Учебное пособие по теме «Вооружённые силы и СМИ» для обучающихся 6-го курса

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс

Ключевые слова: английский язык


Данное учебное пособие представляет собой серию заданий по совершенствованию навыков всех видов речевой деятельности (аудирование, письмо, чтение, устная речь) для обучающихся 6 курса довузовских учреждений Министерства обороны Российской Федерации по теме «Вооружённые силы и СМИ» на английском языке.

На сегодняшний день формирование гражданской идентичности является одной из приоритетных целей федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов общего образования. Главная задача педагога - средствами предмета способствовать формированию личности ребенка через вовлечение его в определённую деятельность, которая позволит в будущем гражданину страны адекватно оценивать свою роль в многонациональном государстве, каковым является Российская Федерация Если говорить об уроках английского языка, то целостный смысл изучения истории, культуры, обществознания заключается в воспитании нравственной позиции гражданина посредством языка.

Учитывая военную специфику, учебного заведения задания, представленные в учебном пособии позволяют углубить и расширить знания обучающихся по темам военной направленности.

В тематике заданий прослеживаются межпредметные связи, которые позволяют взаимодействовать учебным дисциплинам «Английский язык», «История», «География», «Военное страноведение», совершенствование которых идет по пути интеграции знаний.

Цель данного пособия - систематизировать знания обучающихся о роли вооружённых сил и СМИ в современном мире.

Поставленная цель достигается через решение следующих задач:

  • совершенствовать аудитивный навык;
  • совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки;
  • совершенствовать навыки смыслового чтения на английском языке;
  • совершенствовать навыки устной речи через ролевую игру;
  • воспитывать патриотизм, уважение к людям военной профессии, мотивировать суворовцев к выбору будущей военной профессии.

Учебный материал занятий включает тексты тематической направленности, тренировочные лексико-грамматические упражнения на практическое применение активной лексики, аудиоматериалы на совершенствование навыков аудирования, ситуации для ролевых игр.

Актуальность данного методического пособия заключается в том, что материал, предложенный в упражнениях, помогает улучшить практическое владения английским языком в объеме необходимом для ведения беседы, понимания речи на слух на предложенную тематику, умения выполнить тестовые лексико-грамматические задания на повышенном уровне.

Пособие предназначено для обучающихся 6 курса, интенсивно изучающих иностранный язык и преподавателей английского языка довузовских учреждений Министерства обороны Российской Федерации.


Exercise 1. Listen to the reports and mark true answers for the questions. Remember that some answers can be true.

Task 1. What do civilian peacekeepers do?

  1. deploy in a buffer zone
  2. build roads and ruined buildings
  3. help refugees go home
  4. clear mines
  5. monitor ceasefire agreements
  6. supervise elections
  7. include medical personnel

Task 2. What is true about crash landing?

  1. Crash landing happened in the tropical forest.
  2. There were only a pilot and a co-pilot in the helicopter.
  3. There were two crew members in the helicopter.
  4. All passengers were dead after the crash.
  5. A pilot was dead after the crash.
  6. The soldiers were injured.
  7. The helicopter's radio didn't work after the crash.

Task 3. Why is Egypt chosen for the Bright Star multinational exercise?

  1. Egyptian Army is worse equipped than others.
  2. There are different types of locality there.
  3. Egyptian commanders need to be taught to practise using computers.
  4. Egypt is often under threat of assaults of neighbouring countries.
  5. The marines can use the Mediterranean beaches to carry out amphibious assaults.
  6. Egypt needs to be protected from international terrorism.


  1. 2, 6, 7;
  2. 3, 5, 7;
  3. 2, 5

Exercise 2. Listen to the speaker and fill in the missing data

  1. The speaker is the Army's __________ chief of staff.
  2. They celebrate ____________ years of service to the USA
  3. The speaker is incredibly proud of the ______________ their soldiers and civilians have accomplished in Iraq and Afghanistan and around the globe.
  4. In the future their Army will continue to be key to their nation's _____________ .
  5. 5.The army of the future will ________________adaptive and innovative, ________________ and agile, integrated and synchronized.
  6. The speaker is sure that if they are _____________ today they are ________________for tomorrow
  7. All soldiers of past and ________________ should remember that __________ a soldier always a soldier
  8. 8. The strength of their ____________ is their ______________.
  9. The strength of their ______________ is their _______________.
  10. The strength of their ______________ is their __________________.

1. 38th
2. 237
3. success
4. security
5. remain, flexible
6. ready, prepared
7. present, once
8. nation, Army
9. Army, soldiers
10. soldiers, families

Exercise 3. Listen and complete the conversation.


  1. put me through
  2. is with him
  3. Do you think I could interrupt them?
  4. Can you tell me what the call is about?
  5. Just a second
  6. Can you take his call
  7. I'll take his call now
  8. Do you want me to transfer his call

Exercise 4.

