Олимпиада по функциональной грамотности на английском языке для учащихся 3–4-х классов (методическая разработка)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 3, 4

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Олимпиада проводилась в дистанционном формате для учащихся школ Алданского района и была приурочена к международному дню английского языка (23 апреля). Задания составлены по блокам и дифференцированы. Задания первого блока по естественно-научной грамотности, второго - по математической грамотности, третьего - по читательской грамотности, причем учащиеся 3 класса выполняют только первое задание («да-нет»), а учащиеся 4 класса ещё дополнительно отвечают на вопросы по тексту. Четвертый блок - задание на креативное мышление (напиши открытку родителям) для учащихся 4 класса. Ответы выделены жирным шрифтом.

Hello, dear friend!

April, 23 is an International English Day. Let's visit London. Before we go, let's read about weather and pack our bags.

I. Прочитайте текст о погоде и ответьте на вопросы

It's spring in the UK. The days are sunny and warm, but it can be cold and rainy. In March, it's cool and snow in some parts of the country. Wear warm clothes and bring an umbrella. In April, the weather starts to get a warm you can see some flowers. But it is windy and rainy, so take your umbrella! It is sunny in May. It's a good time to see the beautiful spring flowers. But it is cloudy, so bring a jacket. Check the weather before you go out. Dress warm clothes if (если) it gets cool, but also take off (снимать) some clothes if it is warm.

1.1. Найди лишнее слово.

  • spring, sunny, summer, autumn.
  • May, April, Sunday, March.
  • rainy, windy, cloudy, day.
  • Warm, jacket, umbrella, boots.

1.3. Соедини слова с картинками.

1.4. Ответь на вопросы

1. What is the weather like in the UK in spring?
- It is sunny and hot.
- It is sunny and warm.
- It is sunny and snowy.

2.What do you wear in March?
- I wear warm clothes and take an umbrella.
- I wear a jacket and take an umbrella.
- I wear a jacket and jeans.

3. What can you see in April?
- I can see snow.
- I can see green trees.
- I can see first flowers.

4. What is the weather like in May?
- It's sunny and cloudy.
- It's warm and rainy.
- It's sunny and rainy.

II. Мы прилетели в Лондон. Перелет был долгим и захотели перекусить. Давай пойдем в кафе Британской кухни

Картинка 3

3. Нам принесли меню, прочитайте его и ответьте на вопросы.

Cola - 60c
Orange juice - 70c
Tea with milk - 50c
Tea with lemon - 50c
Water - 40c
Vanilla ice cream - 1.50
Chocolate ice cream - 1.50
Strawberry ice cream - 1.70

How much money do you have? £ 5.00

2. Can you buy fish cakes, tea with lemon and vanilla ice cream? - Yes.
3. How much are fish and chips and orange juice? - 3.70
4. How much are two burgers and cola? - 3.40
5. How much are meat and potato pie and tea with milk? - 2.30

III. Мы возле главной достопримечательности Лондона - Биг Бена

Давай прочитаем про него.

Big Ben is a clock tower in London, England near the Houses of Parliament. It's over 150 years old and 96 meters high. The tower has four large faces that show the time and a big bell called Big Ben inside that weighs over 13 tons.

It's a popular tourist attraction and an important part of London's history and culture. You can take a tour to learn more about its history and how it works.

When you visit London, don't forget to see Big Ben - it's beautiful and impressive!

3.1. Прочитайте утверждения и выберите Yes или NO.

1. Big Ben is a clock tower in Paris, France. - NO

2. The tower is over 150 years old. - YES

3. The tower has three large faces that show the time. - NO

4. The bell inside Big Ben weighs less than 13 tons. - NO

5. Big Ben is not an important part of London's history and culture. - NO

6. You can take a tour to learn more about Big Ben's history and how it works. - YES

7. Big Ben is not a popular tourist attraction. - NO

8. Big Ben is located near the Houses of Parliament. - YES

9. Big Ben is not beautiful. - NO

10. Big Ben is not impressive. - NO

3.2 Выберите ответ на вопрос (задание для 4 класса).

1. What is Big Ben?
a) a museum
b) a clock tower
c) a palace
d) a bridge

2. Where is Big Ben located?
a) Paris, France
b) New York, USA
c) London, England
d) Sydney, Australia

3. How old is Big Ben?
a) Over 50 years old
b) Over 100 years old
c) Over 150 years old
d) Over 200 years old

4. How high is Big Ben?
a) 96 meters

5. What does Big Ben have inside?
c) A big bell

6. How much does the Big Ben bell weigh?
b) Over 13 tons

7. What is Big Ben an important part of?
London's history and culture

8. What is the author's opinion of Big Ben?
It's beautiful and impressive

IV. Напиши своим родителям открытку о том, как проводишь время в Лондоне. Заполни пропуски словами

    Big Ben
  1. London
  2. raining
  3. jacket
  4. nice
  5. clock tower
  6. parents
  7. love
  8. miss
  9. like
  10. sunny
  11. fish'n'chips

Dear __PARENTS__________,
I am in ____LONDON___. The weather is _NICE ___and___SUNNY_________. It is ______RAINING__ sometimes. I eat British food____FISH'N'CHIPS_____. I was at ____Big BEN___. It is a ___CLOCK TOWER____. I ___LIKE London very much.
I ___MISS____ you.
See you soon.
With _LOVE_______,
___________________ (write your name).