Philadelphia [.filə’delfjə] Филадельфия
Pennsylvania [.pensil’veinjə] Пенсильвания
Benjamin Franklin [‘bendʒəmin ‘frᴂŋklin] Бенджамин Франклин
the Liberty Bell [‘libəti bel] Колокол Свободы
Philadelphia is the largest city of Pennsylvania. It is the fifth most populated city in the USA.
The city of Philadelphia was founded by William Penn. During the American Revolution (1775-1783) it was a meeting place for politicians and commanders. The Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution (1787) were signed here. In fact the city was a temporary US capital while Washington was under the construction.
In the 19th century the city of Philadelphia became a major industrial and railroad center. Now it is the home of the seven largest companies as well as a seaport and a shipping center. The city is also famous for the growing number of sky-scrapers.
Philadelphia is one of the cultural centers in the country. The Museum of Art is one of the greatest art museums in the world. The Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Natural Sciences are here too. One of its bright citizens was Benjamin Franklin who founded the Library Company in 1731. There are many colleges and high schools in Philadelphia. The most famous one is Pennsylvania University.
There are many beautiful sight-seeings in Philadelphia. That’s why it is a main center of tourism. Many people come here to admire outdoor sculptures and murals. Fairmount Park is the largest beautiful park in the world. If you want to learn more about the history of America, you should know the Liberty Bell that is a symbol of freedom. In July 1776, the sound of the Bell told people about the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.
to sign [sain] подписывать
murals [‘mjuərəlz] фреска, стенная живопись
sightseeings [‘sait,si:iŋz] достопримечательности
a sculpture [‘skʌlptʃə] скульптура
I. True or false
1. Philadelphia is the largest city of California.
2. Nowdays the city is a capital of the USA.
3. John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington often met in Philadelphia to discuss many serious questions.
4. Philadelphia is known as a sea-port and a shipping center.
5. It is a center of the intellectual and cultural activity.
6. Alexander Hamilton founded the Library company in 1776 in Philadelphia.
7. The city is famous for its outdoor sculptures and murals.
8. Many tourists come here to enjoy Disneyland Park.
9. There are many sky-scrapers in Philadelphia.
10. The Liberty Bell is a symbol of American Independence.
II. Find English equivalentsin the text
Колокол Свободы, Конституция, Декларация независимости, промышленный центр, растущее число небоскребов, Академия изобразительных искусств, Академия естесственных наук, уличные скульптуры, славиться чем-либо, узнать больше о чем-либо, любоваться стенной живописью.
III. These are the pictures of great American persons with wrong names. Find the mistakes
IV. Select the pictures into the following groups
1. Fairmount Park
2. The Academy of Musi
3. The Academy of Fine Arts
4. The Academy of Natural Sciences
5. Outdoor Sculptures
6. Sky-line
Keys: Fairmount Park (f, h,u); The Academy of Music (a,v); The Academy of Fine Arts (j, k, n, r, w); The Academy of Natural Sciences (c,d, m, p); Outdoor Sculptures (b, g, i, o); Sky-line (e, l, q, s, t).