Task 1. Listen to the record and fill in the missing data: (19) (Finish community services)

  1. The earthquake happened at precisely _________hours local.
  2. The strength of the earthquake was between ______ and _________on the Richter scale.
  3. Bam is the city of more than _________________ inhabitants.
  4. The current estimates of thedead are more than ____________, seriously injured are between ___________ and ________________, walking wounded are _______________________________.
  5. According to the television reports ______ percent of the buildings inside the city and ______ percent of the houses in the suburbshave been destroyed.
  6. More than _____________ people have stayed without different community services.

Task 2Listen to the reports and mark true answers for the questions. Remember that some answers can be true. (Start with The United Nations)

Non-governmental organizations - NGOs

1.What is (are) the aircrew's mission(s) according to their major command HQ?

  1. They have offered humanitarian help to the people of Iran.
  2. They offered air transport.
  3. They must provide transport for a medical team.
  4. They will deploy and establish a field hospital at the airport.

2.Why are the HQ providing airlift for an NGO medical team?

  1. The runway of the national airport is damaged.
  2. It's their duty to operate in the emergency cases.
  3. The civilian flights are not capable to get to the airport.
  4. The only way to get to the airport is to use helicopters or C-130s.
  5. The civilian airport is closed.
  6. They have no civilians ready to help.

3.Why is a C-130 H30 model chosen for the mission?

  1. Only it's crew is well trained to act during the earthquakes.
  2. It is the only model at this base.
  3. Only they have proper medical equipment for emergency cases.
  4. Only they are capable to deliver the medical equipment in one single load.

Task 3. Listen to the second part of the briefing and answer the questions. (2 AWACS Airborne Warningand Control System Cистема предупреждения и управления в воздухе.

Now listen again and complete the notes.


Task 1

  1. 23.30
  2. 6.3, 6.8
  3. 200000
  4. 30000, 30, 50000, tens of thousands
  5. 85, 70
  6. 850000

Task 2:

1. 3;

2. 1, 4, 5;

3. 2, 4

Task 3:

  1. 48
  2. 18
  3. 64000
  4. 1758
  5. 245
  6. 20000
  7. 292.45
  8. 124.5
  9. 199.55

Exercise 5. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missed data. (27)

  1. The conversation takes place at the checkpoint of the ______________________________ zone.
  2. A UN convoy can go through the checkpoint if they have a _______________.
  3. The UN convoy's pass is issued by the UN Force _______________________.
  4. The UN pass isn't __________________.
  5. The UN convoy has authorisation to travel freely under the terms of the ____________________________.
  6. The commanding officer of the checkpoint is in the town and will be back _______________________________.
  7. The UN convoy has in the trucks _________ and medical ________________.


  1. restricted military
  2. pass.
  3. Headquarters
  4. valid
  5. ceasefire agreement
  6. tomorrow morning
  7. food, supplies

Exercise 6. Listen and mark true sentences about Hannibal. (37)

  1. He is one of the great military leaders of history.
  2. He is one of the most famous strategists of military art.
  3. He was a Carthaginian general.
  4. He was a Russian general.
  5. He was from Russia.
  6. He was from Africa.
  7. He lived around 200 BC.
  8. He lived around 2000 BC.
  9. He fought against the Romans.
  10. He fought against the Egyptians.
  11. He is famous for the crossing of the Alps.
  12. He was famous for the Battle of Cannae.

Keys: 1, 3, 6,7, 9, 11, 12

Exercise 7. Listen to the part of the lecture of the expert on military history about Hannibal as one of the greatest military leaders and fill in the missed data. (38)

  1. Any modern military commander can learn a number of _________________________________ from Hannibal.
  2. The first lesson is about the importance of _________________________ and the ability to inspire confidence.
  3. The objective of Hannibal's advance from North Africa was ___________.
  4. To cross the Alps Hannibal must have had __________________________ in his ability to succeed to his men.
  5. The second leadership lesson has to do with the importance of ________________.
  6. Hannibal had ________ as many men as Romans had so the night before the Battle of Cannae he had to think about his _______________ how to use his ____________.
  7. The third leadership lesson is about the way how Hannibal ___________________ his troops.
  8. The fourth lesson is the importance of __________________________ and Hannibal knew how to __________________ his men before the battle.
  9. The fifth lesson is Hannibal's ability to ___________________________________ and keep ____________________ over his cavalry.
  10. The sixth lesson has to do with the importance of ___________________command and _________________________.


  1. leadership lessons
  2. self-confidence
  3. Rome.
  4. transmitted belief
  5. imagination.
  6. half /strategy/troops.
  7. took care of
  8. sense of humour/ relax
  9. maintain discipline/control
  10. delegating/responsibility.

См. продолжение материала