Методическая разработка урока по теме «They helped to win: dogs in the war» (Они помогли победить). 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Цель: воспитание чувства патриотизма на уроках английского языка, активизация и расширение словарного запаса по теме «Великая Отечественная война. Они помогли победить: собаки на войне».


Образовательная - ознакомить обучающихся со словами по данной теме.


  • формировать правильное произношение английских слов, их перевод, использование в письменной и устной речи;
  • совершенствовать навыки аудирования и чтения, а также навыки устной речи с опорой на прочитанное и прослушанное;
  • развивать способность к логическому изложению своих мыслей;
  • тренировать память, внимание и сообразительность.

Воспитательная - формировать уважение к подвигу «братьев наших младших», прививать чувство патриотизма.

Тип занятия: занятие обобщения и закрепления знаний, умений, навыков.

Формы работы: коллективные, парные, индивидуальные.

Предметные результаты:

  • пополнение словарного запаса лексикой по теме "Великая Отечественная война, День Победы",
  • учащиеся научатся отвечать на вопросы, составлять предложения по теме, т.е. переводить с русского на английский язык.

Личностные результаты: оценивание усваиваемого содержания, исходя из социальных и личностных ценностей, обеспечивающее личностный моральный выбор.

Метапредметные результаты:


  • Способность определять цели предстоящей учебной деятельности, планировать пути достижения цели, принимать решение в проблемной ситуации в группе, оценивать достигнутые результаты.


  • Контроль и оценка процесса и результатов деятельности, обобщение понятия, осуществление выбора наиболее эффективных способов решения грамматической, лексической задачи.


  • Работать в паре, группе - устанавливать рабочие отношения, эффективно сотрудничать для решения учебной задачи.

Технологическая карта урока

Задания основного этапа

Make up sentences and guess what dogs they are: (слова в предложениях разрезаны)

  1. Dogs went with a man side by side and came forward in dangerous time. (sappers)
  2. Dogs shared trenches and rations with a man. (front-line dogs)
  3. Dogs pulled out wounded soilders. (sanitaries)
  4. Dogs found mines in the fields. (sappers)
  5. Dogs destroyed enemies' tanks. (undermines)
  6. Dogs delivered thousands documents. (signalers)

Read the text and do the tasks:

A faithful friend

This is a true story about a small dog Bobby. Bobby was a brave and clever dog and there is a statue to him in Edinburgh - the capital of Scotland.

Bobby and his master lived in the country near Edinburgh about a hundred years ago. Bobby's master was a farmer. Bobby helped him to look after the sheep.

When Bobby's master was very old, he went to live in Edinburgh. But he left the dog on the farm with the new master. Bobby loved his old master very much and soon he ran away and went to the city and found his master. The man was poor and ill. Bobby stayed with his friend. They often went to a café and Mr.Trail, the owner of it, always had some food for the little dog.

Soon Bobby's master died and people did not see the dog for some time. Then five or six times Bobby came to the café, took the food that Mr. Trail gave him but did not eat it. He ran away with it in his mouth. One day Mr. Trail went after Bobby and came to the cemetery. There he found the dog on the grave of his master. Bobby stayed there every day in good and bad weather. He sat under a big stone when it rained and Mr.Trail came and gave him food there.

People wrote about Bobby to the mayor of Edinburgh. The mayor liked dogs and decided to help brave little Bobby. He himself bought Bobby a collar with the dog's name on it, and gave the dog "the freedom of the city" which they gave only to very important people. After that Bobby lived in Edinburgh for many years. People came to see the dog in the cemetery and children played with him. All the people in Edinburgh knew the dog and loved him.

When Bobby died, they put up a statue on his grave with his name and dates. Bobby's collar is now in the museum.

the mayor

I. Mark the sentences as True or false:

  1. This is a fiction story about a big and funny dog.
  2. Bobby and his master lived in Edinburgh.
  3. Bobby's master left his dog on the farm with a new master.
  4. Bobby loved his new master very much.
  5. The dog went to the city and found his old master.
  6. The owner of a café Mr.Trail didn't like dogs.
  7. When Bobby's master died he lived near a café of Mr.Trail.
  8. When Bobby died people put up his collar on his grave.

II. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where did Bobby live with his master?
  2. Why did his master move to Edinburgh?
  3. Did Bobby find his master again?
  4. What happened with Bobby's master?
  5. Where did Bobby stay in good and bad weather?
  6. How did the mayor help the dog?
  7. Is the end of the story happy or sad?