Бинарный урок английского и китайского языков по теме "Проблемы окружающей среды в Кузбассе и Китае"

Разделы: География, Иностранные языки, Экология, Презентация к уроку, Краеведение, Патриотическое воспитание

Класс: 9

Ключевые слова: английский язык, Китай, китайский язык, проблемы окружающей среды, Кузбасс

Презентация к уроку

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The topic of the lesson: “The environmental problems in Kuzbass and China”.

Форма урока: бинарный урок.

Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме «Проблемы окружающей среды в родном крае и Китае».



  • Применить на практике лексику по изученной теме.
  • Практиковать обсуждение проблемы по данной теме в диалогическом и монологическом высказывании.
  • Закрепить лексико-грамматические навыки в контексте «Проблемы окружающей среды».


  • Развивать умение учащихся работать с информацией, а именно извлечь информацию из услышанного или увиденного.
  • Формировать способность к языковой догадке, сравнению и формулированию выводов.


  • Прививать чувство уважения и бережного отношения к окружающей среде.
  • Воспитывать чувство любви к родному краю, его природе.
  • Воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию.

Оборудование к уроку:

  • Технические средства обучения: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор
  • Программное обеспечение: Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Internet Explore

Teacher: Good morning everybody! We are glad to see you in our class.  Today we have an unusual lesson. It’s English and Chinese together. And the topic of our lesson is “Environmental problems in Kuzbass and China”. (Slide 1) We have two delegations here. They are from Kuzbass and China. Every delegation would like to tell us about the environmental protection in their region, ask some questions about it, suggest some ways of decision the environmental protection, etc. Now we shall start. The first one would be Kuzbass delegation. (Slide 2)

Kuzbass delegation

Representative 1.

Protected areas

Kemerovo region is a land of great natural wealth. For preservation of a unique natural complex, valuable mountainous cedar forests, rivers with rare fish and picturesque landscapes, 14 state reserves for animals and birds and biosphere reserves “Kuznetski Alatau” and “Gornaya Shoria” were established. (Slide 3)

Nizhnetomsky State Reserve is situated in the forests and steppe of Yurginsky and Yashkinsky districts.  (Slide 4) It was established in 1964 to protect roe, heath-cock, partridge and willow ptarmigan.

Tersinsky State Reserve is situated on the river Verkhnyaya Ters. On the territory of the reservepre dominate black taiga with abieses and cedars. (Slide 5)This reserve was established in 1979 to protect beaver, maral, reindeer, sable, wood-grouse, willow-ptarmigan and rare fish. A spring of mineral water “Tersinka” attracts many tourists.

Ust-Sosnovsky State Reserve is situated on the river Inya.(Slide 6) It was established in 1964. In birch and asp groves live elks, roes, heath-cocks, partridges, willow ptarmigans and cranes. All of them are protected.

Representative 2.

Natural Memorial Places

There are also unique natural memorial places, which are protected by the state. Protected areas are different: geological, botanical, zoological, historical, archeological and mixed ones. There are many memorial places on the territory of Novokuznetsk and Novokuznetsk district.

They are:

  • Topolniki – the grove of black poplars. (Slide 7)
  • The Island of Lime Trees – the grove of tertiary flora (60 km from the city).
  • Blue Rocks on the river Chumysh(20 km from the city) (Slide 8)
  • Shooting Stone on the river Kondoma(50 km from the city)
  • The Messerschmidt Fire Mountain – a nature and historical memorial on the right bank of the Tom near Borovkovo Village devoted to the first mission of the Russian Academy to Siberia in 1734 (12 km from the city). (Slide 9)

Answer the questions:

  • Which reserves of Kemerovo region do you know?
  • Why were they established?
  • Which reserves are there on the territory of your district? What kind of wildlife do they protect?
  • Have you ever visited any of them? Did you like them? Why?

(Representatives of each delegation answers)

Teacher: Thank you very much. And the next one would be Chinese delegation.

Chinese delegation (Slide 10)

Representative 1


Representative 2 (Slide 11)

丹霞(dānxiá)的象形文字在这里的意思是“猩红的黎明”。这个国家地质公园占地面积510平方米。km,位于甘肃省。这个地方的山脉出现了,而不是5.4亿年前的海洋。 2010年,有色山脉受联合国教科文组织保护。

Representative 3 (Slide 12)


Representative 4 (Slide 13)


中文名称是黄龙(Huánglóng,yellow dragon)。从高处看,黄色的方解石阶地形成了不寻常的地形,就像一条龙。正是由于他们,公园才得名。该保护区位于四川。公园里最吸引人的是五颜六色的湖泊。由于藻类,它们中的水有不同寻常的颜色。公园中有3,400多个这样的小湖。

Representative 5 (Slide 14)



Representative 6 (Slide 15)


Teacher: Thanks a lot. We can hear representatives of two delegations about protected areas and natural memorial places in Kuzbass and China. And now we’ll know their suggestions why we should protect the wild nature and the ways of doing it.

