Открытый урок по английскому языку "Расскажи сказку". 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Цель урока: развитие речевой компетенции учащихся.

  • Практическая: коммуникативная направленность тренировки учащихся в употреблении структур с Past Simple правильных глаголов, практика пересказа сказки с опорой на медиаиллюстрации, тренировка лексики по теме.
  • Обучающая: смоделировать на уроке реальное общение на иностранном языке в Past Simple, практиковать учащихся в аудировании, чтение в Past Simple, практиковать в высказываниях по теме, практиковать в диалогической и монологической речи.
  • Развивающая: развивать интеллектуальные, познавательные способы мышления, внимания, восприятия, память, воображение.
  • Воспитательная: формировать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся, положительное отношение и интерес к изучаемому предмету.

Задачи урока: повторить лексику предыдущего урока, формировать умения употребления Past Simple правильных глаголов в утвердительной форме; научить читать окончание -ed глаголов, развивать умения аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма.

Активная лексика: изученные ранее глаголы, выражения по теме «My Daily Life».

Оборудование: поделки (Craft work к модулю 6 урок 11), магнитофон, ноутбук, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие


Are you happy today&

I’m happy (a poem)

(смайлик на доску рядом с числом)

T: You’ll get smilics for your answers at the lesson. At the end of the lesson we’ll get a mark it you have 3 or more smilics.

2. Введение в сюжет урок

T: Today at the lesson we continue to work with a fairy tale. Our task is to retell it using Past Simple of regular verbs. But who are the main characters of the tale? Look at the screen and make up the words of the given letters? ( слайд №1)

3. Речевая разминка в режиме T→S1 S2, S2↔S3

T: At home you made puppets of the T. and the H. Show me them please! How nice they are! Well done! Today the first variant is the tortoises and the 2nd is the hares.

T →S1; S2:

Hello! What’s your name? How old are you?

Hi! How are you? What’s your favourite food? Do you like milk?

Can you jump? Can you climb? Can you swim?

What can you do? Are you a good runner?

Do you play volleyball? Do you swim? What’s your favourite sport?

Were you at school yesterday? Were you at the cinema? Where was your mum yesterday?

T: But some of our Hs and Ts very talkative. They like talking with each other. Listen to them, please!


- Hello! How are you?

- Hi! I’m fine. And you?

- Fine, thanks. I’m Tom. What’s your name?

- My name’s Tortilla. I’m from Italy. Where do you live?

- I live in Russia. Come and see me some day!


- Good day! I’m Jack. And who are you?

- Hello! I’m Matilda. I’m very old. I’m 99. How old are you?

- But I’m 10 years old. And I can run very fast. And you?

- Oh, my! I’m very slow.

- What a pity!


- Hello, Mam! How are you today?

- Hi, baby! I’m Ok. But yesterday I wasn’t fine. And what about you?

- Oh, I was fine. I was with my friends in the park. We were happy. It was great!

- I’m glad of you!

4. Проверка д/з и активизации Past Simple в речи

T: Now you are friends. But many years ago the T. and the H. weren’t friends. We remember about it in the tale. First of all, look at the blackboard and- read after me:

A slow tortoise, a fast hare, surprise, start, a race, far ahead of..., pass, at the finish like, learn a lesson

- Read in a chain

- You have a sheet of papers with the translation of these words. Let’s match them and the Russian equivalents.

(уч-ся подходят подходят к доске и сопоставляют слова и перевод слов).

T: We tell the tale in Past Simple, because it was many years ago. We have to use the past form of regular verbs. Look at the screen and tell me the rule of writing them:

(слайд 2)

1) Laugh(ed) 2) dance(d) 3) cry( ied) 4) stop(ped)

(правила p.170- 171)

T: Open your SB at 92 , find ex 1. The task is… Open your copybooks and do it in them. You have 2 minutes. Let’ s check the exercise. Look at the screen.
(слайд 3)

T: It’s difficult to read the past forms of the regular verbs. Look at my tables and remember. (3 таблица с чтением окончаний глаголов)

- читаем глаголы в I форме

- читаем с окончанием

- правило

- читают дети

Now read the verbs of ex 1.

T: We are ready to watch and read the fairy tale. (просмотр видео)

T: Open your books at page 90. Start reading the tale.

All the other students act out the tale. (используя пальчиковые куклы)

Your reading is good. Clap your hands!

5. Физкультминутка

It’s time to have a rest. Stand up! Let’s play “Ts and Hs”


Ts, jump!
Hs, run
Ts and Hs, swim!


Hs, swim!
Ts, climb!
Hs and Ts, clap your hand.


Hs, dance!
Ts, fly!
Hs and Ts, step your feet!
“Head and Shoulders”

6. Монологическое высказывания (пересказ сказки)

T: What lesson did the Hare learn that day?

Keep on going and don’t stop until …

  • You eat all the food
  • You finish school
  • You cross the finish like

Choose the right end of the proverb.
What’s the Russian for?

Now, let’s retell the tale, using the key words (слайды 4-8)


Once upon a time
Laughed at
One day


The next day
Very soon


Sunny day
A few hours later




The winner

- Сначала 1 ученик (1 слайд)

- Один ученик всю сказку

Clap your hands!

7. Введение новой лексики

T: It was many years ago. But now days the Hand the T. are friends. They do a lot of things together. Yesterday they:

  • watched TV
  • painted a picture
  • cooked dinner
  • walked the dog
  • played basketball
  • listened to music

Open your books at p.92, ex 2.

  • Read after me
  • Match the words and the pictures
  • What did they do yesterday?
  • What did the H/the T do yesterday?

8 Закрепление произношения -ed

What did Ch, L,L do yesterday?

Ex3, p 93 (audio)

  • Listen
  • Read
  • Правило р 171
  • Ex 4 p 93
  • Проверка

9. Игра крестики нолики!

We’ve done a lot of work, it’s time to play. The name of the game is “Crosses and noughts”

Hares you are crosses, tortoises are noughts.

(два поля со словами на доске, слайд 9)

10. Итог урока

All of you are brilliant today. We travelled to the fairy tale. “The T and the H”. Past Simple of regular verbs helped us to do it. I think it was interesting. Do you agree with me? Good of you! Your marks for today… Put down the hometask for the next lesson: p47(WB), ex 1 p 90(L,SB), ex 4 p 93(r,SB).