Урок английского языка по теме "Аnimals"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 1

Ключевые слова: английский язык, животные

During the lesson I use some active learning to increase pupils’ interest to the English language. F.e. I use flash cards at the beginning of the lesson. Pupils choose some cards from the pile to name the items. More able pupils  are the first to begin for other pupils to warm up and get relieved. To introduce and practise the new words I use Active learning technique Think-pair-share  adapted to the peculiarities and language abilities of pupils. Pupils  present pets following the example: This is my pet. It is a (dog). Firstly they think over this task individually, then they l check in pairs and later tell their sentences to the whole class.

Words connected with classroom routines are used during all stages of the lesson and during Break and physical activity(dynamic break)

I  give pupils commands and orders connected with classroom routines e.g. Write! Stand up! Sit down! Read! Look! Draw! Etc. Differentiation  is held through encouraging some pupils to be “a teacher”. Then they ask the others to do smth. For better understanding I mime and use gestures.

Work with an alphabet is a specilal item to be mentioned. Here I use air writing. I suggest such assessment for this task: less able pupils write the letters,and more able students name the letters and write them on the board.

To finish the lesson I take a Graphic organizer.I divide pupils into three groups of four due to the students’ wish. The board is divided into several columns as a model: name of animals, colour, size, can do, can’t do. Teacher distributes two A3 papers to two groups. The teacher names the animal or gives a picture of an animal. Students fill in the columns with corresponding words or pictures.

Lesson plan


Lesson title


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme)

1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly
1.S5 use words in short exchanges
1.S1 make basic personal statements about people, objects and classroom routines
1.L1 recognize short basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
1.L3 recognize with support common names and names of
places; recognize the spoken form of a limited range of
everyday and classroom words
1.R1 recognize sound and name the letters of the alphabet

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:
-use some new words to speak about animals with support
-spell growing number of new words accurately during guided speaking and reading activities with support
-identify names of animals in teachers’ talk
Most learners will be able to:
-make up sentences using new expressions without model or support
-make up a short monologue about the animals
-identify details during the listening task
Some learners will be able to:
-To role play the dialogue using the new words

Assessment criteria

Say topic words with clear pronunciation
Say expressions clearly
Follow basic classroom instructions spoken slowly and distinctly

Language objective

Subject-specific vocabulary and terminology.
Dog, cat ,chicken, sheep ,cow ,bee duck monkey
Useful classroom language for dialogue/writing:
Colour the monkey blue and red. That’s right. The
monkey is blue and red.
Discussion points: About abilities of animals (Can ducks fly?)

Cross-curricular links

Biology, Science, Art, Music,

Previous learning

Names of colours, numbers. Using modal verbs can/ can’t.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Put the flash-cards into one pile. Go around the classroom and ask pupils to choose 2 or 3 flashcards to name the items.
(D) Teacher presents objectives for students through technique WALT (we are learning to.)
We are looking for new 8 words in the text and use them to speak  about animals

Flash cards with words from previous lesson. Flashcards can be downloaded
from www.eslkids.

6-13 min
[D] Presentation and practice
Pupils’ books closed. Put the pictures on the board. Point to each animal (rabbit, cat, fish, dog, mouse) once at a time and name them. The pupils repeat chorally, if it is necessary individually. Then point to each animal in random order. Ask individual pupils to name the words. Ask the rest of the class for vertification.
Pupil’s books opened. Play the CD. The pupils listen, point to the pictures and repeat the words. Play the CD again pausing after each word. The pupils repeat chorally or individually.
by Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2016 for Kazakhstan
Ex.1 pg.46
14-19 min
[I] .[P],[W] Complete. Think-pair-share (this activity is adopted according to age of pupils)
This activity starts with individual work: pupils look at pictures, point to an animal and try to make up sentences following  an example :this is my pet. It is a (dog), Then, pupils present these sentences to each other (pair work) and to the whole class(W).
Descriptors. A learner:
-points to an animal
-names an animal
-makes two sentences following examples
by Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2016 for Kazakhstan
T 44 CD1

20-24 min


25-28 min

[W] 4. Sing the “My pets song!” T-S
Point to the dog and say: This is a dog. Woof!
The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure to present the rest of the song. Play the CD. The pupils listen to the song.
Break and physical activity
[W] Give pupils commands and orders connected with classroom routines e.g. Write! Stand up! Sit down! Read! Look! Draw! Etc. Encourage some pupils to be “a teacher” and ask the others to do smth.
by Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2016 for Kazakhstan
29-34 min
[D][f] 5.Listen and read
Set the scene by asking the pupils questions about what they can see in the picture.
T- Who is in the pet shop?
Pl-Lilly, Liam, Charlie and a girl.
T-What’s this?
Pl-It’s a fish.
Play the CD and ask the pupils to follow in their books.
Descriptors. A learner:
-answers the questions about scene
-understands the content of the dialogue
-follow the speaker
by Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2016 for Kazakhstan
T45 CD1
35-37 min
6. Tick
Explain the activity. The pupils look at the pictures, read the dialogue, tick the picture of the animals that appear in the dialogue. Allow the pupils some time to complete the activity.
Descriptors. A learner:
-recognise the familiar words
-read the familiar words
-pronounce words intelligibly
by Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing 2016 for Kazakhstan
T 46 CD1

38-40 min

 [I] 7. Work with an alphabet. (Air writing)
Teacher prepares cards with letters. The teacher shows the cards in a random order to a student. He or she sounds the letter. A student at the board should write this letter down on the board when the other students should write this letter in the air. After 3 or 4 letters the other students will do the same.
Descriptors. A learner
- recognize a letter
-name the letter
-write the letter


41-45 min

Graphic organizer
[G] [f] Teacher divides groups into three groups of four due to the students’ wish. The board is divided into several columns as a model: name of animals, colour, size, can do ,can’t do. Teacher distributes two A3 papers to two groups.
The teacher names the animal or gives a picture of an animal. Students fill in the columns with corresponding words or pictures.
F.e: rabbit-brown-small-jump-fly ….etc
Descriptors. A learner
-works in group
-think of the specific features of animals
-fill in the columns
-support the groupmates
-give feedback to other groups
Teacher gives feedback to pupils’ work
(P) Additional task. If time allows do task teacher tells the pupils that they will draw an animal house. In groups the pupils are assigned an animal. They draw a house for each animal. Then the pupils present the animals’ house to the classmates.