Students will be able to
- create the awareness about environmental problems among people
- impart basic knowledge about the environment and its allied problems
- develop an attitude concern for the environment
- motivate public to participate in environment protection and environment improvement
- acquire skills to help the concerned individuals in identifying and solving environmental problems
- strive to attain harmony with nature
- understand tree growth, parts and tissues of a tree and the life cycle of a tree
- know the typical forest structure
- understand how forest health and management affect biodiversity, global warming and forest fragmentation
- identify and describe the parts of a flowering plant
- differentiate between types of plants
- describe the needs of plants
- practice giving advice to others on their roles in water conservation
- conserve energy, help the environment, reduce pollution, slow global warming and lower waste products in landfills
- paper and pencils, gardening tools, seed
- worksheets
- computer with Internet access
- video concerning plant, forests, water and pollution
Skills development
Pupils will practice
- talking about plants, forests, water and pollution
- asking and answering questions about topics
- writing
- vocabulary on topic plants, water, pollution, global warming, recycling
Tenses, Modal verbs: can, may, must, should
Lesson 1
Let`s plant flowers
Teacher: Dear pupils, guests and colleagues. I am glad to see you at our lesson today. We are going to learn a lot of new and interesting things about our plants, flowers, environment. You know children plants grow in all corners of the globe-even in extremely hot and extremely cold places. This is good news for people and animals because without plants we would soon die out. Plants provide us with food and materials they clean the air we breathe.
Now children your turn!
What is environment?
Pupil 1 Environment consists of air, water and land, it consists of everything we see around like trees, plants, flowers, animals, birds and also people. People like mother, neighbours, friends.
Pupil 2 Animals like pet dogs and cats are also a part of the environment. The fishes in the ponds are also found in the environment, Tress with birds butterflies on red roses, green grass below and blue sky above all make the environment.
Pupil 3 Environment provides us with air that we breathe, water that we drink, food that we eat and clothes that cover our body.
Teacher: Dear children we understand that environment belongs to all of us and let`s help to keep the environment clean. How…?
Pupil 1 never throw chocolate papers or garbage on the roads, on the ground.
Pupil 2 always throw the waste and garbage in a dustbin.
Pupil 3 water the plants every day as they give us food the air we breathe.
Teacher Dear children now we`ll watch a video, as we are going to plant flowers we should know the parts of the plants and how they grow.
(On the blackboard) [1]
Flower: the bloom or blossom of a plant.
Leaves: the main organs of photosynthesis and transpiration in plants.
Photosynthesis: a process used by plants to convert water, sunlight, oxygen.
Roots: the usually underground part of a seed plant body.
Seed: the unit of reproduction of a flowering plant.
Stem: stalk, a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant.
Worksheet-the parts of the plants [2]
Teacher Children we watched the video about the parts of the plants, seeds, how we can grow plants, did exercises and now I want to ask you some questions.
Why do we need plants?
Pupil 1 Plants take carbon dioxide out of the air.
Pupil 2 Plants release oxygen into the air which we need to breathe.
Pupil 3 Plants produce food that is healthy for us to eat.
What do plants need to grow? [3]
Pupil 1 A plant is a living. Plants need light, air and water to grow.
Pupil 2 Plants need plenty of sunlight. They use sunlight to make their own food. They trap light from the sun using their leaves.
Pupil 3 Plants also need plenty of water, their roots absorb water from the soil after it rains.
Pupil 4 Plants need air, they take in carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen back into the environment.
Pupil 5 Plants also use nutrients using their roots.
Pictures: The process of planting seeds in the flower pots (work on papers)
The pupils have plant pots, seeds, soil and water.
1. They fill the plant pot with soil.
2. Then put the seeds onto the soil.
3. Cover the seeds with more soil.
4. Water the seeds carefully.
5. Put the pots somewhere warm and water the seeds regularly. [4]
Teacher - Thank you children. You did very well. Now you know how to grow, take care of, water and save the plants. I hope you will always remember these words:
Save the Earth with farmers
Save the Earth with hard work
Save the Earth with Goodness
Save the Earth with smile and love.
Thanks a lot!
Lesson 2
Let`s save our forests.
Teacher-Good morning dear pupils, colleagues. I am glad to see you. Sit down please! Today you are welcome to an amazing trip to the forest. We will visit to a forest and spend a day there. We will also do some tasks, if you can pass perfectly all the tasks then at the end of our trip you will get good marks. The children are very excited as they love going on trips. So let`s start our trip to a rainforest.
The children get on a bus and the teacher begins to talk about rainforests, they are very important, there are a lot of animals there, there are a lot of plants too as it rains a lot, it rains two hundred days every year. (One of the boy sitting at the window doesn`t feel well, but he doesn`t want to bother the teacher and his friends). Two hours later the bus stops and they get off the bus.
