Сценарий проведения чайного приема. 4-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 4

Ведущий 3: Good afternoon dear friends! Welcome to our tea party! It’s common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea. They like to have a nice cup of tea from 6 to 8 times a day, sometimes even more.

Ведущий 4: Millions of people in offices look forward to their tea breaks in the morning and afternoon. They are called elevenses and 5 o’clock tea.
Let’s read and translate some posters to see what the English think of tea.

Презентация 1

The English know how to make tea and what it does for you.

Seven cups of it make you up in the morning; nine cups will put you to sleep at night.

If you take it in the middle of the morning, it will stimulate you for further work; if you drink it in the afternoon, it will relax you for further thought.

Then, of course, you should drink lots of it in off hours.

The test of good tea is simple:

If you are cold, tea will warm you;

if you are depressed, it will cheer you; if you are excited, it will calm you.

Ведущий 1: So, you've learnt some facts about the history of tea and tea ceremonies in Britain. There are students who have found some more interesting facts about tea. Let us listen to them.

Презентация 2

Учащиеся рассказывают на английском  языке интересную информацию о чае.

  1. It does not matter what the problem is, for the British the answer is often the same; “Let’s have a nice hot cup of tea.” Coffee has become very popular in Britain in recent years, but tea is still the national drink. Over 25 million cups of tea are sold every day, and many millions more are made at home.
  2. In 1610 tea was brought from China to Europe. At first it was very expensive so not many people could buy it, but by 1750 it was widely drunk in Britain.
  3. By the late eighteenth century, Britain was at the centre of the world tea business  and soon the tradition of taking afternoon tea began.
  4. Afternoon tea is a pot of tea and a light snack served around 5 o’ clock in the afternoon. A ‘cream tea’  is tea served with scones and cream.
  5. Tea shops became popular with women because they could go there alone, to meet friends.
  6. Since the mid-nineteenth century, tea has been brought to Britain from India, Africa and Sri Lanka as well as China. Today there are over 1,500 different kinds, for example Assam, Oolong, Earl Grey and English Breakfast. Each one has a different smell and taste.
  7. In the past, the usual way to serve tea was to put a little cold milk in a cup, pour the tea and then add some sugar. Tea-making has changed a lot in the last few years however.
  8. Most people now used tea-bags instead of tea-leaves because it is easier. Many use a mug instead of a cup, and they no longer add milk and sugar.
  9. Because  tea-bag are so popular, the companies who sell them are always trying to make them better. At first tea-bags were square, then round ones were made, and now you can buy three-sided ones.
  10. Maybe the way people make tea has changed over the years but in this country of tea-drinkers, many people still use the old Chinese word for teaa cup of cha or even just a good old cuppa.

Появляется заварной чайник и поёт песню “I’m a little tea-port.”

I’m a little teapot, short and stout
Here is my handle, here is my spout
When the water’s boiling, hear me shout,
“Tip me over, pour me out.”

Чайник : Do you know how to cook tea?  I can relate you how the Englishmen make tea. Here is the recipe

  1. Boil some fresh cold water
  2. Put some hot water into the teapot to make it warm
  3. Pour the water away
  4. Put one teaspoon of tea-leaves per person, and one extra teaspoon into the pot
  5. Pour boiling  water onto the tea.
  6. Leave for a few minutes.
  7. Tea is ready.

Ведущий 2: Hot tea is good when it’s cold. But who would drink tea in summer when it’s hot? Iced tea is much better for hot weather. Iced tea is an American invention. It was made in St. Louis, Missouri for the first time in 1904. You’ll be taught how to make iced tea.

Чайник : The best way to make this is to make a pot of tea and after the tea has been infused for five minutes pour the tea off into a jug and put it in the fridge to cool. Serve with ice cubes, lemon or orange to flavor and sugar if you wish. This is an excellent, economical and refreshing summer drink.

Ведущий 3: There are many different recipes of making tea. We offer you some of them.

Ведущие раздают родителям ксерокопии с рецептами заваривания чая различных народов.

