Материалы по внеклассному чтению на уроках иностранного языка по книге Дж.К.Роулинг "Гарри Поттер и философский камень"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Классы: 9, 10, 11

Ключевые слова: английский язык, внеклассное чтение

Чтение на иностранном языке - один из важнейших обучающих элементов. Оно расширяет кругозор обучающихся, знакомит их с произведениями зарубежных авторов, развивает мышление и воображение, создаёт дополнительную мотивацию к изучению языка. Введение регулярных уроков внеклассного чтения в процесс обучения даёт возможность достичь этих целей. Такие уроки позволяют преподавателю разнообразить формы работы, обеспечить практическое применение изученного на традиционных уроках материала, развить навыки устной речи, формировать различные навыки чтения, расширять лексический запас обучающихся.

В данной работе представлен ряд практических заданий по книге известной британской писательницы Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень». Выбор литературы для внеклассного чтения достаточно актуален, так как данное произведение вызывает интерес во всём мире и находит своих поклонников среди обучающихся любого образовательного учреждения. Таким образом, выбор темы актуален в смысле оптимизации учебного процесса, приобщения к иноязычной культуре. Материалы разработки могут быть использованы в рамках изучения тем «Книги и чтение», «Великие британские деятели культуры и искусства», «Кинематограф» и др.

Основная цель проведения уроков внеклассного чтения - повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

Форма уроков внеклассного чтения - урок развития речевых умений. Данная форма урока позволяет не только развивать речь обучающихся, активизировать лексику по теме, обучать разным видам чтения и аудированию, повторять грамматические конструкции, но и проявить творчество, фантазию, учит выражать своё мнение.

Задачи проведения уроков внеклассного чтения:


  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы с текстом;
  • развитие основных видов речевой деятельности за счёт создания модели естественной ситуации общения;
  • расширение и закрепление лексического запаса по темам «Образование», «Волшебный мир», «Книги и чтение», «Кинематограф»;
  • приобщение к иноязычной культуре через знакомство с литературой и кино;
  • развитие умения поиска, анализа и выбора необходимой информации из текста


  • развитие интереса к чтению литературы в оригинале;
  • знакомство с произведениями английской литературы, киноискусством;
  • развитие способности к логическому изложению информации;
  • развитие умения аргументировать свою точку зрения


  • повышение культуры общения обучающихся;
  • расширение кругозора обучающихся

Данная разработка включает в себя вопросы по каждой главе книги Дж. К. Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень», план проведения урока об авторе книги, а также вопросы по одноименному фильму. При подготовке уроков внеклассного чтения рекомендуется руководствовался следующими принципами:

  • Задания к текстам разнообразны по форме.
  • Одним из важных видов заданий автор разработки считает пересказ, как классический подробный, так и краткий, либо пересказ от лица одного из героев книги.
  • В качестве одного из видов работы предлагается описание картинок с применением уже известной обучающимся информации, а также создание собственных иллюстраций по книге с описанием.
  • Одна из форм работы на уроках - чтение вслух по ролям.

План проведения урока о Дж.К.Роулинг

Задачи урока:

  • Изучение лексики по теме.
  • Формирование навыков аудирования с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
  • Развитие навыков разговорной речи.
  • Знакомство с биографией и творчеством известной британской писательницы Дж.К.Роулинг.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

2. Речевая зарядка

3. Тема, обсуждение

Объявление темы урока - "J.K.Rowling". Презентация, содержащая основную информацию о биографии и творчестве британской писательницы Дж.К.Роулинг.

4. Просмотр видео

Просмотр документального фильма режиссёра Джеймса Ранси (James Runcie) о британской писательнице Дж.К.Роулинг "J.K.Rowling - A Year in the Life", 2007 (продолжительность - 50 минут). Просмотр фильма предваряет знакомство с вопросами по фильму.

