I bet you

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс, Конкурс по английскому языку «Cambridge English Teacher»

Классы: 10, 11



Activity title:

I bet you have…








Exam part:

Part 6 Gapped text



understanding the structure and development of a text


Materials needed:

Gapped text copies
Options copies
(FCE Cambridge English Firsts. Practice tests)



Prepare copies of the text and the options separately
*make sure each S will have a paper


Procedure: divide your Ss into 2 groups. Hand out the gapped article to Group#1, and the options to Group # 2

Step 1. group work
Instructions: tell groups they have 7 minutes to work with the texts they have.
Group #1
predict the beginning of the gapped sentences/phrases may be used in the sentences they need to insert
guess the reference words (e.g. pronouns)
Highlight reference words
Underline clues (time references, nouns, verbs that might be repeated later, possibly in a different way)

Step 2. pair work
'I bet you…'
Make pairs out of the groups. Each pair should consist of members of the different groups
Without showing each other
1 member of the Group #2 bets his opponent the part of the text, which he thinks may be suitable for one of the options
(According to the notes he made with the group earlier)
E.g. ' I bet you have a part about…with the future meaning…and probably with such words as …'
Take turns
Member of the Group#1 bets the option
E.g. 'I bet you have an option which includes…, maybe there is a…, I am almost sure there is a linking word like…'

Only if the owner of the text decides that the opponent's guess was right - he can reveal the part of the text, and they determine if the guess was right

The main goal is to fulfill the text, through the speculating and anticipation

Time limit: 10 min

Step 3. Groups reunion
*now give to the Group #2 the gapped text
Members are coming back to their initial groups
Compare the results of the pair work
Decide on the right 1 right answer to each of the gap

Time: 5 min

Time is up
Teacher demonstrates the right answer on the board/screen
Opening options one by one
The Group which has more of the right answers - is the winner

Reflection stage.
Let your Ss choose who was
the fastest player out of each group;
the most accurate player;
the toughest option;
the easiest option



This Activity may be transferred into online classroom as well/
You need to divide into groups with the help of the conference room
*you can make 1 of the member of each group 'a spy'.
Without telling who is going to be a spy, choose one student and put him into the opponents' conference room for 30 seconds. That will spice the activity up



Exam preparation must not be only about testing.
At the first stage, when Ss meet the text for the first time they use the anticipation skills

  1. through predicting and using 'cross-the-road' principle
  2. through highlighting the key/clue words in their text

Through the group work, Ss learn to listen to each other suggestions, share their views.
Pair work is focused on communication skills development; disputing and defending an opinion.
Through the stage of the pair work, Ss learn how to make a decision and come to one common result.
At the last stage of the groups' reunion, Ss learn to summarize the work, that was done before, listen to the variations of the answers and conclude the whole work with one right decision.
The gamification of the whole process helps to make it alive and appealing for teenagers.