Мастер-класс: "Дом от А до Я"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Мастер-класс

Ключевые слова: английский язык


Ход занятия



Hello, children. My name is Natalya Borisovna and I’m your teacher for today.
How are you today?
What’s the weather like today? Do you like this weather?
Do your parents love this weather?
Are you busy with your lessons now?


5-6 учеников

Постановка целей

But the Smith are very busy now. They are looking for a new house.
Look at them. What can you tell us about them? (It’s a big family- two adults and two children…)

Показываю картинку семьи


Look at the first house.
What can we say about this house?
(It’s a country house, has a lot of rooms, a little garden, not too close to the city centre)

Look at the next picture. What is clear about this place
(It’s a block of flats, not too much place, close to the city centre, too noisy)
(It’s a modern house. Maybe a smart-home, clean and technologies, far from the city centre)
It’s a very big house, a lot of cleaning. Only for posh people.

Записываю характеристики на доске
Картинка загородного дома, многоэтажный дом, дом современного видения, вилла


Let’s remember about the Smith, which house is better for them and why?
Which house do you prefer and why?

4-5 ученика

15 минут

We are going to work in pairs, your task is to construct the house using given material.
You can’t cut or destroy the paper.
You may use all material or the part of it.

Раздаю на каждую пару 2 листа А-4, 10 скрепок и 10 листов-стикеров
Аудио-записи the Queen

Предтекстовый этап

Please finish your work and let’s go to the first house. Look at the house at let’s speak about this building. What is good about it?

Подходим к каждому дому и говорим положительные характеристики каждого дома

Написание текста объявления

Very good houses. You return to your houses and write an advertisement about your house. Imagine that you want to sell it. What information do we need to write in advertisement? (How old, where, how to get to the city centre….)
You have 10 minutes to write about the house.

Включаю музыку


Please, finish. Now one of each pair come to the next pair and listen to another person’s advertisement. You should tell what information to add.
Return to your own places and complete yours.

Пересаживаю одного из пары по кругу

Представление результатов

So we are ready to listen about your houses. Choose who is going to read and let’s listen.
While we are listening, we choose the best building and the best advertisement.


Подведение итогов

Congratulations to the winners.
What was new for you at our lesson? What did you like? What don’t you like?
Thank you for your lesson. That’s all