5. Обсуждение фильма

Студенты отвечают на вопросы по содержанию фильма:

  1. How long did it take J. K. Rowling to write the Harry Potter series? (17 years)
  2. What's J. Rowling's favourite virtue? (courage)
  3. What's the main quality of a man? (morals)
  4. What's the main quality of a woman? (generosity)
  5. When is J. K. Rowling's birthday? (31 of July as Harry Potter's)
  6. Was she the single child in the family? (no, she has a sister Diana)
  7. Where did the girls work to earn extra money? (in church cleaning)
  8. What was wrong with their mum? (she was seriously ill)
  9. Does J. K. Rowling communicate with her father? (no)
  10. When did her mum die? (1990)
  11. When did she start to work on her book about Harry Potter? (6 months before mother's death)
  12. What changed in the book after mother's death? (everything deepened and darkened)
  13. Why didn't J. K. Rowling see her mum after death? (her father insisted on not watching her)
  14. Does J. Rowling regret about it? (yes)
  15. What was Joanne's first job? (a teacher)
  16. Was her first marriage happy? (no)
  17. When did it fail? (2 years later)
  18. Did Joanne have children in this marriage? (yes, a daughter Jessica)
  19. What was Joanne inspired to create by the depression? (dementors)
  20. When did she get married again? (2001)
  21. Who is her husband? (Neil, a doctor)
  22. Do they have children? (yes, 2 children)
  23. How many copies did Joanne Rowling sign on the night of the presentation of the last book? (1700)
  24. Did she have a happy childhood? (no)
  25. Where did she try to reclean her own childhood? (in her books about Harry Potter)

6. Подведение итогов занятия и оценка знаний студентов

7. Обсуждение домашнего задания

Просмотр художественного фильма "Magic beyond words: The J.K.Rowling Story" («Магия слов: История Дж.К.Роулинг») режиссёра П.А.Кауфмана. Фильм рассказывает историю Дж.К.Роулинг, освещая ключевые моменты её жизни, путь становления писательницы, историю создания её главного детища - «Гарри Поттера». Подготовка к обсуждению фильма.

Вопросы по книге Дж.К.Роулинг «Гарри Поттер и философский камень»

Chapter 1. The Boy who lived

  1. Where did the Dursleys live?
  2. What was Mr. Dursley?
  3. Describe Mr. and Mrs. Dursley.
  4. What can you tell about their son Dudley?
  5. What was so strange on that day?
  6. What happened in the magic world on that day?
  7. Why was the day both happy and sad?
  8. What can you tell about Albus Dumbledore? Pr. McGonagall? Hagrid?

Chapter 2. The Vanishing Glass

  1. How much time had passed since the night of Harry's arrival to the Dursley's house?
  2. What dream did Harry have that night?
  3. Where did Harry sleep?
  4. What did Harry look like?
  5. What was the most important rule for Harry in the Dursley's house?
  6. What did Dudley look like?
  7. Why was Dudley so furious when he saw his birthday presents?
  8. What presents did Dudley get?
  9. Why did the Dursleys take Harry to the zoo?
  10. What strange things happened around Harry?
  11. What extraordinary thing happened to Harry in the zoo?
  12. What vision did Harry often have?

Chapter 3. The Letters from no one

  1. What was the main criteria of choosing the leader in Dudley's gang?
  2. What was their favourite sport?
  3. What effect did the mysterious letter have on the aunt and uncle? What did they do?
  4. How did Dudley take the changes?
  5. What measures did Uncle Vernon take to stop getting the letters?
  6. What changes happened to Uncle Vernon these days?
  7. What place did Uncle Vernon find for them to hide?
  8. What was the weather like that night?
  9. Why was Uncle Vernon so happy?
  10. What was to happen the next day?

Chapter 4. The Keeper of the Keys

  1. Describe the l
  2. ate visitor. What was he?
  3. What was strange about him? What weird things did he do?
  4. What mystery did Harry learn that night?
  5. What was Harry's real story?
  6. Why was Hagrid so furious about the Dursleys?
  7. What memory did the Hagrid's story arise in Harry's mind?
  8. What happened at the end of the meeting?
  9. Now what can you tell
  10. about Hagrid's nature? (character, temper)

