American High Schools (Американская старшая школа)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие.

- Good morning dear boys and girls.

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

We'll talk about the school system in the USA and how their system is similar and different to the one in Russia.

3. Вопросы дежурному.

1) ask her questions about her school in Past Simple.

2) ask her questions about our college in Present Simple.

4. American High Schools

let's read new words

5. The USA school system

Look through the diagram and answer the questions.

6. Чтение текста с детальным пониманием. Прогнозирование содержание текста по заголовкам и картинке. Заполнение таблицы.
а) чтение текста про себя

b) прослушивание текста в аудиозаписи

c) And now complete the following table. You can discuss in your group.

d) Answer the following questions.

e) Dialogue.

f) Развитие умений устной речи на основе прочитанного с использованием вводных фраз.

7. Сравнение систем образования США и России. Создание диаграммы «Russian School System».

8. Now let's remember all types of schools in Russia

9. Развитие навыков письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста. Создание лиcтовки, приглашающего учеников из других стран провести год в русской школе.

Работа в группах.

II. Заключительная часть

  1. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
  2. Оценивание учащихся.
  3. Домашнее задание.

Класс: 10

Тема: American High Schools (Module3, Culture Corner 3)

Цель урока: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся.

Задачи урока: развитие навыка и умения аналитического чтения, формирование умений говорения на базе прочитанного текста.


  • Активизация в речи грамматико-лексических способов выражения вкусов и предпочтений,
  • Развитие навыка просмотрового чтения и чтения с детальным пониманием,
  • Расширение лексики по теме "Образование».


  • Развитие навыков сотрудничества при командной работе по тематической теме в ограниченном лимите времени,
  • Поддержка высокой личностной оценки и самооценки подростков, помощь в личностном самоопределении учащихся,


  • PC и мультимедийный проектор,
  • УМК Spotlight 10 (Student Book и аудиозапись), презентация в PowerPoint;
  • дидактический раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

1. Приветствие.

- Good morning dear boys and girls. I'm glad to see you! Take your seat.

2. Сообщение темы и цели урока

Today we'll talk about American High Schools. You know, education plays an important role in everybody's life. Good education is a good foundation for the future life, especially for you - the young generation. (Слайд 1)

We'll talk about the school system in the USA and how their system is similar and different to the one in Russia. There are 3 aims for the lesson: (Cлайд 2)

1.Today we are going to compare different Education Systems;

2.We are going to train skills of oral speaking and listening;

3. We are going to enlarge our vocabulary.

And now let's remember our educational system.

3. Вопросы дежурному.

- Who is a student of duty today? Go to the blackboard, please. So look, she is a student on duty, you are teachers,

1) ask her questions about her school in Past Simple. (Слайд 3)

What type of school did you go? - I went to state school.

Was it co-educational school? -Yes, it was.

How many lessons did you usually have? - I had 6 lessons every day.

What subjects did you prefer? - I prefered…

What subjects were difficult for you?- There weren't difficult subjects for me.

Did you like your school life? - Of course, I took an active part in it.

What was school for you? - It was my second home.

Why did you go to school? What for? - I went to school for getting knowledge…

- Get a lot of knowledge. - Make friends.- Get a lot of information. - Learn new things.- Communicate with classmates. - Take part in school activities. - Do sports.

2) ask her questions about our college in Present Simple. (Слайд 4)

Where do you study now?- I study at Kazan Pedagogical College.

What course(grade) are you in? - I am a sophomore(2 курс)

How many students are there in your group? - There are 23 students in our group.

Is your house far from college? - My house is next to the college.

How do you get to the college? - I go on foot(by bus\by train)

How many lessons do you usually have? - We have 6-8 lessons every day

What subjects do you prefer? - I prefer…

What subjects are difficult for you? - …is difficult for me.

Do you like your college life? - Of course, I like it.

What is college for you? - It is my second home…

Why do you go to the college? What for? - I go to college for getting knowledge… (слайд 4).

- Get a lot of knowledge. - Make friends. - Get a lot of information. - Learn new things. - Communicate with classmates. - Take part in school activities. - Do sports.

4. American High Schools

I want to remind our theme, it is "American High Schools", now let's read new words

1) one by one St1-St2-St3,

2) all together T=St-s. (Слайд 5)

5. The USA school system (Слайд 6)

Look through the diagram and answer the following questions:

1.How old are students when they start school?

2.How many years do they learn in elementary school?

3.At what age do they go to junior high school?

4.How many grades are there in high school?

5.How old are students when they leave school?

6.What are the(ninth) graders called?

6.Чтение текста с детальным пониманием. Прогнозирование содержание текста по заголовкам и картинке. Заполнение таблицы. (ex. 2 p. 57)

а) чтение текста про себя (Слайд 7)

It is a leaflet is for people who don't live in the USA but who would like to study there for a year. Read this leaflet and complete the gaps (1-8) with the correct word formed from the words in brackets. Write them in your copybooks. Compare with your partner.

b) прослушивание текста в аудиозаписи

Listen to the tape and correct the words in the gaps if they are not right in the text

1, 2, 3 часть по порядку.

1. relaxed

2. education

3. driving

4. locker

5. Twice


7. organising

8. extremely

Name them! The 1,2,3…..

c) And now complete the following table. You can discuss in your group. (Слайд 8)

American High School


School life (a typical day at school)

Sporting activities

Extra-curricular activities

d) (Слайд 9) Answer the following questions (дать время) You can look through them.

1. What subjects can you study at an American school? (American History, journalism, business studies, drama)

2. How do students get to school? (by yellow school bus)

3. Where do they put away their coats and lunch? (in the locker)

4. How many hours of classes have they got? (5 hours of classes)

5. How often do they get a report card? (twice a year)

6. What do students grades depend on? (their performance in class discussions, homework, projects)

7. What sports do American students do? (Cheerleading, American football, soccer, basketball, baseball)

8. What extra-curricular activities have they got? ( join a school newspaper, the debating club or the prom organizing committee)

e) (Слайд 10) Ex.4 Dialogue.

Would you like to spend a year in an American high school? What would you like or wouldn't like. Discuss with your partner. I'll give you 1 minute.

- Would you like to spend a year at an American high school?

- I don't know. I…

f) (Слайд 11) Развитие умений устной речи на основе прочитанного с использованием вводных фраз.

Say what new facts about an American high school you have learnt. Begin with…

I have learnt that…

I have never known/heard that…

It was interesting for me to learnt that…

7. (Слайд 12) Сравнение систем образования США и России. Создание диаграммы «Russian School System».

А. - How is the system similar or different to the one in our country? Draw a diagram. Use the following.

  1. Primary (Elementary) School (age)
  2. Junior Secondary (Middle) School (age)
  3. Senior Secondary School (age)

В. Now let's check and answer the following questions (Слайд 13)

8. Now let's remember all types of schools in Russia (Слайд 14)

1) Match the types of schools to their descriptions.

2) Which are the most common\uncommon in our country?

9. Развитие навыков письменной речи на основе прочитанного текста. Создание лиcтовки, приглашающего учеников из других стран провести год в русской школе (ex.5 p.57).

Работа в группах.

- Work in groups. Design a leaflet inviting students from abroad to spend a year at your school. Write about:

  1. subjects
  2. school life (a typical day at school)
  3. sports activities
  4. extra-curricular activities.

III. Заключительная часть

  1. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
  2. Оценивание учащихся
  3. Домашнее задание: Ex.5 p.57 Each group prepare you own project (leaflet).

Приложение 1

Приложение 2