Викторина "My Native Town Bratsk". 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: английский язык, викторина

Цели: закрепление материала по теме «Мой родной город»; активизация лексических навыков; тренировка навыков аудирования и монологической речи.

Оборудование: фишки с изображением герба города Братска (для вручения за правильный ответ), карточки с названиями достопримечательностей, 6 фото с изображениями известных мест города(разрезанные на кусочки в виде пазлов); презентация «Достопримечательности Братска», портреты 5 известных людей нашего города; 2 плаката на тему «Даты и события».

Условия игры: За каждый правильный ответ команда получает 1 фишку, рассказы оцениваются по 5-балльной системе. В том случае, если команда не может ответить, право ответа передаётся другой команде.

Ход мероприятия

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we shall speak about our town, ask and answer the questions, describe pictures and play games on this topic.

Task 1 (questions)

- We have 2 teams today. You will do the tasks and get a counter for the right answer. Listen to me carefully, please! I want you to answer my questions.

Вопросы учителя:

  1. When was the old Bratsk Tower (the Bratsk Ostrog) founded? (It was founded in 1631)
  2. When was modern Bratsk founded? (It was founded in 1955)
  3. Where is it situated? (It is situated in Siberia, in the northwest of the Irkutsk region)
  4. How many people live in our town? (The population is 225,037 people)
  5. What is the area of Bratsk? (It is 262,94 square kilometers)
  6. How many parts does our town consist of? (It consists of three parts)
  7. What are they? (They are the Central part, the Padun part and the Pravoberezhnyi part)
  8. How many streets are there? (There are about 500 streets)
  9. What is the central street? (It is Lenin street)
  10. How many schools are there? (There are 40 schools)
  11. What are the oldest and the newest schools? (The oldest school is School N 1 and the newest one is School N 46)
  12. What is our town famous for? (It is famous of the Hydro Power Electric Station, the biggest in the world)
  13. When was it opened? (It was opened in 1967)

Task 2. Bratsk Sightseeing

- Thank you for answers! I see that you have prepared for our competition very well. Now let's remember the places of interest in Bratsk. Look at the picture, name the place and tell us everything you know about it.

Достопримечательности и примерные рассказы про них:

1. The Bratsk Hydro Power Station is the most famous place. People from all over the country came to Bratsk to build it. They began to build it in 1954. And this largest Station was opened on the 8th of September 1967.


    The Angarsk Village is a beautiful open-air museum. Here you can see real houses with different things where people lived long time ago. It was opened in 1979. All the guests of Bratsk come to see it. There are a lot of interesting excursions and other events for children and grown-ups. Here you can see real old houses and other buildings on their yards.

    3. Another place of interest n Bratsk is the Museum of the Bratsk Hydro Power Station. It was opened in 1979. There are exhibitions of real documents and photos. Also you can watch documentary films about the builders of this giant Bratsk Hydro Power Station.

    4. The Bratsk manmade sea is a beautiful sight. There are a lot of green trees and hills around it. In summer you can find mushrooms and berries in these forests. In winter cars can go to the villages on the opposite shore on the ice of the sea. People can fish here in summer and in winter as well.

    Task 3

    Do you know your town well? (part 1)


    What are the names of these streets?


    (Kirov street)


    (Podbelskii street)


    (Krupskaya street)


    (Lenin street)


    (Sovetskaya street)

    Places: What are the names of these places?

    1. (The building of the Town Administration)

    (This is a place where the Town Major and the Town Duma work)

    2. (Bratsk Art)

    (It is the largest centre of culture in our town)

    3. (the Metallurg Stadium)

    (This is the largest centre of sport in Bratsk)

    4. (the Drama Theatre)

    (This is the place which is loved by theatergoers very much)

    5. (the Taiga Hotel)

    (It is the oldest hotel in our town)

    6. (the Bratsk Hotel)

    (It is the largest hotel in Bratsk)

    Task 4

    Do you know your town well? (part 2)

    - Dear friends, there are some pieces of 6 photos of famous Bratsk places. You will listen to 5 short texts about them. But first I want you to puzzle photos from these pieces. Then you should match the photos with the texts. As you understand 1 photo is extra.