Chapter 5. Diagon Alley

  1. Why was Hagrid's coat so extraordinary?
  2. What returned Harry to reality the next morning?
  3. What was Harry afraid of? What solution did this problem have?
  4. What was the safest place in the wizard's world?
  5. Why would it be nuts to rob Gringotts?
  6. What does a Ministry of Magic do?
  7. Why was it so important to keep the magic world from the muggles?
  8. What was Hagrid's dream?
  9. Why did Harry attract people's attention?
  10. What was the Leaky Cauldron?
  11. What happened in the Leaky Cauldron?
  12. Describe Professor Quirrel. What was he?
  13. Why did they come to the Leaky Cauldron? How did they get to Diagon Alley?
  14. What was Diagon Alley like?
  15. What have you learnt about Gringotts? Describe a goblin.
  16. What was behind the marble hall?
  17. How did they get to Harry's vault?
  18. What was the secret of opening the top-security vault?
  19. Whom did Harry meet in Madam Malkin's Shop? Why wasn't it a pleasant meeting?
  20. Why was Harry so upset afterwards?
  21. What did Harry get from Hagrid as a birthday present? Why didn't he choose a toad or a cat?
  22. What was so weird about Mr. Ollivander? What did Harry learn about the wands?
  23. Why was Harry so quiet and sad at the end of this fabulous day?

Chapter 6. The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

  1. What improvement happened in Harry's last month with Dursleys? Why wasn't it fun?
  2. What was the name of Harry's owl? Where did he find it?
  3. How was Harry going to get to London on the first of September?
  4. Why were the Dursleys going to London?
  5. What were Harry's feelings when he realized he didn't know where to go at the station?
  6. Who helped him?
  7. How did he get to platform 9 ¾?
  8. Describe the youngest of the red-haired boys.
  9. Who was the first to know that Harry Potter was on the train?
  10. What can you tell about the twins' character?
  11. How many children were there in the Weasley family?
  12. What was Ron so upset (or worried) about?
  13. What was the main disadvantage of being the youngest one in a large family? What did Ron have in common with Harry?
  14. What worried Harry most of all?
  15. What was a Chocolate Frog?
  16. What surprised both Ron and Harry about the muggle and magic photos?
  17. What are Bertie Bott's Every-Flavour Beans? If you were Bertie Bott what flavours would you add to your beans?
  18. Who was the first visitor? Describe him.
  19. Who came next? Describe her.
  20. What were Ron's elder brothers doing after school?
  21. What happened in Gringotts while Harry was staying with the Dursleys?
  22. What was Ron's favourite game?
  23. Who were their last visitors on the train?
  24. What happened next?
  25. Who met the students at the platform?
  26. How did they get to the castle?
  27. Who was Trevor? What happened to it?

Chapter 7. The Sorting Hat

  1. What is the Sorting Ceremony? Why is it so important?
  2. Why was Harry (and everyone else) so nervous?
  3. What terrified the first-years while they were waiting for Professor McGonagall?
  4. Describe the Great Hall.
  5. What did the Sorting Hat look like?
  6. What happened to Neville at the Ceremony?
  7. What happened to Harry when the black-haired Professor looked at him?
  8. Tell about Professor Snape.

Chapter 8. The Potions Master

  1. Why was it so difficult for students to find their way to classes?
  2. What did Peeves do to the students?
  3. Why did Filch appear so quickly anywhere in the castle?
  4. Was Mrs. Norris a nice cat? Why not?
  5. What lessons did the students have at Hogwarts? Describe them and the teachers.
  6. Did Harry feel comfortable at the lessons?
  7. Who was the Head of Slytherin's House?
  8. Did Harry get mail that day? Who sent it?
  9. Where did Potions lessons take place?
  10. What happened to Neville at the Potion lesson?
  11. Describe Hagrid's house. Where was it?

Chapter 9. The Midnight Duel

  1. What kind of sport did Dean Thomas like?
  2. Why was Hermione so nervous about the Flying lessons?
  3. What did Neville get from his grandma?
  4. Who was Madam Hooch? Describe her.
  5. What happened to Neville at the first Flying lesson?
  6. Why did Harry break the rule and fly his broom without permission?
  7. Who was Oliver Wood?
  8. How did Harry become a Seeker in the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
  9. What was going to happen that midnight?
  10. Who tried to stop Harry from breaking another school rule?
  11. Why did Hermione go with the boys?
  12. Why wasn't Neville in his bed that night?
  13. Who was in the trophy room?
  14. Why didn't Malfoy come to the midnight duel?
  15. Whom did the children meet that night when they were trying to escape Filch?
  16. How did they manage to open the locked door?
  17. Where did the children find themselves? What was there?
  18. Did Filch catch them?
  19. Why did the director keep that monster in Hogwarts according to Hermione?

