Экологические тропы Осетии

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс

Ролевая игра. 9 класс

Задачи урока:


  • Провести практику в речевой деятельности: монологической, диалогической, аудировании.
  • Ознакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме "Environmental Protection."
  • Учить логически строить высказывание.


  • Развивать мышление, творческую фантазию, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.
  • Развивать познавательный интерес учащихся.


  • Развивать любовь и чувство гордости за свой край.
  • Способность экологическому воспитанию школьников, их гражданской позиции.

Оснащение урока:

  • Слайды с видами природы Осетии, географическая карта Северной Осетии. Красная Книга Северной Осетии,
  • плакаты с цитатами о природе, стенгазета "Экологическими тропами Осетии". ИКТ (компьютер, экран.)

Межпредметные связи: Экология, химия, литература, география, история родного края.

План урока:

  1. Сценка: Студенты на отдыхе в Цейском ущелье.
  2. Пресс-конференция: "Земля - наш общий дом".
  3. Ответы на вопросы участников конференции.
  4. Отчет учащихся о своей работе по охране окружающей среды.

Сценка: Студенты на отдыхе в Цейском ущелье

Декорация: Лес, костер, разбросаны банки и мусор, звучит музыка.

1-й студент: We have been resting here for the whole day. To tell you the truth, I got tired of doing nothing.

2-й студент: Got tired? Well I never. As for me, I'm going to bring some more wood for the fire and prepare supper.

3-й студент: Wood? Where are you going to bring it from?

2-й студент: No problem! I'll cut birch or oak or as they say, there are still yew trees here. If I'm lucky, I'll try to cut a yew tree. I'm sure you have never seen yew trees in your life. Do you know Turgenev's expression: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man's the workman in it?" уходит.

4-й студент: As for me, I'm fond of fishing, it's my hobby. What about some trout for supper?

3-й студент: We don't mind. Did we take fishing rods with us?

4-й студент: What is the use of a fishing rod, sitting for hours, waiting for a fish to get caught.? I brought some explosive, in some minutes you'll eat "the tsar fish." "Ossetia I'm in love with you, your beasts and fish and even birds in trees!"

2-й студент: Fish? I'm not much of a fish man. I'm a hunter. I'll kill and bring meet of a real deer for supper. Look! I have different guns with me. Let me remember Terry Hansel's verse.

"Eagles strike
And eagles seize
Eagles fly wherever they please."

3-й студент: I shall ramble in the wood and look for rare flowers. Let me remember: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

Ведущий: This way young people spend the week-end in the Tsey Gorge by young people. They are enough educated, by how cynically they have misinterpreted the quotations. Один за другим появляются отдыхающие.

1-й студент: "I was not lucky today; I didn't manage to kill any deer."

2-й студент: "No wonder! I wasn't lucky either the explosion was too strong. I didn't bring any fish."

3-й студент: "Here you are some mushrooms and rare flowers. There were a lot of them in the wood high in the mountains, and the rest of the flowers and berries I trampled down. My favorite expression is: "Let the Flood be after me."

4-й студент: "Look! I didn't find yew trees, but I brought pine, oak and birch. Don't worry about the fire; it will be burning the whole night."

1-й студент: "Oh! I'm hungry and I want to sleep."

2-й студент: "So do I."

1-й студент: "I have no other objections."

4-й студент: "I'm of the same opinion."

Ведущий: "The company got tired of their activities. Let the God judge them."

Входят Нарты / Звучит музыка

Ведущий: Oh! This is the High Court of the Narts, the legendary ancestors of the Ossetians; Uruzmag, Sirdon, Batradz, Atsamaz, Sirdon.

A nephew of Donbettir: "Not long ago I visited my relative Donbettir."

The Ruler of Waters Donbettir told, that waters were polluted by waste, fish in the rivers had disappeared, and one couldn't find any salmon in the river. Do you remember the time "when meadow, grove and stream.

