Treasure Hunt

Разделы: Конкурс по английскому языку «Cambridge English Teacher»

Ключевые слова: английский язык



Activity title:

Treasure Hunt (Pre-Listening Part 1 (Starters, Movers, Flyers))






Starters, Movers, Flyers


Exam part:

Listening Part 1 (Starters, Movers, Flyers)



To get students prepared for the exam task, to familiarize them with the vocabulary and names.


Materials needed:

A board (optional: flashcards), prize cards (pictures of gems of gold coins) (optional: tasks cards) or Miro board, audio track and a picture from Part 1 listening for the necessary level (Starters, Movers, or Flyers)



Draw a grid (there can be different number of squares, but there should be equal number of them for all the players/teams) on the board and write down action verbs used in the exam task you are going to do (or place the corresponding flashcards along one side of the grid (down). Then write down the names used in the exam task you are going to do along another side of the grid (across). Then place the prize cards (and task cards) face down in some (or all) squares. If you have a smart board or work online, prepare this on Miro board with the help of stickers and png images.



Step 1. To play this game there should be at least 2 students in the lesson.
Show the picture from Listening part 1 and elicit from the Ss all the action verbs corresponding to the actions in the picture. Read all the names together with the Ss.

Step 2. Tell the Ss they play against each other (they can also play in pairs or mini-groups).

Step 3. Ss play a guessing game by making up sentences using 1 of the verbs and 1 of the names in one sentence (e.g. (I think) Ben is playing the guitar. OR (I think) Tina isn't eating ice-cream.) and get the prize card/ task card at the intersection of the squares like in the game "Sea Battle". The aim of the game is NOT to guess who is doing what correctly but to make correct sentences and find more treasures than the other S/team. The winner is the S/team with most treasures.

Step 4. After finishing the game do Listening Part 1. You can also check whose guesses were correct.



Instead of writing the action verbs you can put flashcards with the corresponding actions. For weaker groups you can write the full Present Continuous forms (is (not) watching TV), for stronger groups you can just write an infinitive (watch TV). With teenagers you can jumble prize cards with task cards (e.g.: Name 3 animals starting with P and so on) or even add some funny pictures like old shoes or stinky socks. To continue the game the Ss' can write down their sentences so that later you can check whose guesses were correct.



This game is always fun for the students. However, they should be familiar with the Present Continuous tense in order the game went smoothly.