Урок английского языка с использованием заданий на функциональную грамотность. Тема урока: "Путешествие по англоязычным странам"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Цели урока:

  • Развитие функциональной грамотности учащихся.
  • Расширение знаний о культуре и географии англоязычных стран.
  • Практика использования английского языка в реальных жизненных ситуациях.

Возрастная категория: Старшеклассники (14-16 лет).

Продолжительность: 45 минут.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (5 минут)


Краткое введение в тему урока.

Объяснение целей и задач.

2. Мотивационный вступительный блок (5 минут)

Показ краткого видеоролика о путешествиях по англоязычным странам.

Обсуждение видео: какие страны хотели бы посетить учащиеся и почему.

3. Основная часть

А. Интерактивная географическая викторина (10 минут)

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы о географии и культуре англоязычных стран (используя интерактивную карту на доске).

Б. Работа с текстом (10 минут)

Чтение и анализ статьи о популярном туристическом маршруте в англоязычной стране (например, Лондоне).

Выполнение заданий на понимание прочитанного.

В. Практическое задание на функциональную грамотность (10 минут)

Создание маршрута путешествия: учащиеся планируют путешествие, выбирая транспорт, жилье, места для посещения. Используются реальные сайты бронирования и информации (под контролем учителя).

Оформление плана путешествия с указанием расходов, времени посещения достопримечательностей и т.д.

4. Заключительная часть (5 минут)

Обсуждение и анализ выполненных заданий.

Рефлексия: что нового узнали, какие навыки развили.

Домашнее задание: написать эссе на тему "Мое идеальное путешествие" с использованием информации, полученной на уроке.

Материалы и оборудование:

  • Проектор для показа видео или интерактивная доска.
  • Компьютеры/планшеты для работы с интернет-ресурсами.
  • Копии статей о путешествиях для чтения и анализа.
  • Раздаточный материал с заданиями и вопросами викторины или можно вывести на экран.

Этот урок помогает развить у учащихся не только знания английского языка, но и навыки планирования, анализа информации и принятия решений, что является ключевым аспектом функциональной грамотности.

Lesson: "Journey Through English-Speaking Countries"

Tasks for the Lesson

Introduction: Watch a video and guess the topic of our lesson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6guMDO3mNcg

1. Interactive Geography Quiz**

"Identify the Landmarks"

Question 1: "What is the name of the famous clock tower located next to the British Parliament in London?"

Question 2: "Which River flows through the heart of Dublin, Ireland?"

Question 3: "Name the large national park located in the U.S. state of Wyoming, known for its wildlife and geothermal features."

2. Reading and Comprehension Exercise

"Exploring London - A Traveler's Guide"

Read the provided article about touring London and answer the following questions:

Question 1: "List three major attractions mentioned in the article that travellers should visit in London."

Question 2: "According to the article, what is the best mode of transportation for tourists in London and why?"

Question 3: "What are some traditional British dishes recommended to try in the article?"

Welcome to London, a city rich in history, culture, and endless adventure. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, London offers something unique for everyone. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most iconic sights and experiences this vibrant city has to offer.

1. Must-Visit Attractions

London is home to an array of world-famous landmarks. Begin your tour at the historic Tower of London, a former palace and prison, where you can marvel at the Crown Jewels. Next, stroll across the picturesque Tower Bridge, offering stunning views of the River Thames. Don't miss the chance to experience the grandeur of the Buckingham Palace, especially during the Changing of the Guard ceremony. For art enthusiasts, the Tate Modern and the National Gallery showcase incredible art collections.

2. Transportation in London

Navigating London is an adventure in itself. The city boasts an efficient public transport system, with the London Underground (Tube) being the most popular. It's not only an iconic symbol of London but also the quickest way to get around. For a more scenic route, hop on one of the famous red double-decker buses. They offer a great view of the city and are ideal for short distances. For convenience, purchase an Oyster Card or use a contactless payment card for hassle-free travel across all public transport.

3. Culinary Delights

London's food scene is as diverse as its population. Be sure to indulge in some classic British dishes. Start with a hearty Full English Breakfast to fuel your day of exploration. For lunch, grab a traditional Fish and Chips from a local chippy - best enjoyed by the riverside. In the evening, treat yourself to a Sunday Roast with Yorkshire pudding at a cozy pub. And of course, your London experience wouldn't be complete without enjoying a classic Afternoon Tea, featuring a selection of teas, sandwiches, scones, and pastries.

3. Practical Task on Functional Literacy

"Planning Your Journey"

Using real travel websites (under teacher supervision), plan a trip to an English-speaking country. Fill in the following template:

Destination: [Name of the country/city]

Travel Dates: [Start date] - [End date]

Transportation: [How will you get there and move around?]

Accommodation: [Where will you stay? Include a brief reason for your choice.]


  • Day 1: [Activities and places to visit]
  • Day 2: [Continue the itinerary]


Estimated Budget: [Breakdown of costs - travel, accommodation, food, attractions]

Cultural Note: [List one cultural etiquette or tip to remember while visiting.]

4. Homework Assignment

"Essay: My Ideal Journey"

Write an essay about your ideal journey using the information and inspiration from today's class. Focus on the following points:

Destination and Reason: [Where would you like to go and why?]

Activities and Experiences: [What would you like to do and see there?]

Cultural Interactions: [How would you engage with the local culture and people?]

Personal Significance: [Why is this journey important or special to you?]


1. Interactive Geography Quiz

Question 1. Answer: "The famous clock tower is called Big Ben, which is part of the Palace of Westminster."

Question 2. Answer: "The River Liffey flows through Dublin."

Question 3. Answer: "The large national park is Yellowstone National Park."

2. Reading and Comprehension Exercise: Exploring London - A Traveler's Guide

Question 1. Answer: "Three major attractions mentioned are the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and the Tate Modern."

Question 2. Answer: "The best mode of transportation for tourists in London is the London Underground, also known as the Tube, due to its efficiency and extensive network."

Question 3. Answer: "Some traditional British dishes recommended in the article include Full English Breakfast, Fish and Chips, Sunday Roast with Yorkshire pudding, and the classic Afternoon Tea."

3. Practical Task on Functional Literacy: Planning Your Journey

Example Response:

Destination: London, England

Travel Dates: July 1st - July 7th

Transportation: Flight to London Heathrow, travel around the city using the London Underground.

Accommodation: Staying at a mid-range hotel in Central London for easy access to major attractions.


Day 1: Visit the Tower of London and Tower Bridge.

Day 2: Explore Buckingham Palace and the surrounding area.

Day 3: Spend the day at the Tate Modern and the National Gallery.

Day 4: Shopping and sightseeing in Covent Garden.

Day 5: Day trip to Windsor Castle.

Day 6: Relaxing day in Hyde Park and afternoon tea at a local café.

Day 7: Last-minute shopping and departure.

Estimated Budget: Flights - $600, Accommodation - $700, Food and miscellaneous - $300, Attractions - $200, Total - $1800.

Cultural Note: Always stand on the right side on escalators in the Tube and walk on the left, to allow people in a hurry to pass.

4. Homework Assignment: Essay - My Ideal Journey

Sample Essay Extract:

"My ideal journey would be a trip to London, a city that blends history with modern vibrancy. I am fascinated by its rich culture, iconic landmarks, and the diverse culinary experiences it offers. I would love to explore the historic streets, visit the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels, and experience the grandeur of Buckingham Palace. Engaging with the local culture, trying traditional British dishes like Fish and Chips, and enjoying an afternoon tea would make my trip memorable. This journey is significant to me as it represents a blend of learning and adventure, and it's a chance to immerse myself in a culture that I have always been curious about."