника игры - он поощряется специальным дипломом.


Thank you for your work! You have done a good job today! How have you got along with each other? What new experience have you got? What new and useful information have you found out for yourselves? Will you use this information in the future? Good-bye.

Использованная литература и интернет-ресурсы

  1. Интернет-ресурсы Yandex и Google - картинки из серии одежда разных эпох, одежда и аксессуары модных домов, деловая одежда, школьная форма, уличная мода, высказывания о моде.
  2. Интернет-ресурс Yandex-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, статьи о моде.
  3. When Did Fashion Begin-Life 123 life 123.com>fashion…when-did-fashion-begin.shtml
  4. How and Why Silk Was Invented? wiki.answers.com>Q/How_and_why_was_silk_invented.
  5. Are You a Fashion Victim? lib.podelise.ru>docs/143/index-4448.html
  6. Business Clothing empower-yourself-with-color-psychology.com.
  7. How to Be Fashionable 9 steps wikihow.com>Be- Fashionable
  8. How to Be Fashionable in 2011-Femita femita.com>style/be fashionable-2011/
  9. What Did Coco Chanel Do for Women? entertainmentguide,local,com>did-coco-chanel
  10. Chanel Fashion Trends/Suite 101 suite 101.com>a/chanel fashion-trends-a172766
  11. Конышева А.В. "Организация классных часов на английском языке" Изд-во "Каро" Санкт-Петербург, "Четыре четверти" Минск 2008 г., стр.48-53.
  12. Огаркова С.Ю. "Animals" - открытый урок. Конкурс "Презентация к уроку" (Фестиваль педагогических идей "Открытый урок" 2011/2012 учебный год).