Квест-игра "Родной школе посвящается"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Место проведения: здание школы.

Форма проведения:учебно-познавательная игра.

Форма организации: групповая.

Возрастная категория учащихся: учащиеся 9-11 классов.

Цели мероприятия: Знакомство с историей школы, основными этапами ее развития, школьным музеем.


Формирование коммуникативной и кросскультурной компетенции путем развития умения актуализировать полученные ранее знания и находить необходимую информацию в процессе выполнения творческого задания.


  • создание условий для применения знаний и умений в знакомой и новых учебных ситуациях через нестандартную форму подачи нового материала (квест);
  • расширение кругозора учащихся;
  • развитие речевых умений говорения, чтения, аудирования.


  • активизация речемыслительной деятельности и творческих способностей учащихся через использование информационных технологий;
  • развитие способности к соотнесению; развитие воображения;
  • развитие умения применять полученные знания;
  • развитие навыков групповой самоорганизации, умения сотрудничества со сверстниками по теме урока, вести диалог (познавательных, коммуникативных, регулятивных УУД).


  • формирование личностных УУД через содержание учебного материала;
  • воспитание уважения к культуре и традициям своей школы;
  • формирование толерантного сознания, способности формировать свое собственное мнение.

Планируемый результат

Предметные умения


  • совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Школа»;
  • слушать текст и отвечать на вопросы (слушание с пониманием основного содержания);
  • актуализировать знания по теме «Школа» для выполнения заданий;
  • составить текст поздравительной открытки.

Личностные УУД:

  • формирование целостного мировоззрения, учитывающего социальное, культурное, языковое, духовное многообразие современного мира;
  • формирование ответственного отношения к учению, готовности и способности к саморазвитию, самообразованию на основе мотивации к обучению;
  • формирование коммуникативной компетентности в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками;
  • понимание возможностей самореализации посредством иностранного языка.

Регулятивные УУД:

  • умение ставить учебные цели и задачи;
  • организация самостоятельной деятельности;
  • адекватная оценка своих возможностей и контроль своего времени.

Коммуникативные УУД:

  • слушание и понимание основного содержания текста, содержащего новую лексику;
  • организация и планирование учебного сотрудничества со сверстниками;
  • использование адекватных языковых средств для отображения своих мыслей, владение устной и письменной речью.


  • постановка проблемы, аргументирование её актуальности;
  • осуществление расширенного поиска информации с использованием ресурсов интернета.

Ожидаемые метапредметные результаты:

  • развитие коммуникативной компетенции, в том числе способности к сотрудничеству с окружающими людьми;
  • развитие исследовательских учебных действий, включая навыки работы с информацией: поиск и выделение необходимой информации, обобщение и закрепление информации;
  • расширение пользовательских возможностей работы с компьютером;
  • выработка умения семантического чтения, возможности прогнозировать содержание текста на основе заголовков / ключевых слов;
  • осуществление регулятивных действий самонаблюдения, самоконтроля, самооценки.

Предварительная подготовка:

  • подбор материала;
  • определение ведущих и организаторов из числа лучших учащихся школы;
  • разработка заданий участникам;
  • выбор творческой группы для подготовки оформления школы;
  • создание презентации в Microsoft Power Point.

Оформление школы: фотографии с видами школы, выставка учебников английского языка, символы школы, план школы.

Оснащение мероприятия: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, раздаточные материалы, презентация в Microsoft Power Point «История школы глазами учителей английского языка», разноцветные галстуки, MP3 плеер, канцелярские принадлежности.

Этапы мероприятия:

I. Организационный этап «Школа встречает гостей».

II. Основной этап:

1. «С чего все начиналось…».

2. «Директора школы»

3. «Школьная символика».

4. «История школы глазами учителей английского языка».

5. «В школьном музее».

6. «Ими гордится школа».

III. Заключительный этап. Рефлексия – создание поздравительной открытки школе.


The first station

A: Good morning, dear guests!

I: We are glad to welcome you in our school.

A: We’re Artyom and Ira, the pupils of the 7th form.

I:   But today we’ll be your guides. We’d like you to make a small trip around our school, learn its history, the most outstanding events…

A:   Get to know the teachers, who used to work and are working now, students, traditions…

I: On your way you’ll meet a lot of hints. Be careful and don’t miss them.

A:   Are there any people who have never been to our school?

I: Oh, I see. Well, so you won’t get lost.

A:  Anyway, here is the map with the route of the ground floor, we won’t go upstairs.

I: Even if you have been to our school millions of times, we are sure you’ll gladly learn something new about it.

A: So, we are ready to start. School №3 opened its doors to the pupils on the 1st of September, 1976. So, it was 40 years old this year. 168 first formers went to the new school for the first time.

I: It is the biggest school in Protvino, as it covers 10673 sq. metres. The architect Konstantin Davidovich Frenkel’, who also designed Lyсeum and Lyceum №2, was awarded the special Lenin prize for its design.

