Урок развития умений диалогической речи по теме «School Life»

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Ключевые слова: английский язык

УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В.Афанасьевой для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

Ход урока


  • Практическая – научить учащихся составлять диалог-расспрос на тему «School Life» в объеме 3-5 реплик с каждой стороны на базе текста упражнения № 10 на странице 89.
  • Образовательная – способствовать расширению общего кругозора учащихся посредством приобщения к культуре народа изучаемого языка (стр. 89 упр. 9 – особенности школьного расписания в Великобритании).
  • Развивающая – способствовать развитию языковой догадки учащихся посредством работы со следующими словами и словосочетаниями (to be over, famous, a subject).
  • Воспитательная – способствовать формированию уважительного отношения к собеседнику по общению.

Оснащение: УМК, раздаточный материал, ноутбук, проектор.

I. Организационный этап (6 мин)

1) Организационный момент

Т: Good morning, children. Glad to see you. Well, can you tell me who is absent today.

P: ……

T: Ok. The topic of our lesson is «School Life». At first, we’ll check your home assignment, then do some oral exercises and finally speak about subjects you learn at school.

2) Фонетическая зарядка

T: Let’s start. Repeat after me: but-cup-nut-subject-subjects

(Режимы: T-Cl, T-P1, T-P2, T-P3)

T: Now, the sound [з:]: bird-first-third-learn-learnt

(Режимы: T-Cl, T-P1, T-P2, T-P3)

T: The sound [e]: Betty never felt better

(Режимы: T-Cl, T-P1, T-P2, T-P3)

3) Речевая зарядка

T: At the previous lesson we read with you the text about schools in Great Britain. Let’s remember some facts.

- T: When do English pupils leave school?

P1: They usually leave school at the age of sixteen.

- T: When does the school year begin?

P2: It begins in September.

- T: When do classes begin in Great Britain?

P3: Classes usually begin at nine.

- T: Are there any animals at school?

P4: Yes. There are.

- T: What do pupils do after classes?

P5: They read, play and draw.

T: That’s great. I see that you’ve remembered many things about the text.

II. Основной этап (30 мин)

1) Ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами.

T: Open your books at page 87 and have a look at Ex. 8. Let’s read the first word.

P1: Spend, to spend-spent, to spend money.

T: That’s right. To spend means тратить. Remember to use the article on. For example, to spend money on food. Now look at the screen and say, what does Buratino spend his money on.

(На слайде изображены предметы, которые учащиеся должны употребить в своих ответах – См. Приложение 1)

T: Try to guess. What does the word subject mean. For example, History is a subject, Maths is also a subject. So what is it?

P: предмет.

T: Well done, now listen and look at the screen (См. Приложение 1):

  • Doctor Ibolit is a famous doctor,
  • Pushkin is a famous poet,
  • Gagarin is a famous cosmonaut.

So, a famous person is a person that everybody knows. So famous means …

P: Известный

T: Сorrect. At the end of many computer games you can see the words the game is over, which means конец игре. Use this word combination with the film then.

P: The film is over.

T: And one more word: to learn. You’ve heard it many times at our lessons. So, tolearn by heart means …

P: Учить наизусть.

2) Ознакомление с новыми грамматическими структурами

1) T: And now, look at the chart (page 88). Let’s read the rule. (Чтение образца)

T: What time is it now, Dasha?

P: It’s nine twenty.

T: Please, look at the screen. What time is it?

(На экране - изображения часов – ведется фронтальный режим работы. – Cм. Приложение 2)

Учащимся раздаются картинки с часами (по 2 на парту – пример в Приложении 3).

T: Look at the clock and ask your neighbor what time it is.

(Работа проводится в парах.)

2) T: Well done, it’s time to return to out chart. Let’s read again. (Чтение образца)

T: So, Masha, how often do you go to the cinema?

P1: Once a week.

T: Ok, Peter, how many times a day do you have meals?

P2: 3 times a day.

T: How many times a year do you go on holiday?

P3: Twice a year.

T: Wonderful, now pupils, look at Page 89. Here you can see a timetable of St. Andrew’s Primary School. Tell me please, Misha, how many subjects do the children do every day?

P1: They do 5-6 lessons.

T: When do the lessons begin?

P2: They begin at 9.

T: How many times a week have they got History?

P3: They’ve got History twice a week.

T: How many times a week have they got Maths?

P4: Three times a week.

T: Now ask your partner about other subjects.

(Работа ведется в парах.)

3) Game

T: Game time. Let’s make up two teams. You are to choose one person from each team. (На оборотной стороне доски написаны слова для каждой команды)

On the blackboard you can see 10 words. Complete the words and the team who is the first and does the task correctly wins.

M _ _ _ s
H _ _ t _ _ _
W _ _ n _ _ _ _ y
G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y
B l _ _ _ b _ _ _ _
H _ _ d _ _ _ _ f _
_ _ n _ _ l

4) Составление диалогов

T: Let’s return to our textbook. Ex. 10. Peter and Liz, read the dialogue, please.

Чтение диалога.

Т: Now, let’s translate some sentences. (4 и 6 реплика)

T: It’s time to make up your own dialogues. Misha, you are working with Dasha, etc.

(Дети делятся на пары.)

T: You are to change the names and the underlined words in the dialogues you have. After you’ve finished the task you are to read your dialogues artistically.

Пары читают составленные диалоги.

IV. Завершающий этап (3 мин)

1) Подведение итогов

T: Who can tell me what we did today.

P: …..

T: Thank you.

2) Выставление отметок + устное оценивание

3) Домашнее задание

T: At home you’ll learn the dialogues you’ve made in class and do Ex 16 from your Textbook (in pencil) and 18 (in writing). Thank you for the lesson. Bye.