Chapter 10. Hallowe'en

  1. What did Harry get from Professor McGonagall?
  2. How often did the Quidditch team have practice?
  3. What are the rules of Quidditch? Why are the Bludgers so dangerous? What is the Seeker's job?
  4. What spell were the students working on in Charms?
  5. Why was Hermione so upset?
  6. Describe the Great Hall on Halloween.
  7. Why did Professor Quirrell faint?
  8. Where was Snape going?
  9. Can you describe the troll?
  10. Where did the boys lock the troll? Was it a success?
  11. How did they manage to cope with the troll?
  12. How did Hermione and the boys finally become friends?

Chapter 11. Quidditch

  1. Whom did Gryffindor house have its first match with?
  2. Why was the match so important for Gryffindor?
  3. How did Hermione help Harry before the match?
  4. What was wrong with Snape's leg?
  5. What conclusion did Ron, Harry and Hermione come to?
  6. Why couldn't Harry catch the Golden Snitch when he first saw it?
  7. What happened to Harry's broom during the match?
  8. What was Snape doing?
  9. Who saved the situation? What did this person do?
  10. How did Harry manage to catch the Snitch?
  11. What did the friends find out about the huge three-headed dog?
  12. What secret did they learn from Hagrid?

Chapter 12. The Mirror of Erised

  1. Do you know what the name of the mirror means?
  2. What was the most unpleasant thing about the house in December?
  3. Why were Ron and his brothers staying in Hogwarts for Christmas?
  4. Why did Ron get a fine from Snape?
  5. How did the Great Hall look like during Christmas holidays?
  6. Why did the main characters go to the library the day before holidays start?
  7. Why couldn't Harry get into the Restricted Section of the library? What books were there?
  8. What were the boys doing during the holidays?
  9. What were wizard chess?
  10. What surprised Harry on Boxing Day? What presents did he get?
  11. Why was Ron embarrassed? Why didn't Ron want to wear his jumper?
  12. How did Harry and the Weasleys spend Christmas day?
  13. How did Harry manage to reach the library at night? Where did he go? What did he do in the library?
  14. What happened in the library?
  15. How did it happen that Harry lost his way?
  16. Where did he find refuge? Describe the room.
  17. What shocked Harry when he first looked at the mirror?
  18. What feelings did the mirror arise in Harry?
  19. What did Ron see in the mirror?
  20. What did the mirror really show to people?
  21. Why was it dangerous to look into the mirror?
  22. What did Dumbledore want to have to be happy?

Chapter 13. Nicolas Flamel

  1. Why did Harry have nightmares?
  2. What were Hermione's feelings about Harry's walks at night?
  3. Why were Wood and Harry so eager to win the match against Hufflepuff?
  4. What was the profit of being so dreadfully tired?
  5. What was the shocking news about the next Quidditch match?
  6. What was the only game Hermione ever lost at?
  7. What happened to Neville?
  8. How did Harry remember about Nicolas Flamel?
  9. What are the powers of the Philosopher's stone?
  10. What was Ron and Hermione's plan of knocking down Snape during the match?
  11. What was so unusual about the match?
  12. What did Harry witness in the Forbidden Forest?

Chapter 14. Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback

  1. What were the children doing all their free time?
  2. Whom did they meet in the library?
  3. Why did Hagrid invite the children to his place?
  4. What was he looking at in the library?
  5. Were there any wild dragons in Britain?
  6. What was so strange in Hagrid's behaviour and his hut?
  7. Who helped Dumbledore to protect the Philosopher's stone?
  8. How did Hagrid get the egg?
  9. Where did the children go after Herbology? How did they know the dragon was going to hatch?
  10. Describe the dragon.
  11. Who saw the dragon through the gap in the curtains?
  12. What plan did Harry suggest Hagrid? What did Charlie write in his letter?
  13. What happened to Ron's hand?
  14. How did Malfoy know about the plan of taking Norbert to Charlie?
  15. Why did he get detention?
  16. Was the operation successfully finished? Why not?

Chapter 15. The Forbidden Forest

  1. Why did the children get detentions?
  2. What were their detentions? What did it mean to Gryffindor house?
  3. What were the consequence of that tragic event?
  4. What drew Harry's attention one day?
  5. What were the old punishments according to Filch?
  6. What were they going to do in the forest?
  7. What made Hagrid push the kids behind the tree?
  8. Whom did they meet in the forest? What is a centaur?
  9. What was so strange about the centaurs?
  10. How did it happen that Harry and Hermione were left alone?
  11. Why did Neville send red sparks?
  12. Who found the unicorn?
  13. Why didn't Harry run away from this place?
  14. Who saved the situation?
  15. Why were the centaurs arguing?
  16. What is the unicorn blood used for?
  17. What did Harry realise that night?