A: And it’s not surprising. It’s not just a school, but a complex of a music school, a secondary school, a swimming pool and workshops joined together.

I: Are you ready to begin our quest? Here is the first task for you.

A: Protvino is famous for beautiful bas-reliefs on its buildings, and school №3 as well.

I: You have to find the photo of our school among other buildings.

A:   You have done the first task very well, so we are giving this photo to you. You’ll need it a bit later, so don’t lose it, please.

I: The first headmaster was …

A:   Unfortunately we have to stop here, as our classmates are waiting for us. You know, it’s a very busy day today, but our story will be continued.

I: Other guides will do it. And we want to give you this key of the kingdom, it will lead you to the next station of your trip.

A:   Hope it won’t be difficult for you. We wish you good luck and say «Good bye». 

I: It was nice to meet you.

The second station

S: We welcome you at the second station of your trip. Our names are Serafima and Nikita.

N:   You were really clever to understand the hint. Really, the key suits only the head of the kingdom.

S: The head of the school is the headmaster. Although, as you know, our school is forty years old, there were only three of them.

N:   As we are the 8th formers, we have had a chance to have only one headmaster.

S: We ask for your help.  Let’s match the photos to the descriptions of their activity.

1) The headmaster taught Physics in French at schools in Algeria, so he, maybe, your colleague and a teacher of French. I wonder if he or she knows English. Who knows? Also this person worked as a headmaster in Cuba and in 1976 he became the first headmaster of our school. The headmaster wanted it to be a perfect place for teaching and studying. Though this person is elderly now, he continues working at one of schools of our town.

2) This person had been the headmaster of our school for 26 years. So we can compare him or her to Elizabeth II for the longest period of management. During this person’s work in 1991 our school became the basis for cooperation with the Lyceum and College Descartes in France. Teachers and students from France came to our school, as well as ours «got bored» in France.

3) This person has been working as a headmaster of our school since 2007 and initiated the opening of our school museum in 2011. In 2009 this headmaster helped to establish the first Cadet class and Diana Yurievna Polukhina was the class teacher. In 2017 the pupils of the second cadet class are going to get their certificates and Natalia Olegovna Muravyova is the cadets’ class teacher. What a strange coincidence! In 2014 thanks to this headmaster’s efforts, our school was named after the hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Fyodorovich Lavrinenko. In 2015 the school forestry "A Green House" was created.

N: Thanks a lot for your help. Now we’ll recognize ex-headmasters in the street of the town, if we meet them.

S: And we’ll have a chance to greet them with a smile.

N: Are you ready to continue? If so, here is another hint for you. Find it on the photos.

S: Well done. Now you have to find the same picture but in a larger size.

N: Don’t be afraid and use the map. Bye.

S: It was pleasure to deal with you. Good luck.

The third station

E:  Welcome to the country of Coloured Ties!

P: You were very attentive and deserve a prize. This picture is for you. This is the emblem of our school. We’ll tell you about it a bit later. Keep it.

E:  Now we’ll continue our trip together. By the way, our names are Katya and Polina.

P: As our station is called «The Country of Coloured Ties», let’s tie the symbol of our school Republic. And for a short period of time you’ll become the citizens of our Republic too.

E:   Some of you used to do it a lot, as you were Pioneers. But if you have any problems, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

P: You look so colourful and bright now! I think it will be interesting to learn that our school Republic was founded in 2007. The leader of the organization is the president.

E: He is chosen every year. This September we also had elections. As you are so attentive, it won’t be difficult to find his name.

P: The Country of Coloured Ties consists of the ministries and cities. Each city has its own name and a mayor. Look here, please.

E: The council of seniors helps the president to control the activity of ministries. They are different and responsible for different tasks. For example, you can see that the walls are decorated with festive wallpapers. What ministry did it? Did it do it well? Do you like the papers?

P: As any country, our organization has other symbols except the ties and the emblem. They are the flag and the anthem.

E:   Look at the flag, please. It has three horizontal stripes: yellow, green and blue. What do you think they mean? Any ideas?

P: They mean a person, the Earth and peace.

E:  As for the emblem, which you have been given, once it was designed and painted by the student of the 8th form.

P: We can see green branches of hazel. It’s a sign of new generation. The red ribbon is a sign of mind and truth. The nuts represent the strength of knowledge.

E:   In the centre there is the sun with flying birds. They tell us about enjoyment, warmth and happy childhood. The blue sky symbolizes the trust between the teaches and students.

P: You know, we really respect each other, share the same interests and do a lot of activities together.

E:   For example, perform our school anthem. As you are the citizens of our Republic, let’s do it together.

P: You’re just awesome! I’m in awe of you.

E: So am I, but, unfortunately, we have to leave. Here is the hint for the next station. Bye.

