Разноуровневые задания на английском языке для проверки читательских умений, умений по работе с графической информацией и общелогических умений

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

Ключевые слова: английский язык

I. Проверка читательских умений при работе со сплошным текстом

What are the three R's of environment? Read the text to find out and do the tasks below to check yourself.

Simply speaking, waste is anything thrown away or released into the environment. Unfortunately, a lot of waste can end up harming the environment. You can help protect the environment by learning about and practising the 3 Rs: REDUCE, RECYCLE and REUSE!

The most effective way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. Making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy - raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated then transported to wherever it will be sold. As a result, reduction and reuse are the most effective ways you can save natural resources, protect the environment and save money.

Recycling is a process designed to recover and reuse materials instead of throwing them away. Commonly recycled wastes include aluminum and steel cans, glass containers, and paper. Other recycling programs collect plastic, used motor oil, and automobile tires. Recycling helps conserve raw materials that manufacturers would otherwise need to use. It also keeps materials out of landfills, helping reduce the pollution that may result from the disposal of various waste materials.

1. There are definitions of the 3R's. Fill in the gaps. Write down the missing words.

  1. _________________ is to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance.
  2. _________________ is to sort and collect trash in order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again.
  3. _________________ is to use something again.

2. Sort out these actions:

  • Refill your bottles of water
  • Segregate your waste
  • Don't print unless necessary
  • Donate old possessions instead of throwing them
  • Buy items with less packaging




II. Проверка умений по работе с графической информацией

Study the scheme and do the tasks below.

1. Complete an extract from a report based on the scheme:

In fact, most handsets can be refurbished. As a phone arrives at ______________ it goes through a rigorous testing process. Many phones are then passed to specialist repair centres for ______________. Even handsets are valuable. They contain small quantities of ______________ such as platinum, gold, silver and copper which may end up as jewellery. ______________ contain nickel which can be combined into stainless steel for saucepans.

2. Which metals are in handsets and in batteries? Sort out the metals.

Platinum, nickel, lithium, copper, silver, cadmium, gold



III. Проверка общелогических умений

Use the scheme and your knowledge of using mobile phones work to answer the question.

1. What ways of using mobile phones have a positive impact on the environment? Describe your opinion.





  1. Reduce; recycle; reuse



Don't print unless necessary;
Buy items with less packaging

Refill your bottles of water;
Donate old possessions instead of throwing them

Segregate your waste


  1. Recycling centres; reusing; metals; batteries





Suggested answer: People should reduce of using new mobile phones. Instead of buying a new mobile phone, people should try to repair their old mobile phones. If it's impossible, people should submit to the recycling centre.