Инновационный урок по английскому языку "Human needs"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Тема урока: «Human needs».

Класс: 6 (с углублённым изучением английского языка).

Цель урока - способствовать формированию представлений о духовном мире человека, потребностях как источнике активности человека.


  • Образовательные - изучить сущность понятия «потребности», проанализировать их виды и значение, исследовать противоречивость влияния потребностей на жизнь личности;
  • Развивающие - развивать познавательные универсальные учебные действия по поиску, обобщению, представлению необходимой информации, развивать навыки публичной речи и учебного сотрудничества; развивать мышление и творческий потенциал обучающихся;
  • Воспитательные - воспитывать умение слушать и слышать говорящего, уважительно относиться к каждому субъекту образовательного процесса.

Подходы, методы и приёмы: подход предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения, приём «Ромашка Блума», интерактивный приём «Пила», «Зигзаг», игровой метод, метод сменных пар.

Формы работы на уроке: фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Оборудование: учебник, мультимедийная презентация, компьютер проектор, раздаточный материал, стикеры.

Продолжительность урока: 40 минут.

Ход урока


Организационный этап - 2 минуты.

Good morning dear students! How are you? What is the date today? (students' answers). Write down the date in your copybooks. Today we're having an unusual lesson of Social Studies. What makes it unusual? - (It's not in Russian - it will be in English).

Мотивационный этап (мотивация к познавательной деятельности) - 2 минуты.

Look at the screen, please and try to guess the topic of our lesson today (students solve puzzles in English, tell the answers). What do these words have in common? How can you name all these ideas in one word? (needs). You are right. Today we are going to talk about Human needs.

A need is a person's require for something that is a necessary condition for his or her existence.


А) You have one-minute to discuss in pairs the most important needs of people (pair work). Now let's consider them together ("Chamomile Bloom reception"-students' answers are briefly written on the blackboard). What conclusion can we make? (each person has his own needs, sometimes they may differ). 2-4 минуты.

B) There are three types of needs: biological (material), social, and spiritual (using the interactive method for organizing training in collaboration - Jigsaw technique). Each group of students will receive a reference material for one of the types of needs. Group1- biological, 2- social, 3-spiritual. Your task is to study it, give a definition and examples, about 3-4 sentences. (home group work). 4-5 минуты.

С) Experts' work. Each team has to choose one person-expert who will stay at the table and tell students from other groups what they have learned. Other students' task is to go around the circle to the representative of the other teams, listen and take notes (the "Zigzag" technique).

You are now back on your teams. Your task is to tell your informant about what you have studied from other experts. 9-10 минут (из расчета 3+3+3/4).

D) You have found out that there are three types of needs. I don't know if I will surprise you or not, but there is another classification of needs: real and imaginary (group work). In groups try to make up your own definitions of real and imaginary needs. You will have 2 minutes. Let's discuss your versions and make the general one. 4 минуты.


A) Let's have a short game. I will read a statement for you and you should guess the type of human needs. If you are ready, say "Wow". (students' answers).

I'm lying down, I'm sick, I feel sorry for myself! (social, real); A fly went across the field. The fly found the money. She went to the bazaar she bought a samovar (material or biological, real); I'm lying and singing about all the good things (cultural, real, imaginary). 2-3 минуты.

B) Now, your task is to make up your own example (students think over their ideas). Go around the class and say the statement, you partner must guess the type of needs (replacement pair method). 4-5 минут.

IV. РЕФЛЕКСИЯ (2-3 минуты)

Time for summing up and reflection. Tell me, please, what information was new for you today and what you knew earlier. (students' answers). I have stickers in three colors. If you liked the lesson, take yellow, if you did not like the lesson - blue, if you are at a loss to answer-green. Put stickers on our Daisy.


  • Revise the definition and types of needs.
  • Write your most important needs (material, cultural, social) and "to-do list" in order to achieve the goals.

The lesson is over, goodbye.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3