Chapter 16. Through the Trapdoor

  1. What disturbed Harry during the exams?
  2. How did Harry realise what was that feeling?
  3. What did Hagrid tell about the stranger with the dragon egg?
  4. Why couldn't the children meet Professor Dumbledore?
  5. Whom did they meet instead? What was her reaction?
  6. What were the children going to do? Why didn't their plan work?
  7. What did Harry decide to do? Why?
  8. Why was Hermione sure she wouldn't be expelled from Hogwarts?
  9. Who tried to stop Harry, Ron and Hermione that evening?
  10. How did Hermione cope with Neville?
  11. Whom did the children meet on their way to the trapdoor?
  12. Why did Peeves leave the corridor?
  13. How did the kids get past the three-headed dog?
  14. What danger was waiting for them behind the trapdoor?
  15. How did they manage to kill Devil's Snare?
  16. What did they see in a lit passageway? What did they think the birds would do?
  17. What key were they supposed to catch?
  18. Why was it so difficult to catch the key?
  19. Describe the astonishing sight in the next room.
  20. What were the children supposed to do to get through this room?
  21. How did they win the match?
  22. What was the next challenge? Why didn't they have to fight the troll?
  23. What was the Snape's test? Why couldn't the kids go through the black fire together? What did they decide to do?

Chapter 17. The Man with Two Faces

  1. Who turned out to be in the last chamber?
  2. What did Harry learn about Snape?
  3. Who let the troll in at Halloween?
  4. What was there in the last chamber? Why was it there?
  5. What did Quirrell see in the Mirror?
  6. What did Harry see in the Mirror?
  7. What happened next? Whom did Harry meet?
  8. Why couldn't Quirrell kill Harry?
  9. Where did Harry find himself three days later?
  10. What happened to the Philosopher's Stone?
  11. Why couldn't Quirrell touch Harry?
  12. Who sent the Invisibility Clock to Harry?
  13. What did Harry learn about his father and Professor Snape?
  14. How did Harry get the stone out of the Mirror?
  15. Who visited Harry in the hospital wing?
  16. What did Hagrid give Harry? Where did he get it?
  17. Who finally won the House Cup? How did it happen?

Заключительный урок по книге

Заключительный урок - это выполнение серии упражнений по содержанию книги, проводится в форме игры или викторины-соревнования. Некоторые задания можно подготовить заранее для более яркой презентации на уроке.

  1. Выберите персонаж из книги и расскажите о нём от первого лица всё, что узнали из книги.
  2. Опишите персонажей из книги.
  3. Выпишите все заклинания из книги, изучите их происхождение - от каких слов произошло название, для чего нужно заклинание.
  4. Составьте расписание уроков, каникул и экзаменов на весь год обучения в Хогвартсе. Составьте график рабочего дня студента Хогвартса.
  5. Опишите характерные черты студентов четырёх факультетов, какими качествами они должны обладать, опишите их символы. В каком факультете вы бы учились?
  6. Примеры вопросов к викторине:

- Why did Harry have a scar on his forehead?

- How can you calm down Fluffy?

- How did Harry catch his first snitch?

- What did Nicolas Flamel invent?

- Who learned all the textbooks by heart?

- Who took Norbert when he grew up a little?

- What did the Mirror of Erised show?

- What game did Ron like?

- What was the difference between the photographs of wizards and muggles?

- Who presented Harry: the Invisibility Cloak? the broomstick Nimbus 2000? the emerald-green sweater? the owl?

- Who is the owner of: the pig's tail? the dragon's egg? the rat Scabbers? the large purple turban? Mrs Norris? the glass ball Remembrall?