Teacher continues to talk, children look around, it is very beautiful and green, the trees are so tall, it is warm, the ground is wet.
Pupil - Miss H. Why is it so dark?
Teacher - Because there are a lot of very tall trees and they don`t let the sun rays come in.
Teacher- Children you know we get a lot of things from these trees like rubber, coco and vanilla we can also get fruit like avocado. There are also a lot of animals, frogs, butterflies and birds.
Pupils – Hearing a noise. What a strange noise, Miss H.?
Teacher-Don`t be scared. Those are monkeys, they are talking to each other.
Pupil – Do people live in rainforests, Miss H.?
Teacher- Yes, there are people who live in the rainforest, they know a lot of things about plants and animals here.
Pupil – How do they get food?
Teacher-They get everything they need from the rainforests.
(Suddenly the boy who doesn`t feel well, falls on the ground, they are very worried and don`t know what to do, one of the pupils looks around and sees a 15-year-old boy gathering some berries, he comes near and say his grandmother can help them, so they go to the small village).
Grandmother-Looking at the boy she says, I know what you need, then she goes to a small plant, gets roots of a tree and cuts some leaves from it, she makes some tea with leaves and gives it to the boy, the tea is in a wooden bowl, the boy drinks it all, in a few minutes he feels better and thanks the boy`s grandmother.
Grandmother-You know you should thank the rainforest. [5]
1. The parts of the tree
2. I see…I touch…I feel…
Forest-a large area of land that is thickly covered with trees.
Rainforest-a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain.
Trunk – a thick main stem of a tree.
Bark-the outer covering of a tree.
Root-the part of a plant that grows under the ground and absorbs water and minerals that it sends to the rest of the plants.
Branch- a part of a tree that grows out from the main stem and on which leaves, flowers and fruit grow.
Teacher-Let`s tell it everybody, that way we can help to protect it. [6], [7]
In conclusion, how we can stop deforestation, by recycling, we should recycle all the things that are made of tree e.g. paper, furniture etc. Because it lead to less cutting of tree and also the products of trees will be used wisely. One tone of recycled paper can save 17 trees. So you get your good marks and always remember the grandmother`s words.
Lesson 3
Save Water! Water is life!
Water-a liquid you can drink and is found all over the world in lakes, oceans, rivers and glaciers.
Drought-a very dry and hot period of time with little water.
Water conservation-is to save water.
Water contamination-unwanted pollution in waterways.
Contamination-unwanted pollution.
Teacher - Dear pupils, good morning. I am glad to see you at our lesson today. Today we are going to speak about water. As we know water is the most precious gift of nature to humanity. Earth is often called the “Water Planet” because it is the only planet in our solar system which has liquid water on its surface. About 70% of the surface of Earth is covered by water. The other parts of Earth is made up of continents and islands which we live on.
Now children your turn. [9]
What do you know about water?
Pupil 1 Water is a colorless substance found all over the Earth. Water is found in three different forms on Earth-gas, solid and liquid.
Pupil 2 The form water tasks depends on temperature. Water on our planet flows as liquid in rivers, streams and oceans, is solid as ice at the North and South Poles and is gas in the atmosphere.
Pupil 3 Water is also underground and inside plants and animals. All living things need water in some form to survive on Earth. People can go weeks without food but can live only a few days without water.
Pupil 4 Water is an important resource with many uses including food production, cleaning, transportation, power generation and more.
Teacher - Children what do you know about pollution?
Pupil 1 –the process of making air, water, soil dirty.
Pupil 2-water pollution is one of the famous and one of the largest problems in the world. People in Africa cannot drink clean water, their children die because a big part of the water is polluted. Children in Kenya often have to go many kilometers to collect drinking water. At all over 2 million people do not have clean water, and we do not know how it will be in future.
Pupil 3 Polluted water killed animals and plants too. There is no ocean or sea which is not used as a dump. Many seas are used for dumping industrial and nuclear waste. This poison kills fish and sea animals.
Pupil 4 As the rivers, lakes are poisoned too, fish and reptiles cannot live in them. There is not enough oxygen in the water. In such places all the birds leave their habitats and many plants die. If people drink this water they can die too. It happens so because factories produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers. So they poison water.
Teacher - We must keep our planet and water of our planet clean. If we want to live we should guard our clean water and do not pollute them because we could live without food about a month but without water we could die in 4-5 days. Let`s keep our water clean!
So we should take measures to save water as.
1. Water is essential to life on earth.
2. We need water to grow food, keep clean, to stay alive.
3. No living person or thing can survive without it.
4. Water is needed for many human activities such as washing and cooking.
In conclusion we also should save water and let`s be water wise! [10]
- Close the water tap while brushing teeth.
