The exercises for checking comprehension (“Animals in danger” by Andy Hopkins and Joe Potter)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Начальная школа


Stage 1

"Animals in danger"

Andy Hopkins and Joe Potter.

The exercises are useful for checking comprehension while reading and for creative activity work.

They can help teachers to check on their students' reading progress.

Animals that are disappearing - and how we could save them. Every year some species of animal disappear - we never see them again. Every year cities, factories and pollution eat up more land - land that animal need. Every year hunters kill more elephants, rhinoceros and tigers. Animals everywhere are in danger - what can we do to save them?

1. Are these sentences true or false?

  1. There were a lot more species of animal a million years ago than there are now.
  2. Black rats killed many species of bird on the Galapagos Islands.
  3. There were once small elephants in Mediterranean countries.
  4. Rhinos have babies easily in zoos.
  5. Baiji dolphins live in the river Ganges in India.
  6. There are still thousands of blue whales in Antarctica.
  7. Kakapos cannot fly.
  8. Yosemite is a famous national park in North America.
  9. Bald ibis still visit Europe every year.
  10. In 1986 there were nearly ten billion people in the world.

2. When did it happen? Match a number from A with a letter from B.


  1. The last dodo was dead…
  2. Hunters killed 30.000 blue whales…
  3. The first national parks opened…
  4. Visiting scientists in Nepal learned about a new elephant…
  5. The first people went to America from Asia…


a …in 1930-31.
b …in 1992.
c …by about 1680.
d …11.000 years ago.
e …more than a hundred years ago.

3. Where are they from? Mach a number from A with a letter from B.


  1. Hamsters come from…
  2. Okapi lived on…
  3. Dodos lived on…
  4. Bald ibis live in…
  5. Tapirs live in…


a …Mauritius.
b …the forests of east Zaire.
c …Morocco and Turkey.
d …Panama and Chile.
e …Syria.

4. Describing animals. Match a number from A with a letter from B.


  1. Kakapos…
  2. Tapirs...
  3. Baiji dolphins…
  4. Zoo animals…
  5. Hamsters…


a …are green and yellow, large and fat.
b …sit for a long time and wait all day for foot.
c …are small and golden brown.
d …are very quiet and cannot move far.
e …have eyes on top of their heads.

5. Animals in danger. Match a number from A with a letter from B.


  1. Elephants are in danger from…
  2. Baiji dolphins are in danger from...
  3. Tapirs are in danger from…
  4. Rhinos are in danger from…
  5. Kakapos are in danger from…


a …people who want to buy their horns.
b …other animals.
c …noise and pollution.
d …people who want ivory.
e …people who want to eat their meat.