Сборник упражнений по домашнему чтению

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Chapter 1. Tom and the fence

1. Answer the questions.

  1. Who did Aunt Polly look for?
  2. What did Aunt Polly think about Tom?
  3. Why did Tom fight with a big boy?
  4. Why did Tom feel unhappy on Saturday?
  5. What kind of idea did Tom suddenly have?
  6. Who painted the fence instead of Tom?
  7. What did Tom get from his friends?
  8. Why did Tom's friends agree to do his job?
  9. Was Aunt Polly proud of Tom's job?
  10. What was Tom like?

2. Match a number with a letter to make complete sentences.

  1. «Where is that boy? Tom!» cried Aunt Polly…
  2. One evening he met a big boy…
  3. His friend Ben Rogers was walking down the street…
  4. Tom was happy…
  5. Then the big boy hit Tom on the nose…

a. …but this didn't stop him.
b. …and he was eating a big red apple.
c. …who was a stranger.
d. …but he didn't smile.
e. … who was a kind woman with white hair and glasses.

3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Tom lived in the town of St Petersburg with his brother Ben.
  2. Tom's clothes are new and expensive.
  3. Tom didn't like walking around town.
  4. There was no school on Saturday.
  5. Tom was happy on Saturday.
  6. Tom had a great idea how to paint a fence.
  7. Tom's friends didn't want to do his job.
  8. Tom got a new bike from Billy Fisher.
  9. When something is easy to get, everyone wants it.
  10. Aunt Polly didn't let Tom go and play.

Chapter 2. Huck Finn

1. Answer the questions.

  1. Why didn't Tom like Sundays? What did he have to do?
  2. How did he behave at school?
  3. Where did Tom and Sid go after Sunday school?
  4. What did Tom do in the church? Why was he happy?
  5. What kind of school did Tom go every day?
  6. Who was Huckleberry Finn?
  7. What did people think about Huck?
  8. What did the boys talk about?
  9. Why was Tom's teacher angry?
  10. Who did Tom see in the classroom? What did she look like?
  11. How could Tom sit next to the girl?
  12. What did they talk about?
  13. Why didn't Tom fall asleep that night?
  14. Describe that night
  15. Was Tom afraid of this place?
  16. What did the boys hear?

2. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Sunday school started at 8 o'clock.
  2. Tom brought a green beetle to the church.
  3. The beetle bit the dog's ear.
  4. Tom went to school, where there were 3 classes.
  5. Huck's father worked in bakery.
  6. Huck had a dead rat in his bag.
  7. Becky Thatcher had lovely green eyes.
  8. The children in the classroom were proud of Tom.
  9. He drew a picture of a horse for Becky.
  10. At half past nine Huck made a strange noise and Tom went out of the house.

3. Write the first form of the verb.

  1. ____________ -made
  2. ____________ -went
  3. ____________-brought
  4. .__________ -drew
  5. __________-took
  6. __________-met

Chapter 3. At the graveyard

1. Answer the questions.

  1. What were the boys afraid of?
  2. Who did the boys see at the graveyard?
  3. Did the boys recognize the people?
  4. What were the three men talking about?
  5. Where did the boys hide?
  6. What terrible scene did the boys see?
  7. What did the real killer lie to his friend?
  8. Did the men see the boys?
  9. How did the boys feel?
  10. What promise did the boys give to each other?

2. Who said this? Match a number with a letter.

  1. «Why is this bloody knife in my hand?»
  2. «Promise not to tell anyone!»
  3. «I want more money, doctor».
  4. «Let's be very quiet»
  5. «I'm not giving you any more money!»

a. Injun Joe
b. Tom Sawyer
c. Muff Potter
d. Doctor Robinson
e. Huck Finn

3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The boys hid in a deep hole at the graveyard.
  2. The men pulled some jewelry out of the grave.
  3. Doctor Robinson wanted a dead body to study it.
  4. One of the men asked Doctor for more books.
  5. Injun Joe was a small weak American Indian.
  6. Muff Potter lifted a knife and killed the doctor.
  7. When Muff opened his eyes, Injun Joe told him all the truth.
  8. Muff Potter believed the Joe's story.
  9. The boys wanted to tell people who was the real killer.
  10. The boys were scared of a dangerous man.

Chapter 4. The adventure on Jackson's Island

1. Put the following sentences a-j in the right order 1-10

a. At night Tom couldn't sleep. He went home and then told the friends about the funeral.
b. They brought some food, found a boat and went to the island where nobody lived.
c. Everyone looked in amazement.
d. Everyone in the town found out about the incident and the boys were worried, Tom had bad dreams.
e. Suddenly the three boys slowly walked into the church.
f. The boys had a lot of fun there: they cooked on a fire, swam and did everything they wanted.
g. But it was summer and the boys had a great idea to hide in a secret place.
h. No one could believe that the boys were alive.
i. One afternoon they saw a big steamboat with a lot of small boats. Everyone was looking for the boys and they felt like heroes, they were famous!
j. On Sunday all the people were in church and cried.