  • the earth and every common sight,
  • to me did seem
  • appareled in celestial light
  • the glory and freshness of a dream."

Yes, the time when people could drink water from the river, but it is poisoned now you can find in water the whole periodic system. He told, he would call for the dragons and they would drink the whole water. There will not be any life on the Earth. No water-no life."

Ведущий: "Meet Uruzmag."

Uruzmag: "I met the other day Avsaty in the forest. As you know, he is the protector of wild animals, he was in panic: Caucasian aurochs, real deer, many beasts , the Caucasian forest cats, the stone martens, the jackals, the badgers, and the Caucasian river otters became very rare"

Ведущий: "Meet Batradz."

Batradz: "And what to tell about the forests? Our native Ossetia was covered with think woods and now they are simply being cut down. When I look at the young generation, it seems to me, that they are burning their own nest. As a result of deforestation, many wild animals died."

Shatana: "Recently I was walking not far from the Agro Chemical Enterprice. I saw the mutation there, the flowers had changed their color, you cannot see any grass near its territory. Even ten years ago one could see a lot of snowdrops, the Ossetian Dolomits and Ardon Bluebells. People should remember Frances Thomson's expression: "One couldn't pluck a dower without troubling a star!"

Atsamaz: "Right you are, and what to tell about the air? How can people breather? Do you remember the time, when people washed themselves with rainy water, and now people can't use it, because it is poisoned, people don't water their vegetable gardens , they call it "acid rains."

Нарты встают, обращаясь к спящим студентам.

"We, the High Court of the Narts, came here to judge you. You, the generation we left, are guilty: "in poisoning air and water."

Shatana: "in cutting forests and destruction of animals and birds."

Atsamaz: "you didn't keep the earth clean."

Студенты просыпаются в ужасе.

1-й студент: "Well, I was sleeping and saw in my dream smth. Terrible…"

2-й студент: "Terrible? The film of horror will seem childish games if I tell you my sleep."

3-й студент: "It seems to me strange, I feel like that I wasn't sleeping…"

4-й студент: "God Heavens! It was a sign…"

1-й студент: "What shall we do?"

2-й студент: "Let us clean everything around us."

3-й студент: "I'm afraid it isn't enough."

4-й студент: "Let us go to the special institutions and ask there how we can keep our Earth clean and avoid a catastrophe."

1-й студент: "I've read recently in the local newspaper an advertisement, a conference on ecology will take place in Alagir."

2-й студент: "It is interesting news! Let us go there and take part in it. I have a lot of questions."

Студенты убирают за собой мусор и собираются на пресс-конференцию.

Пресс-конференция: "Земля - наш общий дом"

Ведущий 1: "We are in the foyer of the Alagir Administration. In some minutes a conference about the ecological situation in our republic and in Alagir region will take place."

Ведущий 2: We should always remember the wise advice of a great England writer John Goldsworthy: "If you don't think about the future, you will not have it."

Ведущий 1: Let everybody remember: "We live only once and not a very long life. We have one Earth for all those who love it and do not."

Ведущий 2: The members of our conference presidium are: The Head of the Alagir Administration, the main specialist of the North Ossetian Ministry of Ecology, the correspondents of the local newspaper "Zarya", teachers from the Alagir secondary school.

We shall listen to some reports and then answer your guestions.

A scientific worker from the State Republik Reserve Revasova will speak.

Revasova: "Ecology is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of our life on our planet with its environment. Ecology is a science about home and the idea of "home" includes the whole planet of ours, it's population the nature, animals, birds, insects, all other living being and even the atmosphere around our planet. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry in the 20-th century has made the pollution of our environment a global problem, which should be solved by all means Overpopulation pollution and energy consumption have created such planet wide problems as massive deforestation ozone depletion, acid rains and the global warming that is believed to be caused by the green-hours effect. Isn't it high time to start solving this global problem and to make our life on our planet healthy?"

