Life with Coca-Cola (Жизнь с Coca-Cola). Урок английского языка в 10-м классе

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Ключевые слова: английский язык, Coca-Cola

Урок направлен на формирование грамматических навыков, развитие речевых умений, поддержание внимания учащихся, активизацию познавательного интереса, развитие мотивации к дальнейшему общению на английском языке

1. Notincing

Do you like Coca-Cola? Сегодня это самый узнаваемый и самый продаваемый напиток в мире. Газировка, сахар, кофеин, орехи колы, экстракт коки и немного красителей. Какое отношение это имеет к английскому языку? Очень просто. Кока-кола — не только американская компания, это еще и культурный символ современной Америки. В общем, как вы уже поняли, сегодняшний урок посвящается газировке.

2. Word sort

  • Spread the words in two columns about Coca-Cola and ordinary soda.

    iron can
    [aɪərn kən]
    железная банка

  • bottle

  • flavored
    со вкусом

  • low-calorie
    [loʊ kæləri]

  • bottle
  • caffeinated
  • с кофеином
  • без кофеина
  • diet
  • fizzy drink
    газированный напиток
  • flavored
    со вкусом
  • gas
  • iron can
    железная банка
  • lemonade
  • low-calorie
  • regular
  • soda
  • sugar
  • sugar free
    без сахара


Ordinary soda





3. Smart language detectives

What do detectives do?
- detail
- think
- explanation

Our story begins in 1885, when a former confederate colonel named John Pemberton created a drink that served as a replacement for morphine.
He owned the name Coca-Cola but allowed different manufacturers to use his formula.

There is a popular theory that Coke invented the old bearded version of Santa Claus, though this theory is mostly fake.

As the footballer Pele said, wherever you go, there are three icons that everyone knows: Jesus Christ, Pele and Coca-Cola.

4. Bridge maps for analogies

Make and write sentences with adjectives known to you.

Coca-cols is testier than ….

  • Afri-Cola (from "African Cola-Bean") is a brand from Germany.
  • Baikal was developed in the 1970s in the Soviet Union as a counterpart to Coca-Cola. The Russian drink served as a model for the German soft drink WOSTOK (= Russian for "The East"), which was introduced to the market in 2009.
  • China Cola is not from China but the US. The name refers to the fact that the product contains Chinese herbs.
  • Coca Colla Energy is a soft drink from Bolivia. The basic ingredient is produced from the coca leaf. The beverage goes back to the initiatives of coca farmers, in order to extend legal ways of using coca.
  • Cockta is a soft drink from Slovenia; ingredients are rose hips of the dog rose, as well as eleven different herbs, lemons and oranges. Cockta contains neither caffeine nor phosphoric acid. The name Cockta refers to the "cocktail" of different ingredients. It was developed in the early 1950s with the intention of creating a drink to compete with similar foreign products.
  • Cola Turka was introduced to the Turkish market in 2003. The Iraq war and the resulting anti-American sentiment helped to promote sale of Cola Turka.
  • Costa-Rica Cola, a fair-trade cola from EL PUENTE Germany (importer and distributor for fair trade products). The sugar comes from a small farmer’s cooperative in Costa Rica.
  • Future Cola is the third largest soft drink producer in China (after Coca-Cola and Pepsi). It is sold under the English name "Future Cola" with slogans like "The Chinese people's own cola" or "the future will be better".
  • Inca Kola: A main ingredient of the drink comes from the lemon shrub. Inca Kola is one of the few soft drinks that have a larger market share in certain countries than Coca-Cola. Meanwhile Coca-Cola has shares in Inka Kola.
  • Kofola was developed in the 1960s in Czechoslovakia, in the search for a purpose for the excess of caffeine, which arose in the coffee roasting. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Kofola is the main competitor of Coca-Cola and Pepsi. After Kofola merged with a Polish company in 2008, the company is now located in Poland.
  • Kola Román is mainly consumed on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.
  • Mecca-Cola: In 2002, Mecca-Cola came onto the market as a "non-Western" alternative. The label of the bottles is kept in the style of the US-American competition. The product was developed in France, but the company is located in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The name refers to Mecca, the holiest place of Islam.
  • Thums Up was introduced to the market in 1977 against Coca-Cola and other foreign companies in India. Thums Up was purchased in 1993 by the Coca-Cola Company.
  • tuKola is a Cuban brand that is also sold in Italy.
  • Zamzam is an Iranian soft drink. Originally produced by Pepsi, it became a separate company as a result of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Zamzam is sold in Iran and neighbouring countries as a Muslim alternative to American beverages, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi. The name refers to the fountain Zamzam in the courtyard of the great mosque in Mecca.

Kola Román




Coca Colla


Inca Kola



United Arab Emirates

Thums Up






Costa-Rica Cola



Poland (Czechoslovakia)





Cola Turka


Future Cola


China Cola



5. Synthesis

Compose and write Coca-Cola sentences with missing words for your friend.