- Wash the fruits and vegetables in one pan instead of washing separate.
- Take a shower instead of a bath if you`re keeping it short.
- Use dishwashers and washing machines only on full loads.
Task “It`s time to test your water sense!” [11]
Lesson 4
The Hazards of Human Pollution of Nature
Teacher - Good morning dear pupils, guests and colleagues! Today we are going to have our conclusion lesson on topic “Save Nature”. We are going to discuss some important problems connected about this global problem.
We need certain things to stay alive and healthy. We need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. We need also food that is safe to eat and housing to shelter us. But we can`t get all these things by ourselves. We live in larger communities so we can solve our health problems only working together. Before answering the questions I want you to do a task/worksheets/ [12]
Now answer the question.
1. What pollutes the air we breathe? [13]
Pupil 1-Polluted air is a community problem. Air becomes polluted in many ways. Cars, trucks, buses and airplanes are among the worst polluters. They send partly gases into the air.
Pupil 2- Air can be polluted by smoke and gases from factories; some of the harmful gases that pour into the air are invisible.
2. How can air pollution affect our health?
Pupil 3-Air pollution can cause or make worse diseases. They usually affect older people.
3. What do people do to cut down on air pollution?
Pupil 4 - Today, many factories use devices to reduce the smoke, dust, harmful gases. Special kinds of gasoline for cars can help reduce air pollution.
Teacher - Every day people throw away amazing amounts of garbage and trash. What happens to these wastes after they are picked up by garbage trucks?
Pupils - Trucks take the garbage to out-of-the-way places called garbage dumps. Sometimes the trash is burned, causing air pollution. But the more healthy way to get rid of solid wastes is to spread them over the land and pack them down. After that a thick layer of earth can be put down over the garbage and trees and grass can be planted.
Teacher - Today many scientists and world leaders realize that the Earth is in danger. It`s really very simple. Either we stop killing the Earth or we kill ourselves. We need a cleaner, healthier planet. Millions of ordinary people – both young and old –understand this, too. Some of them belong to the so called “Green” or earth-friendly organizations in countries all over the world. Groups like “Green Peace” have already helped to stop the hunting of some animals. [14]
On the 20th of March we had Environmental training-discussion members of ISSD-Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Development of Communities. Thanks to our cooperation with NABU Armenia, so we also started sorting our wastes. After installation of the bins we discussed environmental issues in our country, their solutions and other questions.
NABU would like to inspire people to get involved with nature. We want future generations to enjoy a world living in-one that offers a great variety of habitats and species as well as good air, clean water, healthy soil and as large a reserve of natural resources as possible.
We came to the conclusion that there are lots of environmental problems nowadays, mainly because of pollution. It is the contamination of air, water and soil by different materials that interfere with human health and quality of life.
The emissions from industries and engines, including cars, are big causes of air pollution and simple things that we do at home, like using aerosols, have bad effects on the ozone layer, which protects life on Earth from ultraviolet radiation.
Water is also suffering from pollution by domestic, municipal and also industrial waste.
It is up to us to stop damaging the environment. We should be environment friendly!
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the biggest enemy of the environment?
2. What are the causes of air pollution?
3. What`s wrong with aerosols?
4. What is the function of the Ozone Layer?
5. Why is water suffering from pollution?
6. Why do you think we should all be environment friendly?
Complete the sentences with should/shouldn`t do to save the Earth
should shouldn`t
1. We ------burn trees.
2. We-------walk or ride a bike to school.
3. We-------leave the tap running when we`re brushing the teeth.
4. We ------turn off the lights and the computer when we leave the room.
5. We-------recycle waste paper, bottles and cars.
6. We-------use aerosols.
7. We-------use low energy light bulbs.
8. We-------drop litter in the streets.
Teacher –
Without water there is no life
Without nature there is no food
Without air we can`t live
Without land we can`t stay
So save environment
Save nature
Save water
Stop air pollution and
Save yourself!
Thanks for attention!
Английский клуб Ирина Кошманова 90 устных тем на английском языке
Irina Koshmanova 90 Topics for Discussion in English
Internet resources
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_HcjcvIyNE [1]
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/408842472403254306/[2]
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/203013895677330072/[3]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg21PmZL1Ao [4]
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/120400990011291960/[5]
- https://www.pinterest.com/pin/239535273907469352/[6]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn_3TPsKsq4 [7]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtN-qish49k[8]
- https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Air-and-Water-Worksheets-for-Grade-2-3-1134339[9]
- http://www.waterwise.co.za/site/news/education/Lets_be_Water_Wise.html [10]
- https://www.dcwater.com/kids/activities/savewater.html [11]
- https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/about_pollution/be-auxiliary-verb/87639 [12]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHZk4zGHl1A [13]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-IoJYGKOCU [14]