Урок английского языка по теме “Nobel prize winners”. 9-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9

Цель урока:

  • Формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.
  • Освоение способов решения проблемных ситуаций в сложной коммуникации.

Планируемые результаты: личностные, предметные, метапредметные

1. Постановка темы и формулирование учебно-познавательной задачи

Hello, everybody.

Look at the quotation

“Modern civilization is everything that has been achieved thanks to science”

2. Brainstorming.


T: What is science?  Give us as many ideas as you can. What ideas come to your mind in connection with this word?

Can we imagine a life of a civilized person without science?

Is science and technological process good for us?

Which of them are good and useful for us?

Which of them were negative?

Students read the quotations and share their opinions.

Suggested Answer Key

We can’t imagine a life of a civilized man without scientists and their inventions. They make our life easy and more comfortable.
In my opinion,  technological progress is good. It brings up progress and development for the humanity. I think all inventions lead to better living and comfort.
Inventing paper, TV, printing, the Internet, antibiotics were really progressive. They helped people to be  healthier and educated. Some of them make our life easier.
Inventing weapons was negative because arms kill people.

3. T:  Why do people become scientists? Begin their career of scientists? Do you think it is difficult to be a scientist? Why? Why not?

Discuss these questions with your partner. Work in pairs. Comment on your partner’s ideas.


4. And now do you know   scientists who brought fame and glory to others?
Student’s  answers.

So the subject of our lesson today is “The name bringing fame and glory to others”

5.  T: Would you like to be a scientist?  Why? Why not?

Личностные: Принятие и освоение социальной роли обучающегося и развитие мотивов учебной деятельности


  • развитие умений говорения (спонтанной речи);
  • совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков.


  • определение темы урока
  • формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;
  • развитие мысленного воспроизведения ситуации.
  • овладение способностью принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств ее осуществления.

6.  Now it’s time to improve our  wordpower.  I’d like you to do the task. Compare your opinions with the opinion of this person. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the words from the box. Before doing it let’s remember some derivatives of the words we need.

Предметные: совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков.

Планируемы результаты: личностные, предметные, метапредметные

Обобщение и систематизация знаний

  • осуществление взаимного контроля и оказание в сотрудничестве необходимой взаимопомощи
  • самостоятельный выбор основания и критериев для указанного упражнения.

7.  Do you know a person who invented the dynamite?

Suggested Answer Key: It was A. Nobel.

Was his invention destructive?

Suggested Answer Key: It was.

But most people remember his name for another deed, don’t they?

Suggested Answer Key: He is remembered for the Noble Prize.

Today we shall speak about this person, who was able to make progress in science and he was honored during his life. He invented the dynamite but blamed himself throughout all his life. So he created and established his own fond to support the most progressive achievements. He was a person whose name brought fame and glory to others.

Group work   Presentation

T: You can see a table there. Work in groups. Discuss with your friends and write down what you know about this man

I know

I want to know

I have learnt

I. Invented the dynamite. Established the fund .Was born in Sweden     

T: Well, Read your ideas, please.

Each group reads their sentences to the class.

T: Well, I see you know a lot about this man, but what else would you like to know? Discuss with your friends and write down your questions.

Students discuss and fill in the second column of the table.

Did he have a family? What were his parents? Who were the first Noble Prize winners?

Read your questions please.

Each group suggests the ideas and the table on the blackboard is filled in.

As for me, I want to add some more questions, too. Here they are:

Why was the Nobel Prize established?

What fields were the Russians awarded in?

When did the first award ceremony take place? Presentation. 

Личностные: Развитие навыков сотрудничества со сверстниками в разных ситуациях.

Предметные: Применение знаний в новых ситуациях.


  • Готовность слушать собеседника и вести диалог.

Овладение навыками построения речевого высказывания в соответствии с задачами коммуникации в устной форме.

  • развитие  навыков  критического мышления посредством таких приемов как таблица ЗХУ,
  • установление  в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности.
  • умение работать в группе.

Критерии определения уровня внимания и интереса учащихся к излагаемому учебному материалу:

  • активность и эмоциональность учащихся на уроке;
  • качественное выполнение задания учащимися

T: I want you to watch the presentation and get some more information about A. Nobel. (презентация готовится по тексту – приложение 2)

Students  listen to, watch and analyze  the presentation and write down the information to answer the questions and fulfill the table.

He didn’t have a family. His father was an engineer and his mother kept a house.

T: Well, have all the questions got answers?

Students  answer the questions.

Личностные: Повышение мотивации к учебной деятельности, удовлетворение от самостоятельно решенной проблемной ситуации

Предметные:  Совершенствование коммуникации и общей речевой культуры, расширение лингвистического запаса и лингвистического кругозора,  развитие навыков аудирования  по теме


  • активное использование речевых средств для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач.
  • принятие разных точек зрения;
  • умение найти доводы, сделать выводы

6. Relaxation.

T: Well, I think it’s time to relax. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Breathe  in. Breathe  out. Let’s  pretend it’s summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. (Pause) Your troubles float away. You love your relatives, your school, your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate  every  good thing. The  Earth  is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of  yourself. You have much energy. You are in good spirits. Now open your eyes. How do you feel? Better?

7. T: Do you think it is a good idea to award prizes to scientists for their work? Why? Why not? Your home task was to read the text about Russian Nobel Prize winners in Physics and Chemistry. Answer these questions in groups.

8. Writing a sinkwein poem

T: I hope that we have found out much information about the great scientist A. Nobel. To sum up I suggest writing a sinkwein poem on the theme.

(Синквейн - это пятистишие, где первая строка - одно ключевое слово, определяющее содержание. Вторая строка - два прилагательных, характеризующих данное понятие. Третья строка - три глагола, показывающих действие понятия. Четвертая строка - короткое предложение, в котором автор высказывает  свое  отношение к проблеме. Пятая  строка - одно слово обычно существительное, через  которое человек выражает свои чувства, ассоциации, связанные с данным понятием.)

  • Students work in groups.
  • Suggested Answer Key

Alfred Nobel

  • Talented, generous
  • Invented, established, created

The name giving fame and glory to others

A generous person

Личностные: Осознание ценности и значимости приобретенных знаний.

Предметные: получение новых знаний;  приминение знаний в новой ситуации.


  • активное использование речевых средств для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач.
  • осознание и осмысление собственных действий.
  • умение работать в группе
  • готовность слушать собеседника
  • развитие познавательной и личностной рефлексии

T: Thanks a lot for your work at the lesson, I enjoyed it. Your homework is to write an article on the history of the Nobel Prize and give examples of scientists who have won it. The plan of your article  is in your papers.

Over 80 British people were awarded the Nobel Prizes.  It is more than any other nation in the world except of the United States. Let’s read ex.1 at page 171. Who was awarded the Nobel Prizes?

What is one of the best prizes in the world?

Who is usually awarded the Nobel Prize?

How many Britains have received Nobel Prizes?

Why was Alexander Fleming awarded the Nobel Prize?

Учитель задаёт творческое домашнее задание учащимся.

Планируемы результаты: личностные, предметные,  метапредметные

Личностные:  осознать необходимость ответственного отношения к выполнению домашнего задания.

Метапредметные:  самостоятельное  выполнение творческого  задания, преодолевая возникнувшие трудности.

Приложение 1