Методика преподавания. Типы условных предложений

Разделы: Конкурс по английскому языку «Cambridge English Teacher»

Класс: 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык

1. Look through the sentences. Which of them contain an unreal condition? (Real or Unreal - or Not suit)

  1. Will you try Italian food if you had the opportunity?
  2. I'd speak to you if I had the time.
  3. I'd leave early if the boss allowed me to.
  4. They will understand you if you talk to them in French.
  5. She'll never say goodbye.
  6. We would be happy to come if they lived closer to Moscow.

2. Change the sentences using Conditionals Type II .

  1. If he learns the truth, he'll be very angry.
  2. I'll stay for lunch if my Granny doesn't need my help.
  3. We'll make a project if we're enough of time.
  4. If my little brother passes exams, everybody will be really surprised.

3. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Если бы я знал о нашей встрече, я бы пришел.
  2. Я посмотрю этот фильм, если у меня будет время.
  3. Вы бы не заблудились в лесу, если бы имели систему GPS в вашем автомобиле.
  4. На твоем месте я бы не потерял ключи.

4. Change the sentences. Start with I wish…

  1. It's hot and I'm not feeling well.
  2. I can't meet you at the airport, but I'd like to.
  3. I can't read English books, but I'll need it at college.
  4. I have to get up early, but I don't want to.

5. Use the right form of the brackets for Conditionals Type III.

  1. If the film (not be boring), we (stay) until the end.
  2. I (cook) supper if I (know) about your visit.
  3. Tom (win) this competition if he (participate).
  4. Mary (be) there if she (apply) for a new job.

1. Look through the sentences. Which of them contain an unreal condition? (Real or Unreal - or Not suit)

  1. Will you try Italian food if you had the opportunity? R
  2. I'd speak to you if I had the time. U
  3. I'd leave early if the boss allowed me to. U
  4. They will understand you if you talk to them in French. R
  5. She'll never say goodbye. N
  6. We would be happy to come if they lived closer to Moscow. U

2. Change the sentences using Conditionals Type II.

  1. If he learned the truth, he'd be very angry.
  2. I'd stay for lunch if my Granny didn't't need my help.
  3. We'd make a project if we were enough of time.
  4. If my little brother passed exams, everybody would be really surprised.

3. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. If I had known about the meeting, I would have come to it.
  2. I'll watch this film if I have time.
  3. If you had a GPS system in your car, you wouldn't have got lost in the forest.
  4. If I were you I wouldn't have got lost the key.

4. Change the sentences. Start with I wish…

  1. It's hot and I'm not feeling well. I wish I were feeling well.
  2. I wish I could meet you at the airport.
  3. I wish I could read English books.
  4. I wish I hadn't to get up early.

5. Use the right form of the brackets for Conditionals Type III.

  1. If the film hadn't been boring we would have stayed until the end.
  2. I would have cooked the supper if I had known about your visit.
  3. Tom would have won this competition if he had participated.
  4. Mary would have been there if she had applied for a new job.