Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Рождественская карусель". 5–6-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Классы: 5, 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык, Рождество

Подготовка: Участники делятся на две команды по 8 человек в каждой. Команды придумывают себе название. В роли ведущих - учащиеся 11 класса.

Ход мероприятия

Narrator1: Greets the students. Today we’ll remember some traditions connected with Christmas. How do the English (- speaking people\ and the Americans) celebrate this holiday?

Narrator2: And what about Russia? Do we (the Russians) have the same traditions(while) celebrating Christmas? (at\during Christmas time)?

(слышится звон колокольчиков)

Narrator1: Oh, can you hear it? Those are bells jingling. I’m sure you know this famous song - Jingle Bells. It’s a traditional English song which is sung not only in the UK, but all over the world. This song is a symbol of Christmas. Many mechanical toys and musical cards have this tune too. Let’s sing it along.

Все исполняют песню JingleBells! (1 куплет)

Narrator2: Do you remember any traditional Russian songs? ... (ждёт ответа)

Let’s sing В лесу родилась ёлочка.Clap the rhythm with your hands while singing!

Все поют В лесу родилась ёлочка (1 куплет)

Narrator1: We have two teams today. Will you present them to each other and to our guests?

Команды представляют себя.

Narrator2: Though there are two teams here, the competition between them will be an unusual one. The aim of it is just to make our spirit bright!

Narrator1: Another Christmas tradition is giving Christmas cards. People in many countries of the world write Christmas cards and give them to their relatives and friends during the holidays.

Narrator2: Now you’ll get pieces of paper. You should match them to make congratulations or wishes.

Команды составляют поздравления и читают их

!Narrator1: We know that you learnt and read quite a lot about Christmas traditions in GB and the USA, didn’t you? (ждёт ответа) So we hope you will solve the following crossword puzzle easily.

Кроссворд «Ёлочка»

!Narrator1: the main characters of Christmas are Santa Claus and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer in Europe and America.

Narrator2: What can you say about the main characters in Russia? ...

Дети отвечают: Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and troika.

Narrator2: We want you to watch a short film about the history of Christmas in Russia.

Просмотр фильма

Narrator1: During Christmas parties children usually have fun playing various games. Why not play a Cotton Beard game? Please, teams, line up… Put the cream all over your face or chin…

Narrator2: Now you should run to the other side of the room. Then put your face into a bowl of cotton and stick as many cotton balls as possible to your face or chin. Then run back. The next person can go. If you finish in the shortest time and have the most cotton balls – you win.

Команды соревнуются. Игра «Бумажная борода». Получают жетоны.

Narrator2: Do you make snowmen in winter?... It’s a very nice tradition in Russia. By the way, everyone can see icy figures in Telma right near the church. Let us enjoy watching some photos.

Просмотр фото с видами ледяных фигур.

Narrator1: Now let’s decorate the Christmas tree which is also the symbol of Christmas. You see two trees in front of you. Choose one player who is going to put the decorations on the tree without seeing it.

Команды выбирают игрока. Готовятся к игре.

Narrators 1 and 2 in turns: Let’s start! Stick the star to the top…Stick the ball to the right side…Stick the bell on the left side…Put the present under the tree…

Команды украшают ёлочки. Получают жетоны.

Narrator1: We are going to watch a very beautiful and funny cartoon. Did you hear of the Christmas Robin? It is one more symbol of Christmas.

Просмотр мультфильма.

Narrator2: The last game today is called 12Days of Christmas. Each of the twelve days of Christmas corresponds to a month of the year. E.g. First day = January, second day= February, etc. When you hear the line corresponding to your birthday month, stand up; when it is finished, sit down. You also stand up whenever you hear the name of the gift for that day.

Narrator1: For example, my birthday is in March, so I stood when I hear “On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me three French hens” and whenever we all hear “…four calling birds( stand up), three French hens (sit down), two turtle doves..” If any of the team players makes a mistake, the other one gets a point\ a snowflake.

Команды играют в игру Двенадцать дней Рождества.

Narrator2: Count the snowflakes. Friendship is the winner.

Narrator1: …..

Исполняется финальная песня