The fourth station

K: Welcome to our assembly hall. We are Kristina and Polina. Follow us, please. Keep the hint, please, you’ll need it later.

P: You’ve already seen the portraits of our headmasters. And here is a photo - gallery of the teachers ever worked and working at our school. All of them are highly skilled, understanding and helpful. A lot of teachers are awarded with different governmental diplomas.

K:   But today we’d like to remember the English teachers who used to work in our school. They are some of the most experienced ones, on average they had been teaching for over 30 years.

P: Look at the screen.  The first teacher we’ll tell you about is Smorodina Galina Ivanovna. She worked at our school till 1996. (taught Elena Alexandrovna?) Thanks to this teacher the students began learning English using Eckersley books.

K: The next teacher is Buravtseva Marina Mikhailovna. She worked at our school till 2011.

P: Golobokova Tatiana Vladimirovna taught English at our school till 2009.

K:   All of them loved teaching English and enjoyed making language learning easier. They did their best to teach English.
In 1980s they organized the International Friendship Club in our school. It was called «The Globe». The pupils had a lot of pen-pals from different countries and even used to visit Bulgaria, Finland, the USA and Germany.

P: A lot of students of that time remember school parties, concerts, song-competitions, different other events organized by these teachers.

K:  There’s hardly a person who doesn’t remember the Stogovs family. What other textbooks did the teachers use? Can you name any?

P: Brilliant answers. Have a look at the textbooks the teachers used in their work. They are different from ours, aren’t they? What differences can you find?

K:   Can you imagine how difficult it was to teach students without any TV-sets, recorders, screens, projectors.

P: We are grateful to all teachers for their hard work.

K: Can you imagine what books our next generation will use?

P: Thanks a lot for your answers. Your trip will be continued in our school museum. There you can find the photos of some teachers we’ve just told you about. Bye.

The fifth station

L:   We are glad to see you in our school museum devoted to the history of our school. We are Liza and Nina. Do you mind looking at the photos?

N:   Who can you recognize? Pay attention, that there is one teacher of English we didn’t tell you about. Unfortunately, we lost her last year.

L:   Thank you. You were very attentive. The work of teachers is difficult enough, full of surprises, unexpected moments. So, they are good at dealing with all these cases. What about guessing some riddles?

N: You have to guess the riddles and find the answers among the exhibits of our museum.

What is it that looks like a ball, 
But stands still and does not fall
Off its thin and graceful legs? 
Children like to turn it round, 
Rivers, mountains, lakes are found, 
Countries, states and their towns
Can be seen all around.
What is it?

P: It’s a globe.

L: Thank you for your answer. Let’s have a look at it. This globe was the first illustrative material at history lessons.

N: I’m made of wood and I like to be clean, so don’t you dare write on me! 

P: It’s a desk.

L: You are absolutely right. Such desks appeared in the mid-70s. Did you have a chance to sit at it?

N:   I am small.

I am an electronic instrument.
I can add, subtract, multiply and divide.
You can use me on Maths lesson.   

P:   It’s a calculator.

L:   Right you are.

Without a tongue, without an ear, 
I can speak, and sing, and hear. 

P:   It’s a tape recorder.

N:   Nowadays it’s difficult to imagine our life without computers. But a few years ago the situation was different. Teachers and pupils used tape-recorders. And they needed tapes to listen to records. Do you remember what tapes you used at that time?

And the calculators were not the same as we have now. Some of them used to operate on mains power.

L:   What has a tongue and has to be answered, and yet cannot say a word?

P: It’s a bell.

N: Well done. The bell you see here was the first one to ring on the 1st of September 1976.

L: And this bell is for you.

N:   Thank you for your answers. You have succeeded in this station and completed all the tasks, so you get another hint.

The sixth station

T1: Every year a large number of talented children leave school. But the pride of each school are the graduates. Especially some of them. Who do you think I’m speaking about? Of course, the medalists.

T2:   On the desk you can see some cards with numbers. Have a look at them. Be ready to answer the questions and find out what these numbers are connected with. If you do everything correctly, you will be able to make a phrase.

  • How many medalists were there in our school? (181)
  • What was the most fruitful year? (1987)
  • When did Elena Alexandrovna Sedykh, the English teacher, leave the school? Her surname was Golysheva then. (1991)
  • You’ve already heard about the author of our school emblem. Her name is Irina Ivanova. When did she finish the school? (2006)
  • How many medalists were there last year? (2)

The pupils make up the sentence: “WE ARE PROUD OF THEM.”

T1:  There is a tradition to make presents on birthdays. As it’s the birthday of our school today, let’s make a special card to congratulate it on the occasion. You have everything necessary for it.

The pupils make the birthday card.

T2:   Thank you for your work. We’ll keep this card for future generations in our school museum.


  1. http://proschool3.ru
  2. http://www.protvino.ru/