Ведущий 1: Thank you very much. Now we shall listen to the report. Vagin, the Ministry of ecology in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania will speak.

Vagin: "The region where we live is called North Ossetia. We gain so much by getting to know the republic, which roots go back far into the past, the republic which has unique character. Ossets inhabited Central Caucasus on both side of the main Caucasian Range.

Relief of North Ossetia is extremely diverse-plains and mountains, vast foothill and numerous hollows. Mineral wealth of North Ossetia includes zinc, lead, silver, copper, various building materials.

Its numerous rivers are the important source of energy. How to keep and preserve this beauty in a good state and to use the gifts, given us by nature?

Our Government, the Ministry of Ecology and other institutions stay on guard to protect the environment in our Republic. In 1991 the First all European Consultation on developing mountain territories was provided. Our Government helped to organize this programme. The programme was extensive. Focus was made on specific problems which ecologists are faced with in our country."/ Доклад сопровождается показом слайдов./

Ведущий 2: "Thank you. Now, the teacher of the Alagir Forest secondary school will speak."

Ivanova: "We're really one with nature and the feeling of being one with nature is typical for our people. Article 2 of the Low " of the environment protection in North Ossetia says: "Citizens of North Ossetia are obliged to protect nature, to conserve its reaches, to raise ecological culture, to help ecological bringing up of the young generation." Do we always follow this article? It seems to me, we don't.

As a result of deforestation, many wild animals died. The Belgian capitalists cut the forests in the Alagir Gorge at the end of the 19-th century. K.Khetagurov a famous Ossetian journalist and a poet wrote that time: "I feel a great pain when I see it." Hundreds of years ago our region was covered by thick woods. Now such place-names as Kadgaron, Dar-Kokh, Snt.Khetage's Grove remind us of these times. Forest in our republic plays a very important part; it isn't only a nutrient habitat for a man, but also for animals, insects, plants. It helped to delay the process of snow melting and preserves landslips. Economic important are: hornbeam and birch, in some places high in the mountains we can find yew trees. The forests in our region were not protected till 1961."

Ведущий 1: "Thank you very much. Now we shall listen to the report of a scientific worker from the State Reserve."

Gabueva: "Our State Reserve was founded in 1967 in Alagir region. Hunting, fishing, haying, forest cutting, all industrial activities and even staying people there are forbidden. So both wild animals and plants are preserving there in their natural habitat. 78 species of rare plants were put into the Red Data Book of North Ossetia and this year 220 species are standing on the brink. It is interesting to remark, that rare species of animals are indices of ecological situation. Hunting in some regions and especially in Tsey is forbidden. The East Caucasian tur is the most typical inhabitant of mountain ranges. This powerful animal with bended horns is an emblem of the Caucasus. Thank to the work of the State Reserve, its number is growing."

Ведущий 2: "An engineer from the Lead and Zinc Enterprise from Misur will speak."

Hubetsova: "A painful question of pollution is air. The main polluters of air in our region are: our Enterprise and the Trans-Caucasian Highway. The waste from the factory polluted the river Ardon, the climate had changed for the worth, it was decided to build a purification system not far from the village of Unal. But it was build in a hurry, its design was poor, the great harm was caused to the gardens of Unal village. There were no pears sweeter in the wholl republic than those of that village. The wind often carries harmful substances; the whole ecological system has changed greatly. In the flood lands of the river Ardon you can not find any trout and groves of buckthorn."

Ведущий 1: "Thank you very much. Now, you have listened to the report./ обращается к залу./If you have any questions, ask them."

Ответы на вопросы участников конференции

Студент 1: "I have a question to a scientific worker. How do you fight with poaches in your State Reserve?"

- Nearly 131 of poaches were find last year.

Студент 2: "What work is providing in preserving trees?"

- Every year new forest belts are being planted in Alagir region. 2100 trees and 3020 bushes were planted last year."