Вопросы по фильму «Гарри Поттер и философский камень»

  1. Write down all the spells from the film. What do they mean?
  2. What are the main differences in the plots of the book and the film?
  3. How many lanterns did Professor Dumbledore switch off?
  4. Why was Hagrid crying?
  5. What was the colour of the Dursleys' car?
  6. What animal did Harry help to escape from the zoo?
  7. What was Mr. Dursley eating for breakfast when Harry received his first letter from Hogwarts?
  8. What toys did Harry have?
  9. How many owls were there in the street on Sunday?
  10. Where did the Dursleys and Harry go to escape the owls? Describe the place.
  11. How was Harry celebrating his birthday?
  12. What did Hagrid use instead of the magic wand?
  13. How did Mr. Dursley try to stop Hagrid?
  14. What did Hagrid bring Harry?
  15. How old was Harry?
  16. Why did Hagrid get angry?
  17. What was the weather like that night?
  18. Where did Hagrid and Harry go?
  19. Why did they enter the pub?
  20. What shops did Harry see in the Diagon alley?
  21. Describe the Gringotts Bank.
  22. What was the number of the vault Hagrid emptied that day?
  23. What happened when Harry was choosing the magic wand?
  24. What colour was the killing curse?
  25. What was the number of Hogwarts Express?
  26. How many wagons did it have?
  27. What was the scenery behind the window when Harry and Ron met?
  28. What happened to the chocolate frog?
  29. What was the name of the final stop?
  30. How did the children get to Hogwarts?
  31. Who met the children in Hogwarts?
  32. Describe the Great Hall.
  33. Who was the first one to be sorted?
  34. How many teachers were sitting in the Hall?
  35. What food did the children and professors have for dinner?
  36. Who visited the feast that night?
  37. What was the password of the Gryffindor House?
  38. Why couldn't Harry sleep the first night at Hogwarts?
  39. What lessons did the children have on their first day?
  40. What did Neville get from his grandma one morning?
  41. What did Neville forget?
  42. What was so interesting in the newspaper?
  43. What happened to Neville during the flying lessons?
  44. What lesson did Wood have when Harry and Professor McGonagall came to speak to him?
  45. How did the children get into the restricted area?
  46. Whom did they meet there?
  47. What did they see behind the door?
  48. How many players are there in Quidditch?
  49. What is the Seeker supposed to do? Why is it so difficult?
  50. What thing were the students trying to fly at the Charm lesson?
  51. Whose charms always ended up with an explosion?
  52. Describe the Great Hall and the food on Halloween.
  53. Why wasn't Hermione celebrating Halloween with other students?
  54. Why did the panic start?
  55. Describe the troll.
  56. Who saved Hermione?
  57. What did the owl bring Potter before the Quidditch match? Who sent it?
  58. What colour were the uniforms of Gryffindor and Slytherin teams?
  59. What did Wood remember about his first Quidditch match? Why?
  60. Were the students from Slytherin playing honestly?
  61. Who opened the score?
  62. Why couldn't Harry catch the snitch?
  63. Why did Hermione think that Snape had enchanted Harry's broomstick?
  64. How did she stop him?
  65. How did Harry catch the Golden Snitch?
  66. How many points did Harry get for catching the snitch?
  67. Who won the match?
  68. What was the name of the three-headed dog?
  69. How did the children learn about Nicolas Flamel?
  70. Who brought the Christmas tree to Hogwarts?
  71. Who was decorating it in the Great Hall?
  72. What game did Harry and Ron play?
  73. What colour were the chess?
  74. Why did Ron stay in Hogwarts for Christmas?
  75. How did Harry use the Invisibility Cloak?
  76. What happened in the library?
  77. Whom did Harry meet in the corridor? Did they see him? What were they doing?
  78. Whom did Harry see in the mirror?
  79. Why couldn't Ron see Harry's parents?
  80. What did Ron see in the mirror?
  81. Why did Harry come back to the mirror?
  82. Why was it dangerous to look into the mirror?
  83. How old was Nicolas Flamel?
  84. What happened in Hagrid's hut?
  85. What detention did the children get? Why?
  86. What colour was the unicorn's blood?
  87. Who found the unicorn?
  88. What did Harry feel when he saw a stranger?
  89. Who was he?
  90. Who saved Harry?
  91. What pyjamas did Neville wear?
  92. Why was the three-headed dog sleeping?
  93. What challenges did the children have to get through?
  94. Who met Harry in the last chamber?
  95. Describe the scene in this chamber.
  96. What colour was the Philosopher's Stone?
  97. How did Gryffindor House manage to win the Cup?
  98. What did Hagrid present Harry?
  99. What was the colour of the train.
  100. What feelings does the film arouse? Did you like it? Why? Why not?