2. Places in the book. Match a number with a letter.

  1. Tom couldn't forget the terrible night…
  2. The sheriff found Muff Potter's knife near the doctor's body and he put Muff…
  3. Then pirates go to their island and hide treasure…
  4. «There will be a funeral for us on Sunday…»
  5. The three boys were happy there and they slept…
  1. …at the church.
  2. …in a secret place.
  3. …at the graveyard.
  4. …under the stars.
  5. …in the town jail.

3.Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Aunt Polly gave Tom a lot of different sweets and Tom felt better.
  2. When the boys got to the island they ate in different restaurants.
  3. The boys had a lot of fun on Joe's Island.
  4. The boys had no idea how to come back home.
  5. Everybody in the town was angry that the three boys were alive.

Chapter 5. The trial

1. Answer the questions.

  1. What were the boys talking about before the trial?
  2. Why did the boys go to the jail?
  3. How did Muff Potter feel?
  4. Why was Tom nervous and afraid at the trial?
  5. What did Tom tell to the trial?
  6. How did Injun Joe react to Tom's words?
  7. What kind of adventure did the boys decide to have?
  8. Where did the boys go?
  9. Who did they meet there?
  10. What secret did the boys learn about?

2. In a few lines, write a short summary of what happened in the haunted house (Who was there? What did they talk about? What did they do? What did they find? What did they decide to do with it? etc…)



3. Complete the following sentences with information from the chapter.

  1. Everyone in St Petersburg talked about Muff Potter's trial because __________________ .
  2. The boys wanted to help Muff Potter because __________________________________.
  3. At the trial the lawyer got angry because ______________________________________.
  4. Injun Joe jumped out of the window because ___________________________________.
  5. Tom became the hero of St Petersburg because _________________________________.

Chapter 6. Inside McDougal's Cave

1. Answer the questions.

  1. Where was Tom invited on Saturday?
  2. How did the children spend the day?
  3. What did Tom and Becky want to explore?
  4. Where did Huck go that day and why?
  5. Who did Huck see on his way?
  6. What did Huck do to ask for help?
  7. Why was Huck so happy?
  8. What happened to Tom and Becky in the cave?
  9. How did they feel in the cave?
  10. Who was brave enough to go and find the entrance?

2. Name the character. Match a number with a letter.

  1. He was happy because he saved somebody's life.
  2. He was a good man and he had two strong sons.
  3. He wanted to hurt a woman because her husband was unkind to him.
  4. She was cold and hungry and started to cry.
  5. He stopped worrying and thought about the picnic.

a. Becky Thatcher
b. Tom Sawyer
c. Injun Joe
d. Huck Finn
e. Mr Welsh

3. Fill in the gaps.

On Saturday morning a big _________ took Becky, Tom and their friends down the river. There were no fathers and ___________, only a few older boys and ________ who were about eighteen years old. It was a beautiful, sunny _______ and the children had a lot of _________. They played ____________ and had a big lunch with all kinds of good things to _______ and drink. Then everyone sang a birthday _________ and ate the big chocolate birthday ____________.

Chapter 7. The treasure box

1. Answer the questions.

  1. Who did Tom see in the dark tunnel?
  2. Did anybody try to find Becky and Tom?
  3. How did Tom and Becky feel after they came back home?
  4. Why was Tom shocked when he learnt that the cave was closed?
  5. What idea did Tom and Huck have?
  6. How did the boys find an old treasure box?
  7. Why was everyone amazed?
  8. What story did Tom tell the people?
  9. Who got the treasure?
  10. How did people's attitude to Huck change?

2. Guess the word. Write.

a. long, dark path underground _ _ _ _ _ _
b. long thin rope _ _ _ _ _ _
c. wax stick used to light _ _ _ _ _ _
d. instrument to dig _ _ _ _ _
e. a lot of gold and silver coins _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Correct the wrong sentences.

  1. Nobody noticed that Tom and Becky were lost in the cave.
  2. People saved the children from the cave.
  3. Parents were very angry when the children came back.
  4. Tom found cornflakes in his pocket and followed them in the tunnels.
  5. Injun Joe's body was found near the river.
  6. Huck and Tom returned to the cave to check if they were afraid or not.
  7. The boys started to dig around a big black cross on the wall.
  8. There were a lot of clothes and ancient books in the treasure box.
  9. The boys kept the treasure box in a secret.
  10. The government took all the treasure.

4. What about you? Answer the questions.

1.Who is your favorite character and why?



2.Which character didn't you like?