Kuzbass delegation

Representative 1 (Slide 16)

Protect the wild nature

The wild nature of Kemerovo region needs protection and care. Man’s activities did great harm to the environment. Industry concentration in our region gave rise to many ecological problems: air pollution, water pollution, disappearing forests, rivers and wild animals. During the last 30 years, 200 rivers (out of 905) have died, many rivers have been polluted, soil near large industrial centres has also been polluted, about 69,000-75,000 hectars of land have been damaged, 10% of forests have disappeared, especially forests of abies, some forests have been cut down, some animals and birds have migrated. The nature of our region is in a very dangerous situation.

Many countries of the world face similar ecological problems. In the UK some of the mamals, such as bear, wolf, wild boar and reindeer were killed to extinction. The last wolf of Scotland was killed in 1743.

If we do not stop environmental degradation, future degradations will learn about wolf, bear, fox and hare only from Russian fairy tales and see them only in pictures. (Slide 17) Children may ask some decades later: “A cedar? A pine? What are they? What do they look like?” If we do not want this conjecture to come true, we must take decisive measures to protect nature from further pollution.

Not only plants and mines destroy the wild nature. Wild life is damaged by poaches, who kill protected animals and destroy trees, by some hikers and campers, who pick wild flowers, break branches of trees, frighten wild animals, litter the ground with paper, cans or bottles, sometimes leave the campfire burning, which causes a forest fire. (Slide 18)

“We have not understood yet and do not want to understand that animals, birds, fish, plants can live without us, but we cannot survive without them even a day.” (Victor Astafyiev) (Slide 19)

Answer the question

  1. What ecological problems are there in Kemerovo region?
  2. What are their reasons?
  3. Why must we stop environmental degradation?
  4. Who damages wild animals?

(Representatives of each delegation answers)

Representative 2

What can you do to protect wildlife? (Slide 20)

Kuzbass delegation suggest some important rules to protect the environment. They are:

  • Plant more trees.
  • Feed birds in winter and help them survive in the cold.
  • All woods are home to animals. So, behave as guests.
  • When you hike, leave the place clean.
  • When you make a fire, don’t forget to put out and cover it with earth before you go away.
  • Clear rubbish from lakes and rivers.
  • Don’t break plants and don’t pick wild flowers.
  • Don’t frighten wild animals.

Protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland! (Slide 21)

Kuzbass delegation also designed posters telling people about ecological problems of the day. Look at the slide 22.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. We’ve known about the ecological situation in Kuzbass and the ways of protection wildlife. And now the turn of Chinese delegation. They we’ll tell us about the protection of nature in their country.

Chinese delegation

Representative 1 (Slide 23)

 (植树节, Zhíshù-jié)

在中华人民共和国,中国共产党并非偶然选择“植树日”的日期。 3月12日是中国革命孙中山先生逝世的日子。孙中山先生率先在中国大规模种植树木并树立了榜样。迄今为止,中国领导人亲自参加了庆祝活动。

Teacher: Thank you. It’s really necessary work for saving our planet for future generation that our Chinese friends doing in your country. But the time of our lesson comes to the end.


Teacher: You worked very well at the lesson. Now I’d like you to write what you did successfully and what you liked at the lesson. Please соmplete these sentenses.

1. Today I have known (about)…
2. … was interesting for me
3. …. was difficult for me
4. I have understood that …
5. I have learnt that …
6. …surprised me
7. I would like to ….

Teacher: Now it`s time to write your hometask for every delegation.

  • Do crosswords or rebuses on ecology.
  • Make tests.
  • Write an essay “What will happen on our planet in 100 years”

Teacher: We must do everything that is possible to keep our environment clean. We must do it not only for ourselves but also for future generations. Antoine de Saint - Exupery wrote “There is a rule you got up washed, made order in yourself - at once, make order in your planet”.(Slide 24)

Our lesson is over. Have a rest. (Slide 25)


1. Атлас для школьников. Кемеровская область. Роскартография, 2002 г.

2. Красная книга Кемеровская области. Животные. Кемеровское книжное издательство. 2000 г.

3. Козулина Т.Н. Кемеровская область. Учебное пособие в 2-х частях. Ч.2, Кемерово, 2006 г., 144 с.

4. https://ekd.me/2019/09/odna-strana-tysyachi-zapovednikov-neveroyatnaya-priroda-kitaya/ (дата обращения 22.04.2020).