Speaking Part 2, A2 Flyers

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс по английскому языку «Cambridge English Teacher»

Классы: 3, 4, 5

Ключевые слова: английский язык



Activity title:

Wh-questions, yes/no questions, questions with two options (or)



Speaking, grammar



A2 Flyers


Exam part:

Speaking part 2



    to introduce students to Part 2 of the A2 Flyers Speaking paper;
  • to give students practice in participating in an oral information exchange activity;
  • to give students practice in answering personal questions.


Materials needed:

Flyers 2, authentic examination papers.
Flashcards, timer, "potatoe" (an object for pupils to pass round), a worksheet.



1. selection of games and activities for 3 types of questions;
2. rephrasing activities according to A2 Flyers level;
3. Making handout;
4. getting acquainted with samples and requirements for the Speaking Part 2.



1. Wh-questions practice

Show students a picture on the board. And ask students to play a "WH Questions Game: Hot Potato". Students pass around an object and when the music or timer stops, whoever is holding the object has to do something. In this case, you may want to get the person to make a WH question to ask the person who was holding the object before them. A teacher shows them a flashcard (Flashcards: where/go? What? When? etc…) and they have to make a question related to the picture. If they can correctly make a question they stay alive, but if they are wrong, they are out and must sit down.

2. Yes/no questions speaking activity

Students ask yes/no questions with the third-person singular to find out what short answers on a worksheet relate to. Each student writes the names of three people they know very well at the top of the three columns on their worksheet. The students then write five things about each person by choosing information from ten items. Students write one or two-word answers for each item in a random order in a large box at the bottom of the worksheet. Students then swap worksheets with a partner and take it in turns to ask present simple yes/no questions to find out who and what the short answers relate to. For example, if Student A wrote the names Mia, Emma and Ben and the answer 'football' is written in the large box, Student B might ask 'Does Ben play football?' If Student A answers 'Yes, he does', Student B writes 'plays football' in the column under Ben's name. If Student A answers 'No, he doesn't', Student B continues asking questions until they have found out who and what the word 'football' relates to. Students continue taking it in turns to ask and answer questions until they have five pieces of information about each person.

Allow up to 10 minutes for this part of the activity.

3. Questions with two options (or)

Divided students into groups of 4. Give flashcards for each group (flashcards example: expensive/cheap; black/white; tall/short etc… with pictures) and ask them to make questions with two options (or).

Allow up to 5 minutes for this part of the activity

4. Sample task (Appendix 1)

Hand out a copy of the Sample Task to students in pairs so they can see an example of what you mean.
One student has the candidate's copy (top) and the other the examiner's copy (bottom).
Make sure they understand that the information on the two cards is different.
Ask the students to look carefully at their pictures and the information they have. Ask the students to look at the prompts for the questions they must ask. Orally elicit the full questions for each of the five prompts.
Model the activity with a strong student.



You can also use word order exercises with mix of question types.



Ask students to finish the sentences:
After today's lesson I have ….

    Fond out
  • Learnt
  • got acquainted

(Appendix 1)

Sample task from Flyers 2, authentic examination papers

Key to Sample Task

1. What's her name?
2. What subject does she teach?
3. What's her hobby?
4. where does she live?
5. Is her hair long or short?