    Учитель объясняет задание. На столах у команд есть 6 фотографий известных достопримечательностей Братска, разрезанных на небольшие фрагменты.

    Задание 1: собрать эти фото.

    Задание 2: послушать рассказы учителя и подобрать к каждому тексту соответствующую фотографию. 1 фото - лишнее.

    1. It is the most famous place of interest in Bratsk. Its construction began in 1954. It has been built for nearly 13 years. Its length is 1430 meters.

    2. This museum was founded in 1979. You can learn the greatest history of one important Bratsk enterprise here. There are a lot of historical documents about its construction, 17 documentary films as well.

    3. It is a very famous open-air museum. It was founded in 1979. There are old houses where you can see how Siberian people lived long time ago.

    4. One more interesting sightseeing is a cultural place. Here one can watch wonderful performances as for children so for grown-ups. It was founded in 1986 and is very popular with local people and guests of the town.

    5. It is also a cultural place. But it is more popular with little inhabitants of Bratsk. It was founded in 1968.

    6. Extra photo

    - Well done, my friends! It's time for our next task.

    Task 5

    It is well known that towns and cities are famous thank to not only places but to their heroes as well. Now I want you to listen to some information about some heroic Bratsk people and say their names. After that match the names with the photos you can see on the blackboard.

    1. This man was born in the village of Sedanovo in 1918. He was a brave and courageous pilot during the Great Patriotic War. There is a memorial to him in the TV Centre District in Bratsk. (Anatolii Fedorovich Shamanskii )
    2. This man was born in the Krasnoyarsk region in 1934. When he was 23, he went to Bratsk to build a great hydropower station. But in 1959 he fell down from the rock and badly hurt his back. He never couldn't walk but didn't give up his activity as a Komsomol leader. One of the streets of Bratsk was named after him. (Boris Gainulin)
    3. This man was a children's writer, a poet and a dramatist. In 1959 he came to Bratsk to work on one of industrial plants. He is a writer of such children's books as "Kandaur's boys", "Nice Ap" and many others. (Gennadii Mikhasenko)
    4. This man founded a Bratsk branch of the Society "Studying of Siberia" and an archeological museum in Bratsk in 1913. One of the Bratsk streets was named after him. (Valentin Vladimirovich Ryabikov)
    5. This man was sent to Bratsk to work on the construction of the Bratsk hydropower station in 1954. He had been a Head of it since 1954 to 1973. There is a big Monument to him on the bank of the Angara river. Nowadays a lot of new married couples come to this Monument to honour this great man. (Ivan Ivanovich Naimushin)

    Task 6

    Thank you! Your last task is to look at these dates and events attentively and match them.



    1. February, 1975
    2. May, 1988
    3. December, 1960
    4. July, 1966
    5. November, 1963
    1. The Bratsk Timber Complex was built
    2. The Bratsk Aluminum Plant was built
    3. The first trolleybus came to the streets of the town
    4. Local television was opened
    5. The first cinema was opened




    1. December, 1960
    2. July, 1966
    3. February, 1975
    4. November, 1963
    5. May, 1988
    1. The Bratsk Timber Complex was built
    2. The Bratsk Aluminum Plant was built
    3. The first trolleybus came to the streets of the town
    4. Local television was opened
    5. The first cinema was opened

    Рефлексия (примерная)

    - Thank you! Now I ask you to think if you liked our competition or not. You should stick a red apple on this if you liked it. And a green apple on the other tree if you didn't.

    Учитель привлекает внимание обучающихся к плакатам на доске. На каждом плакате - яблоня без плодов. Эмили и Гарри раздают детям карточки с изображением красного и зеленого яблока. Участникам конкурса нужно прикрепить на первую яблоню красное яблоко, если мероприятие понравилось и на вторую яблоню зеленое яблоко, если не понравилось.

    Подведение итогов. Награждение.