Урок по теме «Мода. Одежда» (“Fashion. Clothes”) в 9-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Предметы: английский язык.

Класс: 9.

Цели: формирование навыков употребления лексического материала и навыков говорения, повторение и обобщение материала по теме «Мода: одежда».

Планируемые результаты.

  • Регулятивные: обеспечивают способность регулировать свою деятельность; понимать, принимать и сохранять учебную задачу; контролировать процесс и результат деятельности, вносить коррективы; адекватно оценивать свои достижения, осознавать возникающие трудности и стараться искать способы их преодоления.
  • Коммуникативные: осознавать речь (говорение, слушание, письмо, чтение) как способ устного и письменного общения людей; участвовать в диалоге, в общей беседе, выполняя принятые правила речевого поведения.
  • Познавательные: понимать значение и роль английского языков в жизни каждого человека и общества; выполнять логические действия с языковым материалом, проводить анализ, сравнение, обобщение; доказывать, делать выводы.
  • Личностные: формировать положительное отношение к изучению английского языка, понимание и принятие мысли о том, что правильная, точная устная и письменная речь - это показатели культуры человека.


  • развивать мыслительную активность обучающихся в процессе выполнения коммуникативных заданий;
  • воспитывать культуру внешнего вида;
  • учить разбираться в стилях и направлениях моды, высказывать своё мнение;
  • развивать эмоционально-образную сферу и творческие способности обучающихся;
  • учить защищать мини-проекты.

Ход урока

1. Introduction of the lesson. Введение в тему

Teacher (T): Good morning, everybody! I'm glad to see you all here. Sit down, please!

Children: We are glad to see you too.

T: Well, let's start our lesson. Today it will be unusual. We'll see three mini-projects. Look at the screen now. Look at these pictures, read these words. Could you tell me the topic of our lesson?

Pupil (P): The topic of our lesson is "Fashion". (Приложение 1)

2. Повторение и тренировка лексики по теме. Погружение в тему

1) T: You are right and we are going to speak about clothes and fashion. First of all, let us revise the vocabulary. Look at the screen. Match the words and their translations.

1. Colourful

a) поношенный

2. tight

b) расклешённый

3. glamorous

c) водоотталкивающий

4. baggy

d) облегающий

5. flared

e) цветной, пёстрый

6. worn

f) стильный

7. waterproof

g) роскошный

8. stylish

h) мешковатый

Keys: 1 - e), 2 - d), 3 - g), 4 - h), 5 - b), 6 - a), 7 - c), 8 - f)

2) Работа в группах. Ребята делятся на три группы: джинсы, кроссовки, бейсболки. Обучающиеся выбирают карточки с данными картинками, перевёрнутыми обратной стороной. Далее по группам выполняется упражнение в рабочей тетради к учебнику Forward, автор Вербицкая, с.33 №24 (Приложение 2)

3. Тренировка лексического материала в устной речи в форме интервью

T: Well, let's go on. Clothes come in and go out. Clothes change with the time. Please, answer some questions of our school correspondent for school magazine.

Pupil-correspondent: Hello, my name is …. Teenagers are human, so of course they have problems. Clothes are one of them. I want to ask your opinion about clothes. Are clothes important to you?

P1: Yes, of course, that's very true. Clothes are important to me. I prefer casual clothes. I feel more comfortable in them.

P2: Hi! My name is … . I'm 15. Clothes are very, very important to me. They show my personality, they say who I am. It's the first thing people see when they meet me.

P3: Hi! My name is … . I'm 16. I hate when girls talk about someone's clothes all the time. I think that who you are is more important than your clothes.

Pupil-correspondent: Do you feel uncomfortable in the company of better-dressed people?

P4: Hello! My name is … . I'm 15. I think you feel better if you know you have good clothes on, anything with a reasonably good label.

P5: I don't care about it. People spend too much money on clothes. I think it's stupid. I prefer comfy clothes All I need is a pair of jeans. They always look cool. You can wear them with a T-shirt and trainers.

