Crossword “Animals”

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ключевые слова: английский язык, животные, кроссворд, Московский зоопарк, Всероссийское императорское общество по акклиматизации растений и животных

Данный материал приурочен к сто пятьдесят-пятой годовщине создания московского зоопарка, самого большого в России и одного из старейших в Европе. Московский зоопарк всегда пользовался популярностью среди москвичей и туристов; даже в период войны (1941–1945) его посетило более шести миллионов человек.

Московский зоопарк был основан в 1864 Всероссийским Императорским Обществом по акклиматизации растений и животных. Вот почему это заведение было создано не только для развлечения, но и для научного наблюдения над животными, которые могли бы быть полезными в национальном сельском хозяйстве.

Данный материал предназначен для детей начальной школы 9-10 лет. Многие дети этого возраста в силу недостаточного языкового опыта сталкиваются с проблемами запоминания новых английских слов, грамматических правил и т.д. Это может вызвать отрицательное отношение к данному предмету, а в дальнейшем - и к изучению ИЯ в целом. Во избежание такого факта необходимо использовать различные нестандартные способы в преподавании.

Текстовая часть служит средством для отработки навыков чтения и сопровождается заданиями-загадками, которые должны помочь сделать процесс обучения более интересным и увлекательным. Представленный материал способствует расширению словарного запаса (названия животных, частей тела, цветов), навыков грамматики и правописания (использование глагола «to be», «can», конструкции «have/has got»), а также раскрывает всю красоту и богатство животного мира. Сопровождающие задания служат средством развития памяти, внимания, мышления.

Материал ярко показывает тесную взаимосвязь дисциплины «Английский язык» с другими предметами (биология, зоология и т.д.) и может быть также использован во внеурочной деятельности (разных конкурсах, соревнованиях и проектных работах).

Ключевые слова: Всероссийское императорское общество по акклиматизации растений и животных, научные наблюдения, нестандартные способы, внеурочная деятельность.

Crossword “ANIMALS”


1. It is very big with wide round ears and a long nose (trunk); it has got four fat legs and a large tail; it lives in Africa and in India.
2. It is red or grey and usually very tall; it has got long ears and a long nose, four legs with large feet and a special baby-bag on its body; it can jump very far.
3. It has got a long green body with a big strong tail; its head is long too with a wide mouth and large teeth; it is a great hunter and a killer; it can move very fast.
4. It lives in the forests, grass-lands and deserts; it has got four legs with claws, a long tail, triangular ears and very strong teeth; it likes to hunt and can run very fast.
5. This flying animal can be big or small, it lives in the caves, forests and jungles; it has got two ears, wings, two legs and a tail; it likes insects, frogs and fruit.
6. It lives in the jungle and in the forests and can be small and big; it has got a small head, four legs and a tail; it likes to jump and climb the trees.
7. It is very big, it lives in the forests of Asia, Africa and India; it has got a fat body, four thick legs, a big head and a large horn (two horns) on its nose.
8. It is a wild animal and lives in Africa; it looks like a horse with a big head, a tail, four legs with hooves, but its body has got black and white stripes.
9. It has a big head with a wide mouth, strong teeth and long whiskers, four strong legs and a long tail; its body has black stripes; it is a careful hunter and a killer.
10. It has got a small head with small ears and two little horns; its neck is very long and its body is spotted; it likes fruit and leaves, it can walk, gallop and jump.
11. It lives in the dry zone and can live without water for several days; it is big with a large head and wide eyes; it often has got a hump (two humps) on its back.
12. It is not very big and it has got two little crooked horns on its head; its body is covered with wool; it likes grass and has got four legs with hooves and a short tail.
13. It is a home pet and known as a “man’s best friend”; it can serve as transport, a hunter and other functions.


1. It has got a very long body with a long tail but without legs and arms; its tongue is very big and can be poisonous and dangerous.
2. The animal looks like a bear but it is not so big; it has got a white head with black eyes and ears; it likes to climb the trees but it is not very active.
3. It is big with two horns on its head, four legs with hooves and a large tail; it likes grass and lives in the village.
4. It has got a big head with wide eyes; it likes to fly in the night-time and can see in the darkness very well.
5. It has a large body with four legs and a big tail; its mouth is wide with strong teeth; this hunter lives in Africa and in India and is called “the king of the beasts”.
6. It is a small home pet with very long ears, four paws and a short tail; it can be white or grey; it likes carrots and cabbage.
7. It is small, green and lives in wet places; it can jump very well.
8. It has a big strong body with fur, four thick legs with claws and a short tail; it lives in the forest and can climb very well; it sleeps all the winter.
9. It is a small home pet with a long body, four legs with claws and a big tail; it likes milk, mice and fish.
10. It has a big strong body, four long legs with hooves and a large tail; it can run very fast and serves as a transport.
11. It is a large wild bird with wide wings and a big hooked beak; it is a good hunter and can fly very fast.
12. It is white, black or grey, it has four legs with hooves, a small tail, two big horns and beard on its head; it can climb and jump very well.
13. This animal has not got any legs and arms, it can be big or small, it lives only in the water and can swim very well.
14. It is usually red and mainly lives in the forest; it has got four legs with claws and a long bushy tail; it can run and smell very well.
15. It has got a fat body with a small curly tail, a big head with a round nose and triangular ears; it is pink or white.


Horizontally: 1. elephant 2. kangaroo 3. crocodile 4. wolf 5. bat 6. monkey 7. rhino 8. zebra 9. tiger 10. giraffe 11. camel 12. sheep 13. dog

Vertically: 1. snake 2. panda 3. cow 4. owl 5. lion 6. rabbit 7. frog 8. bear 9. cat 10. horse 11. eagle 12. goat 13. fish 14. fox 15. pig