Студент 3: "I'd like to know, who helps the Ministry of Ecology in its work?"

Корреспондент: TV programmes "Iriston today" as articles in our newspapers, especially "Ecovesty" carry much information on this problem. Such measures, as "Clean air", "Waste", a great ecological action "To our grandchildren" were provided last year. There are some non-formal organizations: "Ossetia's green house" and the "Ardz". Nature in our Republic. They are taking active part in the police of controlling the atmosphere, the water, the climate changes. They help to solve the programme "Mountains of Ossetia with a help of money."

"Zarya". "How much money do we spend on ecology."

- We spend only half - per cent of our national product. It isn't enough to solve our problems.

Студент 1: What can you say about the Zaramag Storage lake. Is it building now?

-Yes (Инженер). It is, but very slowly.

Студент 2: Will it do any harm to the environment?

- I'm afraid yes, If the Storage operates, the ecological situation will be dangerous. The mountain region in our Gorge is rather seismic, we can't neglect this fact, to tell nothing about the lack of water in the rivers."

Член президиума: " We, the participants of our conference, appeal to those people, who could keep our environment clean:

Pick up litter.
Save water.

Turn out the light and appliances when you are not using them.

Don't buy Drinks in Plastic Bottles. These bottles can't be recycled.

Use paper, not plastic.

Don't throw your old batteries in the trash, better take them to a recycling centre.

Don't burn the trees. Remember, each of us have to plant a tree in his life.

Help to plant the protected forest belts.

Take care of birds and animals.

Help the Ministry of Ecology to fight against water and air pollution.

The participants of our conference support all the ecological measure, which are put forward to save our region from water, air and soil pollution.

All this that we know and believe must now become the foundation of the way we live.

Ведущий: Who is in favor of this appeal?

Все поднимают руки.

Отчет учащихся о своей работе по охране окружающей среды

Ведущий: "It was only a play, but how can we help our country to solve ecological problems?"

1-й участник: The team "Friends of ecology" was organized in our school.

2-й участник: We helped to plant 20 hectares of fruit gardens. Last year a rich harvest of fruit was gathered.

3-й участник: the whole summer our brigade fought for the cleanest of our town, we gathered litter, cleaned the water pool from the dust and litter.

4-й участник: We were granted with a tour to the sea-side. We spent there five days, swimming and laying in the sun.

5-й участник: In September we had an unforgettable excursion: "By the path of ecology."

6-й участник: The time was nice, it was Indian summer and we had an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of our nature.

7-й участник: We had our excursion in English, the guide was a scientist from the State Reserve, he delivers his lectures in English abroad and the most of his scientific works are written in English.

8-й участник: "Remember, Ossetia, you are great."

9-й участник: Not only on the field of battles past.

10-й участник: But in the green field full of wheat.

11-й участник: And forests, gardens, free of dust.

12-й участник: I love you deeply, dear land.

13-й участник: Your hills and rivers, sand on strand.

14-й участник: Your songs and dances, lakes and seas.

15-й участник: Your beast and fish, birds in trees.

16-й участник: Your sunrise in a splendid sight.

17-й участник: Which gives me always such delight.

Список слов и выражений для активного употребления в ходе урока

  • to solve ecological problems - решать экологические проблемы.
  • to live in harmony with - жить в гармонии с…
  • sanctuary - заповедник.
  • to preserve - охранять.
  • a purification system - очистительная система.
  • a Caucasian aurochtur - Кавказкий тур
  • the Ossetian Dolomite - камнеломка.
  • the Ardon Bluebell - колокольчик.
  • energy consumption - потребление энергии.
  • ozone depletion - озоновая дыра.
  • acid rains - кислотные дожди.
  • the green-house effect - парниковый эффект.
  • to stay on the brink - быть на грани.
  • to forbid/forbade, forbidden - запрещать.
  • water, air, land pollution - загрязнение воды, воздуха, земли.