Материал к уроку английского языка на тему "Памятник танку Т-34" (г.Химки Московской области). 5–6-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Классы: 5, 6

Ключевые слова: английский язык, танк

Do you keep in mind all the terrible events of the Great Patriotic War? In some Russian regions there are monuments which let us remember those horrible days, human victims… In Skhodnya town (Khimki) we can see one of this monuments.

In the park Welichko of the Shodnya town you can see a great monument dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.

This T-34 tank is a real rarity. It is different from other tanks represented in the museums and parks. It is smaller than after war models and has a different construction. During The Great Patriotic War this tank took place in the military actions in the North-West direction of the Moscow area.

Tank crew successfully reached Beliy town in the Tver area but in 1942 while crossing the Hotcha river it was beaten, the crew perished.

After the War the tank was restored as a monument of one of the most terrible wars.

Read the text and mark sentences as True or False.

The T-34 monument is located in Moscow.


The T-34 tank has the same construction as other similar models.


Tank crew were involved in the military actions in the Moscow area.


While crossing the Hotcha river the crew managed to stay alive.


After the Great war People have the possibility to see this monument in one of the parks of the Moscow suburb.