Ведущий 4: Every country has its own tea – drinking habits. When tea was first brought to England people didn’t know how it ought to be used. They boiled the leaves and put them on a piece of bacon, and than ate them. Can you imagine how tasty it was? No? You are welcome to see our drama “Tea Leaves”.

Scene 1

In the room the old woman is sitting in the arm chair knitting.

Story teller: Once there lived an old woman. She had the only one son who was a sailor. He often sailed to India and every time he returned to Britain from a far-away country he brought her something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

The woman’s son appears.

Woman: My dear son, here you are! How are you? I was missing you so badly!

Son: Hello mom. I’m fine, thanks. I’ve brought a nice present for you.

Woman: Oh, how interesting! What is this?

Son: It’s a box of tea. It’s very popular in the East. It is food.

Woman: But I don’t know how to cook it.

Son: Nothing particular. Just put tea leaves into the pot and pour hot water into it. In five minutes it will be ready. Believe me, you’ll enjoy it greatly.

Woman: What a flavouring smell. I’ll invite my friends to try out what it is.

Story-teller: So the old woman cooked tea as her son had told her and invited her friends to taste it.

Scene 2

In the room the table is laid for dinner.

Friends (coming in): Hello. Glad to see you.

Woman: Oh you are welcome! Please, come in, come in. Feel at ease!

F1: How many things you have cooked!

F2: Roast beef and roast turkey!

F3: And so many salads. They seem to be so delicious.

Woman: Help yourself to tea leaves.

F1: And what’s this? I’ve never seen such food.

F2: I also have never tasted it.

Woman: My son brought it from India yesterday. He said it was very popular in the East. Help yourselves to tea leaves.

F3 (withthe face showingsatisfaction): It’s very tasty, just fantastic.

F1 (putting leaves on a peace of bread): M… m… m… It’s really lovely. The smell is so delicious.

Son (entering the room): Good afternoon to everybody. I’m very pleased to meet you. And where is the tea, mom?

Woman (pointing to the dish): Over there.

Son: Oh, mum. These are only the leaves of the tea. They are not eaten. This is the infused water that is drunk.

Woman: And I threw the water away, of course.

Ирландская полька

Ведущий 2: Funny drama, isn’t it? In the middle of the 19 century there was such a folk song sung by peasants.

Ведущий 1: One servant made tea with onion, pepper and parsley.['pɑːslɪ]

His master was mad about this. Then the servant decided that he forgot to salt the tea.

Раз прислал мне барин чаю
И велел его сварить.
А я отроду не знаю,
Как проклятый чай варить.
Взял, тогда, налил водички,
Всыпал чай я весь в горшок,
И приправил перцу, луку,
Да петрушки корешок.

Барин побил своего крестьянина за такой чай, а тот:

Долго думал, удивлялся,
Чем же мог не угодить,
А потом и догадался,
Что забыл я посолить.

Ведущий 2. Our students made presentations about tea-drinking habits in their families. You are welcome.

Gleb is going to tell you about 5 o’clock tea in Great Britain.

Учащиеся представляют рекламу чая /презентации/

Ведущий 3: Ароматом душистого чая отгоню я все в мире напасти. Аромат его, вдыхая, буду жить, никогда не печалясь.

Whenyoudrink tea, you are often delighted with its aroma and flavour.

Express you delight with tea.

What nice tea!  
Tea with milk – a fantastic drink!
What refreshing drink!
What encouraging drink!
Dear for an Englishman’s heart – English tea!
What delicious tea!
What strong tea!  What A flavor!
What delightful drink!
Divinely! [dɪ'vaɪnlɪ] What refined taste![rɪ'faɪnd]

Ведущий: Все мы любим красиво накрыть стол, заварить ароматный чай и погрузиться в долгие, приятные разговоры, которые могут быть только во время чаепития. Вдохните приятный аромат. Расслабьтесь и насладитесь чаепитием! Мы приглашаем Вас на чаепитие.

Песня «English tea»