Annotation: The presented article describes the basic pedagogical qualities and the teacher’s skills to present knowledge to students in a quality and effective way, regardless of their level of learning, which allows each student to worry less and reveal himself as a person. In the course of communication with students, the teacher applies his theoretical and practical skills, which create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom (audience), organizing the lesson at the highest level, for quick achievement and fulfillment of the tasks set during the lesson.
The article also reveals the specifics of pedagogical communication, which are divided into the exchange of information with pupils, an interactive part based on interactions, and work on establishing mutual understanding. In addition, the main components of the teacher’s skill are given, and the main skills that a teacher must master in order to find a common language with children are highlighted.
Keywords: communication; skill; quality; organization; pedagogical communication; interaction; pupil; development; knowledge; preschool; activity; educational.
A higher degree of professionalism is a pedagogical skill that is most often defined as a fusion of personal-business qualities and professional competence of the teacher, as a set of personality traits that provide a high level of self-teaching.
Skill teachers expressed in the successful resolution of a variety of pedagogical problems, the high level of organization of the educational process in the formation of pedagogical communication with its members, as well as skills and abilities of self-improvement of their teaching skills, and other significant professional and educational characteristics and personality traits.
Pedagogical skills are set of personality traits, providing a high level of self-organization of professional activities on the basis of the reflexive [1].
According to Kuzmina N. V. and Kukhareva N. V. - is "the highest level of pedagogical activity manifested in the fact that in the allotted time, the teacher reaches the best results"[2; 3].
Shcherbakov A. I. understand pedagogical skills as a synthesis of the scientific knowledge and skills methodical art and personal qualities of the teacher[4].
The components of teacher skills and services offered by different authors, quite varied and extensive. But they can all be combined into several groups.
The terms pedagogical skills:
- personal components;
- information-theoretic component;
- dejatelnostnyj component;
- professional-pedagogical orientation;
- educational technology;
- teaching equipment;
- professional-pedagogical orientation;
- common cultural, psychological and pedagogical and specialized knowledge;
- individual style of activity.
Pedagogical skills rightly regarded as the most important quality of the teacher's personality, which is due to its high level of psycho-pedagogical preparedness, the ability to optimally solve the educational problem.
Professionalism and pedagogical skill of the teacher is inextricably linked with the art of communication. The problem of teacher communication is becoming one of the central problems in educational research.
From me position of activity approach, dialogue - is a complex, multifaceted process of establishment and development of contacts between people, creates the need for joint activities and includes the exchange of information, development of a common strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of the other person.
Teacher communication is the main teacher's work, expressed in the transfer of the historical experience accumulated by mankind in the field of knowledge, human relations, organization of educational activities, educational and developmental impact on children. Unpreparedness to dialogue often leads to various difficulties in teaching activities[5].
In psychological and educational literature, there are different interpretations of pedagogical communication. For example, educational communication is defined as an interaction psychology Normal subjectsprocess, carried out by means of signs and aimed at significant change of properties, conditions, behavior and personality-semantic structures partners. communication-an integral element of teaching activities; it is impossible to achieve the objectives of education and training [6].
Winter I.A. said that educational communication "as a form of educational cooperation is a condition of optimization of training and personal development of the students themselves"[7].
Area teacher and pupil relationship is seen as a crucial aspect of the professional activity of the teacher, his professional and pedagogical culture.
Possession of professional pedagogical communication is a key requirement for individual teacher in her aspect, which relates to interpersonal relationships.
Pedagogical communication is a multi-faceted process of organizing the establishment and development of communication, mutual understanding and cooperation between teachers and pupils generated by the objectives and content of the joint venture.
The problem of efficiency of pedagogical communication has recently become of great importance. She intensively developed in the writings of many famous psychologists and teachers (Bodalev A. A., Znakov V. V. , Kuzmin E. S. , Kunitsyn B. N. , Leontiev A.A. , Lomov B. F. , Rean A. A.), gradually specializing and dividing into separate subtypes. Among them a central place occupied by the problem of effective teacher communication (Winter I. A. , Kan Kalik V. A. , Kolominsky J. L. , Kondratieva S.V. , Kuzmin N. V. , Leontiev A. A. , Mudrik A. V. , Rean A. A. , Rogov G. V.).
Pedagogical communication is the main form of the teaching process. Its efficiency is determined, above all, goals and values of communication, which should be taken by all subjects of the pedagogical process as an imperative of their individual behavior.
The main goal of pedagogical dialogue consists in the transfer of public and professional experience (knowledge and skills) from teacher to pupils, and in the exchange of personal meaning associated with the object being studied, and life in general. The communication is the establishment (ie the emergence of new properties and qualities) as the individuality of pupils and teachers.
Specificity of pedagogical communication educator preschool educational organization. Primarily manifested in his direction. It is directed not only on the interaction itself and the pupils for their personal development, but that is the basis for most of the pedagogical system,-the organization of the development of educational knowledge and formation on this basis of skills. Because of this pedagogical communication is characterized as a three-way to - to study the interaction itself, to students (their current state of development of promising lines) and for the development of (assimilation).
According to Andreeva G. M. pedagogical communication structure comprises:
- Communicatively side (exchange of information). Communication - the source and channel information.
- Interactive way (construction of a general strategy of interaction, exchange not only knowledge, ideas, but also the actions). Communication - interaction.
- Perceptual side (perception, learning, the estimation of each other and mutual understanding). Communication – understanding[8].
Pedagogical communication must be viewed in two ways:
- how to control communication between children in the group;
- as a communicative activity of the teacher directed the organization of its relations with the pupils.
Among the most difficult challenges facing the teacher, is to organize a productive dialogue, which implies the presence of a high level of communication skills, which teachers can develop only under certain communication skills.
Mudrik A. V. identifies the following parameters teacher personality, determining the ability of the organization of communication: the corresponding feature of thinking, fluent speech, sociability, empathy and spontaneity of perception, certain social settings (for example, interest to the process of communication, not just its results), communication skills on orientation in time, in the partners in a relationship, in a situation [9].
Tutor of preschool educational organizations have a special role in communication, which is characterized by the recognition of the pupil as an equal partner in terms of cooperation, focusing on the interests of the child and its development prospects.
An indicator of the high level of mastery of pedagogical communication tutor of preschool educational institution is primarily humanistic position (interest in the other person, the study itself). For teachers of preschool educational organization it is important to remember that the best teacher communication - this is not the ability to keep discipline, and sharing with students spiritual values; a common language with the children - it is not the language of command and obedience, and confidence language. Therefore, the educator should be able to build communication tasks, including the creation of psychological safety conditions in the communication and implementation of internal reserves of preschool children[10].
Educator must master the following skills:
- be able to understand the child's position in the dialogue, to show interest in his personality;
- not be able to get up the view of the pupil;
- be able to create an environment of trust, tolerance for the other person;
- able to hold different roles as a means of conflict prevention in communication;
- to be ready in time to thank the pupil, apologize if necessary;
- be able to maintain equal treatment for all children;
- able to humorously refer to specific aspects of pedagogical situation, to ignore some negative aspects, be prepared to smile;
- be able to influence the pupil, not directly, but indirectly, through the creation of conditions for the appearance of the desired qualities of the child;
- to be able to not be afraid of feedback from students;
- be able to act in the public speaking environment, close to the theater;
- be able to establish an emotional connection, to win the initiative in the dialogue;
- provide emotional comfort to the child in the group.
Thus, educational communication is a specific form of communication, which has its own characteristics and at the same time obeying the general psychological patterns inherent in communication as a form of human interaction with other people, comprising a communicative, interactive and perceptual components.
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