Урок-соревнование по английскому языку для 11-го класса "Lucky chance"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык



  • обобщение знаний по теме «Страны изучаемого языка» и их применение в коммуникативных целях;
  • совершенствование лингвострановедческих компетенций обучающихся.


  • расширение кругозора учащихся;
  • развитие лингвистической догадки;
  • расширение социокультурных компетенций учащихся.


  • приобщение учащихся к культуре и традициям англоговорящих стран;
  • воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре;
  • создание у обучающихся положительной мотивации к изучению языка;
  • воспитание умения работать в команде.

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово ведущего

Well, friends, attention, please. Our today's competition is called «A lucky chance». It will be devoted to the English-speaking countries. That is why the walls of the classroom are decorated in this way. You see the geographical map of the country, the flags and symbols of different parts of the UK, the portraits of outstanding people, etc. I hope that you have learnt a lot of interesting facts In the English lessons about the country, its people, animal world, sights, traditions, and holidays. I am sure you will certainly get some more useful information today as well.

The rules of the game are rather simple. You are to respect your class - mates and not to shout. No doubt, winning is the aim, but it is only a game. Don't forget that. And now it is the time to begin the game itself.

The 1st game is called "Warming up" (разминка)

Each team will be asked a certain number of questions. If you know the answer you needn't wait till I read the question till the very end. You are allowed to interrupt me in order to save the time. If you do not know the answer, immediately tell me Go on! so as not to waste the time. I will then ask another question. Every correct answer costs 1 point. To begin with, let us decide which team will be the 1st to start the round. Captains, will you come up and roll the dice? The captain with the highest number will get the right to begin the game. Are you ready? One, two, off we go!

Questions for the 1st team.

  1. How many parts does the UK consist of? (4)
  2. What colour are the post boxes in London? (blue, red)
  3. What is the national musical instrument in Scotland? (bag - pipe)
  4. The highest mountain in the UK? (Ben Nevis)
  5. The Nickname of Glasgow? (the friendly city)
  6. How many children does Elizabeth the second have? (4)
  7. Who are called the Tories? (the Conservative Party)
  8. The most popular sport in England? (football= soccer)
  9. When do British celebrate Halloween? (the 31st of October)
  10. What colour are the double - deckers in the UK? (red)
  11. How old is the Tower of London? (900 years)
  12. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression is guaranteed here. (Speaker's Corner)
  13. Where is the home of the 1st great detective, Sherlock Holmes ? (Baker Street)
  14. What is the symbol of England? (a red rose)
  15. The place where famous people of the country are buried? (Westminster Abbey)

Questions for the 2nd team.

  1. What is Big Ben? (a famous clock)
  2. What is the home of the London Zoo? (Regents Park)
  3. Who is the head of the state in the UK? (the Queen)
  4. What is the British money? (pounds and pence)
  5. London stands on the river…. (The Thames)
  6. The longest river in England ? (The Severn)
  7. How many days did the great fire in London last in 1666? (5)
  8. Where did the Beatles come from? (Liverpool)
  9. Which street in London is called Newspaper Street? (Fleet Street)
  10. How many monarchs have there been in GB? (Elizabeth the 2nd is number 40)
  11. What is the national emblem of Wales? (a daffodil)
  12. Where does the Ceremony of the Keys take place? (Tower of London)
  13. What colour are the taxies in London? (black)
  14. The home of the British Queen (Buckingham Palace)
  15. The Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police? (Scotland Yard)

The 2 nd game «Do you know the English proverbs»

Each team will get a cards with the English proverb and give the best translation.

  1. He who laughs last laughs best.
  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  3. You can't kill two birds with one stone.
  4. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
  5. All is well that ends well.
  6. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

The 3rd game "Quiz"

So the rules of this game are the following. Each team should choose a sector they like and I read you a question from this sector. For each right answer you will get 2 points. If your answer is wrong the other team may answer the same question. Take turns in choosing the sectors. Are the rules clear?
The names of the sectors:

  • Countries
  • People
  • Facts
  • Cities

Questions to the sector Countries

  1. What country consists of 4 parts having their own capitals? (The UK)
  2. What country is famous with constant floods, cyclones and droughts? (Australia)
  3. What country is famous for its flora and fauna? (Australia)
  4. The flag of which country is called stars and stripes? (the USA)

Questions to the sector Cities

  1. What is the capital of the UK? (London)
  2. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)
  3. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
  4. What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)

Questions to the sector People

  1. Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
  2. Who was the 1st president of the USA: Tomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington? (Washington)
  3. What nationality are the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack London? (Americans)
  4. What is the name of the Queen of the UK? (Elizabeth the 2nd)

Questions to the sector Facts:

  1. Australia is a peninsula, island, continent or city? (island, continent)
  2. How old is the Tower of London? (900 years)
  3. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression is guaranteed here (Speaker's Corner)
  4. What is one of the Australia's most famous and best loved animals: the penguin, the koala or the eagle? (the koala)

The 4 th game "Comb"

(each team fills the comb with the words beginning with letters. За правильно написанное слово - 1 балл, за слово из 5 и более букв - 2 балла)










Well, jury it is time to declare the winners of today's game.

I hope you had a nice time together and learnt something new. Do you?

Thank you once again.