P6: I agree with you. I believe that the most important thing is to feel comfortable. I always wear jeans and a T-shirt. They are cheap, cool and comfy.

Pupil-correspondent: Do you like to look through the latest magazine?

P7: Oh, my clothes have to be the latest fashion and of course, I like to look through the latest magazine.

Pupil-correspondent: Do you try to follow fashion?

P8: As for me, yes, I do. Clothes are important because they tell people who you are.

P9: That's true. I care about fashion. My favourite pastime is to look through the latest magazines. I like to look round in the shops and find something peculiar.

P10: Hi! My name is … . I'm 16. I don't care about fashion, I prefer casual clothes.

T: Do clothes make the man?

P11: I think clothes are a status thing. "Clothes make the man" and I agree.

T: That's right. Fashion plays a great role in our life. Lots of teenagers think that their clothes are the most important thing about them. But there is another saying "Never judge a book by its cover".

Pupil-correspondent: We've seen so many people, so many points of views. Tastes are differ. To my point of view, there are more important thing in life than clothes. People are nice, even if they wear old shoes.

T: Good for you. You have done a great work. Thanks. Let's go on.

4. Тренировка лексического материала в устной диалогической речи по опорным выражениям

T: I see fashion is important to you. You want to be attractive and your clothes must show your individuality. And one more question. Do you like shopping?

P12: Sure, I like to look round the shop.

T: Work in pairs. Make up and act dialogues. Use these phrases.

Учащиеся составляют и разыгрывают диалоги, используя выражения с экрана в презентации.

  1. Can I help you?
  2. Does it fit?
  3. Is it my colour?
  4. Does this skirt go with this blouse?
  5. It suits you.
  6. Do you need another size?
  7. It's too big on me.
  8. Would you like to try it on?
  9. I'll take it.
  10. Sure, it's no problem.
  11. It's a bit small.
  12. Do you like it?
  13. Do you have these jeans in a larger size?
  14. I'll have a look.
  15. Can I pay by card?
  16. I'm just looking, thanks.
  17. How much is it?
  18. What make do you prefer?
  19. Where is the fitting room?
  20. How will you pay?
  21. What size are you?

Примерные диалоги, которые могут разыграть обучающиеся.


A: Can I help you?
C: Yes, can I have a look at those shoes?
A: What size?
C: 7. Can I try them on?
A: Of course. Take a seat.
C: Mmm.. They are a bit small.
A: I'm afraid we don't have a bigger size. Any other shoes you fancy?
C: No, thank you.


C: Excuse me, can you help me, please?
A: Yes, of course.
C: I'm looking for a red pullover.
A: Big, small, medium? What size are you?
C: Medium. I think.
A: I'll just go and see if we've got any.
C: Thank you.
A: Here you are.
C: Where is the fitting room?
A: It's down there on the right.
C: Can I pay by card?
A: Sure.


A: Can I help you?
C: Yes, please. What size is this dress?
A: It's size 10. Would you like to try it on?
C: I'll have a look. Where is the fitting room?
A: The fitting room is to your right.
C: How does it look?
A: It looks very good.
C: How much is it?
A: It's 50 pounds.
C: OK. That's not expensive. I think I'll buy it.

5. Презентация проекта «Мода 20-го столетия»

T: The group of pupils has prepared computer presentation with some information about the fashion of the 20th century. Let us look at the screen.

Группа учащихся представляет свою презентацию "Fashion of the 20th century". На экране показываются слайды с образцами моды 20-го столетия прошлого века. Обучающиеся комментируют их.

P1: Before the First World War, fashion didn't change very quickly. Men wore dark suits. Among them short hair and moustaches were popular. Women wore long dresses and long hair.

P2: In the Roaring Twenties dresses and hair become much shorter. People saw women's knees for the first time. For men trousers with very wide legs became fashionable. They were called Oxford bags.

