Разработка по подготовке к части 1 экзамена KEY

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс по английскому языку «Cambridge English Teacher»

Ключевые слова: английский язык



Activity title:

Preparation for Part 1 KEY








Exam part:

Part 1(reading)



Main aim: To enable pupils to become familiar with part 1 in KEY exam and teach them how to focus on the meaning while doing the tasks, so that they can get a better understanding and a higher score.

Subsidiary aims:

    to enhance pupils' vocabulary by focusing on the words with the same or similar meaning;
  • to familiarize pupils with modal verbs;
  • to develop pupils' speaking skills and their ability to communicate and work in pairs or groups;
  • to upgrade pupils' listening and reading skills.


Materials needed:

  • Markers/chalk;
  • A buzz button or a bell;
  • Laptop;
  • Speakers;
  • Flash drive;
  • Handouts/worksheet;
  • Flashcards for teaching new words;



Prepare a note from a head teacher to read at the beginning of the class to warm up the students and familiarize them with the format of the exam.
Prepare flashcards with the words which have the same or similar meaning (1 word on each side - bad-good).
Prepare an activity in Kahoot to revise main modal verbs.
Put the encoded messages for the final task on the walls of your classroom.
Prepare handouts with the questions for the final task.
ask your students to download Kahoot and qr-reader apps on their phones



Step 1 - warm up and introducing the format of the tasks in Part 1 of KEY exam:
Greet your students and tell them that you have just received a note from the head teacher. Read the note together and clarify what the head teacher wants you to do.
The note:
Cleaning day:
No lessons on November, 10th. You can get a broom and a garbage bag on the ground floor.
You may wear casual clothes to school.
Tell the students that you have some questions related to this note:
- Will they study on November, 10th?
- Must they bring all the equipment for cleaning to school?
- Do they have to wear a school uniform this day?

Discuss their answers and explain that in Part 1 of KEY exam they must focus on the meaning of the messages and find the main idea.
For this, they should be familiar with synonyms and modal verbs in English.

Step 2 - Main part:
Introducing the words with the same or similar meaning to students, drilling them
Divide your students into two groups and offer them to check their knowledge of synonyms or words with the same/similar meaning.
For this, get a buzz button and cards with the words (dangerous-unsafe, clean-tidy, hard-difficult, open - not closed, half-50%, over-more than, under - less than, return-give back, arrive-come, miss - skip/be absent, finish - stop, call-phone, entrance - gates, both of us - two of us).
Each round a teacher asks two students to come to the board and try to name a correct synonym of the word on the card. The students are given five seconds to answer correctly. If they know the word, they should press the button and answer. For each correct answer the student gets a score.

The other students write down new words and their synonyms in their notebooks.
Revising modal verbs and their meanings with students:
Tell students that a lot of tasks in Part 1 of KEY exam are focused on modal verbs.
Ask students to work in pairs and match the modal verbs with their meanings. Discuss the students' answers and ask them to give you their own examples.
Can - you are able to do smth, you have an ability to do smth, you are allowed to do smth.
Must - you have to do smth/you are obliged to do smth.

Need - it is necessary to do smth.
May - it is possible to do smth.
can't - you are not able to do smth./you are not allowed to do smth.
mustn't - it is prohibited to do smth.
needn't - don't have to/ it is not necessary to do smth.

After that, offer your students to check their knowledge of modal verbs in English with the help of Kahoot quiz.

Step 3 - Working with the final task
Tell your students that you have received some more messages but they are encoded. In order to decode them and do the final task, they will have use their qr-reader apps. Distribute handouts with the questions and answers based on the messages, give students 10 minutes and let them work with their tasks. When the time has passed discuss the questions and the answers with the students and count the amount of their correct answers.



If you have no internet connection or you laptop does not work, you can substitute activities in Kahoot and Wordwall with paper version materials. Ask your students to match the modal verbs and their definitions and play jeopardy game instead of Kahoot quiz.



Ask the students to paraphrase the message from the head teacher, so it has the same meaning.
e.g. Cleaning day:
We don't study on November, 10th. You needn't bring any cleaning equipment with you.
You don't have to wear a school uniform.

Task in Wordwall - https://wordwall.net/resource/25901677

Quiz in Kahoot - https://create.kahoot.it/share/modal-verbs/85684cd7-be00-4ca1-84b7-86fd42ad6b80

Final task - You can encode the messages here - http://qrcoder.ru/