P3: In the 30s and 40s hair, dresses and coats became longer again. Men's fashion didn't change very much. Men wore suit, a tie and usually a hat, too. Moustaches were less popular.

P4: In the 1950s, people were richer and teenagers spent a lot of money on clothes. For men this was the age of the Teddy boy. Teddy boys wore long jackets in very bright colours - pink, orange or yellow - and very tight trousers. For women jampers and blouses with wide skirts and short socks were the fashion. Both men and women wore shoes with long pointed toes. The women's shoes had high heels.

P5: The 1960s saw a revolution in clothes. Everything changed. This was the time of the mini-skirt and long boots. Men had long hair - the famous Beatles haircut.

P6: In the late 1960s and early 70s the "flower power" style was popular. Women wore maxi-skirts, men wore jeans and brightly coloured shirts or T-shirts. Clothes were very colourful. Very long hair was fashionable for men and women.

P7: The 80s brought teenagers with punk hairstyles in red, blue, purple, green and brightly coloured make up.

T: Thanks for your mini-project. I think you've worked hard. We enjoyed your presentation very much. Thank you.

6. Демонстрация образцов модной одежды, созданных обучающимися класса

T: Let's talk about people who make high fashion. Do you know the names of designers? Look at the screen. The famous designers are:

T: Look at this photo. Do you know this person? That's right. He is Valentine Yudashkin - one of the most famous designers.

P: May I say some words about him? Our country is rich in talented people. One of them is Valentine Yudashkin - the famous designers. He was born near Moscow in 1963. Nearly all his life he has been studying the Russian costume. He showed his first collection in Russia in 1978. He was only 15 years old. He opened his designer house In Moscow in 1993. Among his clients now are businessmen and businesswomen, actresses and actors, scientists and TV-presenters.

His motto of life is "to give joy and hope to all people".

T: Thanks a lot. It was interesting and useful. Now we are going to show you an unusual and beautiful collection of clothes made by our pupils.

Девочки и мальчики демонстрируют образцы модной одежды, которые сами создали.

T: We've never seen anything better. These pupils are marvelous! Do you agree with me? Some models have worn T-shirts. Styles are changing. Fashion come and goes out. But T-shirts and jeans the popularity all over the world. Another story is about the origin of T-shirt. Please read the text. It is divided into several parts. Put it into logical order.

Далее ведётся работа с текстом в парах. Время ограничено.


  1. American troops (войска) copied the idea and started calling them "T-shirts" because of their T shape. In the mid-1950s, rock star Elvis Presley shocked the world by wearing the T-shirt on TV.
  2. By the 1960s, T-shirts had conquered (завоевали) the world. Sports teams, clubs and rock bands were all using colours and logos on their "tees" to be noticed.
  3. They tell others what we like, where we have been, the things we've done, the competitions we've won.
  4. T-shirts started as underwear (нижнее белье). During the First World War, European soldiers wore them underneath (под) their uniform to keep warm.
  5. Today T-shirts are worn in every corner of the world. Babies, kids, teenagers, adults and old people wear them.

T: Look at the screen and check yourselves.

На экране записаны правильные ответы для самоконтроля.

Keys: d), a), b), e), c)

7. Заключительная часть урока. Подведение итогов

T: Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. We've done a lot of work. What have we done at our lesson?

Ps: We have spoken English a lot, done quiz, read the text, answer the questions, watched presentations, listen to reporters.

T: Which part of the lesson did you like most of all?

Ps: I liked the fashion show.

Ps: As for me, I was interested in the information about the famous designer Valentine Yudashkin.

T: What emotions do you feel?

Ps: Our lesson was interesting and exciting. It is important to know about styles of fashion and clothes for different events in our life.

T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Your marks are …. You will see your homework in dnevnik.ru. It'll be a test "Are you a fashion victim?" Do it at home. On the next lesson we will check it out. Now the lesson is over. Good-bye.